

Strength through joy
From Hoaxster own backyard;

ATLANTA — The former superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools and nearly three dozen other administrators, teachers, principals and other educators were indicted Friday in one of the nation’s largest cheating scandals.Former Superintendent Beverly Hall faces charges including racketeering, false statements and theft. She retired just days before a state probe was released in 2011 and has previously denied the allegations. The indictment represents the first criminal charges in the investigation.
The previous state investigation in 2011 found cheating by nearly 180 educators in 44 Atlanta schools. Educators gave answers to students or changed answers on tests after they were turned in, investigators said. Teachers who tried to report it faced retaliation, creating a culture of “fear and intimidation” in the district.The cheating came to light after the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that some scores were statistically improbable.The criminal investigation lasted 21 months, and the allegations date back to 2005. In addition to Hall, 34 people were indicted, including four high-level administrators, six principals and 14 teachers.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
So when confronted in the classroom by a "Shooter" you video tape the "Shooter" and out of frustration the "Shooter" will leave. I admit to laughing as I read that.

We should also make note that the "Shooter" is still at large although other than he being a functionary of "The State", had any of the rest of us meer mortals under similar actions done such would be surrounded by a Swat Team and with the flinch of a finger, sent off to be worm food as we would be used as a target dummy by automatons in costumes for live fire practice.

Gotta love America, land of the free and home of the brave where everyone is assured of fair and equal treatment. I think under the fair and equal clause an immediate "shoot to kill" order should be issued for the "Shooter" as this would be standard protocol for the rest of us!

At least I'd get the satisfaction that's 1 less and even better that it's The State eating it's own!



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think he should have been shot, had the teacher had a weapon, he would have been. 1 less, no matter the D or the R, he would have deserved it, scaring the teacher and all the kids. I laughed too. But now about the elderly woman.................she would have been beaten, and robbed, as he was charged with attempted robbery, he did not leave on his own power.


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
1. The children would have been safe.

2. Had the crazed man survived, he propbably would learn a valuable lesson about the appropriate way to behave in a classroom in the post-Newtown era.

3. Had the crazed man died....tough :censored2:.

So, Newtown does matter, in some small sense?

At least we have that going for us ;)


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I think he should have been shot, had the teacher had a weapon, he would have been. 1 less, no matter the D or the R, he would have deserved it, scaring the teacher and all the kids. I laughed too. But now about the elderly woman.................she would have been beaten, and robbed, as he was charged with attempted robbery, he did not leave on his own power.

Judge & jury, in the hands of a charter school teacher? Interesting.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So when confronted in the classroom by a "Shooter" you video tape the "Shooter" and out of frustration the "Shooter" will leave. I admit to laughing as I read that.

We should also make note that the "Shooter" is still at large although other than he being a functionary of "The State", had any of the rest of us meer mortals under similar actions done such would be surrounded by a Swat Team and with the flinch of a finger, sent off to be worm food as we would be used as a target dummy by automatons in costumes for live fire practice.

Gotta love America, land of the free and home of the brave where everyone is assured of fair and equal treatment. I think under the fair and equal clause an immediate "shoot to kill" order should be issued for the "Shooter" as this would be standard protocol for the rest of us!

At least I'd get the satisfaction that's 1 less and even better that it's The State eating it's own!


Though I agree with some of what you say, the bulk of it is really indefensible to me. Killing a human for inappropriate behavior seems a bit extreme, even in AZ. I bet the fine citizens of Yuma re-elect him next time around, in spite of video of him acting inappropriately.

It's a charter school, and the school could have enacted rules to circumvent the Federal 'gun free zone' had they wished.

Satisfaction at the idea of 'The State' consuming itself seems a bit 'over the top', unless you have a means of guaranteeing the safety of your progeny without the help of 'The State'.

Are you a 1%er, income-wise?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Anyone who acts in a nefarious way, faces what he faces, mentally ill or not. I would rather see a person dropped while threatening a classroom, than a class room dead because someone second guessed their instinct.
When did anyone ever say Newtown didn't matter?
We had a school of Amish children here a few yrs ago shot dead.
An armed person, going into a gun free zone, an obviously irate person alone with or without a bad news. There are ways to handle disgruntled people, and a way to handle problems, threatening is not the way. If they are so out of it, that, and going off in this manner, they need to be taken down, with guards in place, electronic or human, and if not the safety of the children is utmost.
5 child dies after school shooting - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News