
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"There’s no law on the planet that will change how a man values the life of another."

Best part of the story:

You can shut up about how things would have been different if someone had a gun

I’ve fired and used guns my whole life. I don’t claim to be an expert or even overly proficient. And though I have shot a few thousand rounds in my life, I don’t think that would matter for me or others in this situation. So here’s what you soon-to-be heroes with conceal weapons permits should know:

  • You’re not Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, or Bruce Wayne. Situational awareness takes training that you don’t get as a civilian. You won’t recognize a threat until it’s too late.
  • Unless you’ve trained with the exact weapons system you’re carrying, you’ll miss. It takes hundreds of hours with a firearm to really be proficient. Do you know what you’d do if it jams? Can you reload before the last round leaves your chamber? How many rounds in your magazine? Have you even practiced drawing your weapon if it’s concealed?
  • Proficiency deteriorates without practice. When was the last time you fired your gun? Police and military practice regularly for their jobs. You do it irregularly for fun.
  • A thousand hours on the range aren’t the same as a hundred seconds in a real shootout. Can you recognize the threat, obtain a site picture, and neutralize the target with a gun pointed at you? Police and military don’t just learn how to do this once, they actually train in these situations.
  • There’s a solid chance you won’t even pull the trigger. There is huge psychological trauma associated with taking a life. Estimates are that between 1/3rd and 1/4th of guns on the battlefield in WWII were never shot. There are even police officers and soldiers who have been killed because they didn’t have what it took to kill.
  • Even if you train with your gun, you do it until you get it right. Police and military do it until they don’t get it wrong. You’re just not ready like they are to use your gun.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The one element is the most alarming in this crime in colorado is the introduction of IED's to american crime.

This should alarm all of us. IED's are a thing of the middle east, and now, this american terrorist is the first to rig his home.

There will be more. Look at gun crime, over the years, as the guns get bigger and better, so do the crimes. Now, america has to deal with men who will rig up explosives and kill americans like they do in the middle east.

I just want to know why its always white men who do these kinds of shootings. I get the inner city shootings, i grew up there, so that doesnt surprise me, but what I am confused over is the white mans willingness to kill innocent person who have done nothing to them.




Well-Known Member
President Barack Obama, speaking to the National Urban League on Wednesday evening, sounded a call for gun control--and revealed his apparent ignorance about the U.S. military in the process. Obama told the audience that "AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals." However, the U.S. military does not generally use the AK-47, a weapon originally developed in the Soviet Union that was subsequently adopted by many other communist states. The AK-47 also became the weapon of choice for guerilla armies and terrorist groups.

Does Obama Think U.S. Soldiers Use AK-47s?

Good, I hope he continues on with that message. He has already pissed off a lot of business owners telling them that they didn't build their businesses, now all he has to do is tell gun owners that they don't have the right to own a firearm and his defeat will be all but assured.


Well-Known Member
As if Romney didn't make a fool out of himself in London !

As a former executive of an Olympic committee Romney's comments came from a position authority on the subject and he cited why he was concerned. As a community organizer Obama makes his comments from a position of ignorance and incompetency which is reflected in his poor handling of the economy.


Für Meno :)
As a former executive of an Olympic committee Romney's comments came from a position authority on the subject and he cited why he was concerned. As a community organizer Obama makes his comments from a position of ignorance and incompetency which is reflected in his poor handling of the economy.

Figures, telling the Brits they don't have the Olympic Spirit.
And also comparing Summer and Winter Olympics are apples and oranges !

If he wants to become the new US prez, he shouldn't be starting with degrading the English people !
Figures, telling the Brits they don't have the Olympic Spirit.
And also comparing Summer and Winter Olympics are apples and oranges !

If he wants to become the new US prez, he shouldn't be starting with degrading the English people !

For one they don't vote in our elections or run our country. We were the one's in North America with the balls to kick them out, remember. Give our regards to your Queen.


golden ticket member
Figures, telling the Brits they don't have the Olympic Spirit.
And also comparing Summer and Winter Olympics are apples and oranges !

If he wants to become the new US prez, he shouldn't be starting with degrading the English people !

Romney has first hand knowledge of the Olympics and how they however only have first hand knowledge of one thing !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney has first hand knowledge of the Olympics and how they however only have first hand knowledge of one thing !!

Yes he does, asking and receiving TAX PAYER MONEY in the millions and then OUTSOURCING THE OLYMPIC UNIFORMS AND SUPPLIES TO OVERSEAS NATIONS and paying for that with TAX PAYER MONEY.

Here is MITT singing America the beautiful as she Outsources jobs and spends american tax payer money.
Mitt Romney Sings - YouTube

YOU GUYS ARE DOPES if you think this maroon has a chance to win the white house.




Für Meno :)
Screw him !
I lived and attended the Calgary Olympics.
It was the first money making Winter Olympics in history to that date ! (with a record of over a few $100 million in 1988) ! And everything built and still standing today.

Vancouver also walked out with a surplus !

Romney borrowed (got money from the feds to pull it off ) !


golden ticket member
Screw him !
I lived and attended the Calgary Olympics.
It was the first money making Winter Olympics in history to that date ! (with a record of over a few $100 million in 1988) ! And everything built and still standing today.

Vancouver also walked out with a surplus !

Romney borrowed (got money from the feds to pull it off ) !

That's how it's done in this country!!! Every person who has headed up the Olympics has gone before congress for money. It's how it's done here and we don't care how Canada does it.

You just want to find something to pick on Romney about. You have no dog in this fight!! You don't vote here and thank goodness for that!


Well-Known Member
Figures, telling the Brits they don't have the Olympic Spirit.
And also comparing Summer and Winter Olympics are apples and oranges !

If he wants to become the new US prez, he shouldn't be starting with degrading the English people !

You mean like return a gift from the U.K. meant to honor the tragedy of 9-11? Or give the Queen an ipod loaded with all of Obama's speeches? Or give the queen DVD's that can't be played on a European dvd player?


Für Meno :)
You must be getting DVD's mixed up with VCR tapes !
A DVD will work in any pc or laptop (not sure about the players though, though just like the former VCR players, some had international systems built in.
I'm certain the Queen and all world leaders , including even Al Quaida own and operate players and recorders that work internationally !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You mean like return a gift from the U.K. meant to honor the tragedy of 9-11? Or give the Queen an ipod loaded with all of Obama's speeches? Or give the queen DVD's that can't be played on a European dvd player?

The Bust wasnt a GIFT, BRETT, it was a LOAN to GW BUSH to be returned at the end of his term. It was. It was returned to the UK Historical society.

I cant believe you are still trying to use that exaggeration.




golden ticket member
You must be getting DVD's mixed up with VCR tapes !
A DVD will work in any pc or laptop (not sure about the players though, though just like the former VCR players, some had international systems built in.
I'm certain the Queen and all world leaders , including even Al Quaida own and operate players and recorders that work internationally !
Who gives a :censored2:!! Take your brain and pickle it some more!!


Well-Known Member
You must be getting DVD's mixed up with VCR tapes !
A DVD will work in any pc or laptop (not sure about the players though, though just like the former VCR players, some had international systems built in.
I'm certain the Queen and all world leaders , including even Al Quaida own and operate players and recorders that work internationally !

Wrong, there are different DVD formats for different regions of the world. A DVD from Europe will not play in a US DVD player, and vice versa.