

Strength through joy

BuzzFeed’s Ryan Broderick has unearthed a small group of “Holmies,” die-hard James Holmes fans who gush supposed love for the alleged killer on Tumblr like he was a teenage vampire. Not just that: Holmies are fixated on every minute detail of Holmes, from the plaid shirt Holmes was caught in to his bright-red hair, to the few childhood photos that have surfaced. Holmies post pictures of themselves drinking Slurpees, inspired by a video of an 18-year-old Holmes that shows he’s a Slurpee fan; they pass around instructions for sending letters to Holmes in jail; there is the requisite bad anime-style fan art and animated .gifs (“hugs for holmies!”).


Für Meno :)

More U.S. regulation would quell Cda gun violence

Yahoo! Canada blogger David Kilgour argues that controlling gun violence in Canada begins south of the border. Only achieved in Wash.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Why don't you read the article ?
Mexico also has the same problem with guns coming from the US !

The problem isnt the guns, its the money we are sending for drugs.

If we decriminalized the drugs and allowed them to be given to addicts by prescription, we would undercut the black market and take away the profits and therefore the violence associated with it


Strength through joy
So the Fort Hood shooter who is a muslim can not use the mental illness excuse ?
I'll fax a memo over to his lawyers to come up with a different plan.


Strength through joy
What ever happened to CHARGE ?
To physically attack a shooter , a simple tackle giving others time to join in.
Sure the shooter may or may not be aiming at you , but I would rather be facing a bullet than letting one enter my back.
Why not? It's the left wing oinkers that say a white person can't be discriminated against or whites have no reason to be terrorists. Mental illness is the only thing left to describe them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
What ever happened to CHARGE ?
To physically attack a shooter , a simple tackle giving others time to join in.
Sure the shooter may or may not be aiming at you , but I would rather be facing a bullet than letting one enter my back.

I wasnt a very good football player, but I'm a pretty damn good shot.

If I ever am in the unfortunate position of having to face a bullet, I plan on making sure the bad guy is facing 12 or 13 of mine.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Gun enthusiasts should use child molesters as target practice?

Sign me up, I would pay good money for the privelege. I was actually at the range today, I like my pendulum target OK but a child molester would be a lot more gratifying to dump hot lead into.....




Pees in the brown Koolaid
Mythbusters did an episode showing that bringing a knife to a gun fight isn't really a bad ideea

Something tells me that they werent using real knives or bullets.

I dont even want to bring a gun to a gun fight, let alone a knife. I'm not proud. If I hear gunshots, my fat ass is gonna be running away from them if at all possible. If its not possible...then unfortunately we arrive at plan "B".


What ever happened to CHARGE ?
To physically attack a shooter , a simple tackle giving others time to join in.
Sure the shooter may or may not be aiming at you , but I would rather be facing a bullet than letting one enter my back.

I think your adrenalin and emotions take a view contrary to your post's philosophy, especially when you are not right next to the guy shooting those bullets very quickly. Fight or Flight, if you will. Fight when real close to the shooter, Flight when far away.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I like the Glock, I was looking at a Model 23 today. I have also been thinking about building an AR-15, but they had a SW built just like I want. I got the fever again, haven't shot in a long time.