Well-Known Member
Do you remember typing this:
Walmart is a manifestation of a broken system. Walmart itself is not the root cause nor the sole problem for that matter. But that doesn't expunge Walmart as a contributor to the larger problem.
You are saying that Walmart executives are doing something wrong. I would say you are also saying that Walmart is doing something immoral.
You typed that. So again, what crimes have the executives at Walmart commit?
Or are you just going to the TROLL PATROL shuffle and just bs us some more.
A headache is a manifestation of a greater underlying problem and not the specific problem. You may take an aspirin and alleviate the symptom of the headache but the root cause likely still exists. But Walmart is not without its guilt either. Google "regulatory capture" and then study how that works in Washington DC.
Also in the case of Walmart, google eminent domain abuse where Walmart couldn't get local residents to sell their homes and land in order to build another store so Walmart got the local gov't to condemn the property under eminent domain and then give it to Walmart so they could build their store. When the state takes private land from it's citizens to turn around and give it to someone else, why isn't that welfare and a form of socialism? Thus it raises questions about your true nature as you blindly defend Walmart's executives.
WOW, Walmart making big profits from food stamps and using the state to redistribute land. And you call the troll patrol leftists!
I suspect at least on the issue of eminent domain abuse, the troll patrol would oppose that so on that matter I'll for sure throw in with them here as opposed to being a commie land grabber like you.
As to my "dissing rich people" I will add this point and I'll leave you to go with it where you wish. Up to a certain level of wealth, one can make it by hard work, innovation and benefiting a greater good and this is most welcomed. However, beyond a certain point in wealth, it's all but impossible IMO to achieve such without using the State to game the system if you will. Even many on the right are speaking out against Crony Capitalism and I support them too.
Now, have at it!