

Well-Known Member
What I think is that you will exaggerate the value of a gun on board an aircraft to suit your argument. The LOCKED and FORTIFIED cabin doors have made it virtually impossible to take over a USA commercial aircraft.

The sky marshals couldnt fire their weapons in mid flight even if they wanted to. Stun guns would work just as well without bringing the aircraft down with decompression.

You make it sound like the armed marshalls are the reason air safety is better since 9/11, but the reality is, that plays a very small part.




Good answer. What you think. Very impressive analysis. Guess what ? I could care less about what you think.


Well-Known Member
So, if I understand you correctly, you are saying the government regulation and increased government intervention is necessary for our safety? Would that apply to firearm regulation as well?

Funny how that works.


I know it is hard --but pay attention.

Since the incident bbsam has been posting about finding a comprehensive solution -looking at all facts and angles---hence my comment on armed sky marshals and pilots -----with 2 cents by tos --could be possible considered COMPREHENSIVE --with both armed and unarmed solutions --clear enough ??

Having me fill out more forms than I already do when purchasing a gun will not stop the murders.


golden ticket member
Sorry, Piers, only the execs at CNN think we give a rip what you think.

Via Newsbusters:
CNN reporters castigated the NRA on Twitter during the organization’s Friday press conference. Piers Morgan went so far as to blame future mass school shootings on the organization.

Coming to a town near you, courtesy of the #NRA – Gunfights At The U.S. School Corral,” Morgan tweeted. He also ripped their agenda as “murderous.”

“This is your moment, America: The #NRA has 4 million members, your population is 311 million. Don’t stand for this murderous crap any more,” tweeted Morgan.


Strength through joy
#1 reason PM can't go home.
He wrote in a book about doing something that others in UK are now going to jail for .
Quite a role model .


Well-Known Member
Heres a better depiction of what the NRA wants its members to carry...

I see nothing wrong with this. Try harder.


golden ticket member
Received this e-mail.......

Below are the killing statistics and political leadership in Chicago. The majority of the killings in these statistics are Black on Black murders which all of our politicians don't bring up and don't seem able to fix. The cause, in my estimation, is Poverty which is caused by lack of education of these people, which has one of it's contributing factors being the absence of a family unit, the absence of responsible fathers in the home and 72% of the births to unwed mothers. There are solutions to this problem but they are hard and our Government is unwilling to implement them. Some people call this the "Government Plantation"

From past info this is the same characteristics on many of our big cities such as Detroit and Los Angeles and Oakland. STATICS

Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ?

Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago ;

221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US. And there worthless!

Does THAT tell you anything?

Barack Hussein Obama

Senator: Dick Durbin

House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.

Governor: Pat Quinn

House leader: Mike Madigan

Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)

Mayor: Rahm Emanuel

The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.

Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .

Of course, they are all blaming each other.

They can not blame Republicans; there are not any! <<<<<<< Funny?

Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country - teachers highest paid.

State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.

Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look 'em up if you want).

This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois .

And...... he was gonna 'fix' Washington politics for us? Yeah Right!


golden ticket member
We had to drive Newport blvd. on Friday........right past Grant Boy's Guns in Costa Mesa.
The place was packed.......we usually only see one or two cars in the parking lot ever.

Lots of gun gifts for Christmas, I guess.

Grant Boys in Costa Mesa, CA


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Thinking about guns makes him crazy, I'm thankful that he realizes that he isn't competent enough to own one.


Strength through joy
And bhos keeps stating that he wants to transform every city into another Chicago .

Yet he never goes on any of his "vacations" there.
I wonder why ?


Staff member
Thinking about guns makes him crazy, I'm thankful that he realizes that he isn't competent enough to own one.
Lol, I know! If they ever had mental evaluations, all they'd have to do is come here and read all the posts from his multiple accounts!!!!!