

golden ticket member


Strength through joy
[h=1]Des Moines Register Publishes, Pulls Map of Guarded and Unguarded Schools[/h]
Newsmax reportst that the map had "Red dots marking those without security, green those with and gray those that did not respond. The map was overwhelmingly red." This obviously helps anyone wishing to cause mischief or mayhem at a school a useful list of soft targets.
The Register's editor appears not to have expressed any regret for the paper's move based on a search on "map" at its web site. The article had 54 comments at the time this post was written, none of them favorable, and quite a few justifiably outraged.
One commenter said it best:
Posting where all of your WEAKNESSes are and pointing them out to violent people is IRRESPONSIBLE and should be held ACCOUNTABLE!!! This is not "freedom of the press", this is compromising the safety of our CHILDREN!!! Whether there is security at the school or not, it shouldn't be posted on BILLBOARDS for "all" to see.

Read more: Des Moines Register Publishes, Pulls Map of Guarded and Unguarded Schools | NewsBusters


Strength through joy
[h=1]Campaign Promises Free Guns to People in Tucson's Troubled Neighborhoods[/h]The Armed Citizen Project is part of a national campaign to give shotguns to single women and homeowners in the nation's crime-ridden neighborhoods .
Arizona gun proponents have donated about $12,500 to fund the gun giveaway and McClusky, a former mayoral and city council candidate, hopes to collect enough to eventually arm entire neighborhoods.
Participants will receive training on how to properly use, handle and store their weapon, as well as trigger locks. It costs about $400 per participant for the weapon and training.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
. If I had to be around one, I would seek out education on how to handle myself around the pit bull for my safety. I would also observe the person who was the handler (owner) to see how responsible they were with the pit bull. I would ALWAYS not take any situation for granted!

Good advice to follow with any breed.

However...if you had been a visitor to my home when I had my beloved pitbull Sheba, you wouldnt have needed to seek out any advice on how to handle yourself around her. When you sit down on the couch and an 85 lb. pitbull hops up on your lap with a tail wagging so fast its a blur and starts licking your face, its pretty obvious what needs to happen at that point... pet the dog! Scratch the ears. Scratch the back. Scratch the belly. Repeat as necessary. Accept your function in life as dog scratcher/feeder/pillow/toungue workout machine, and no harm will come to you.


Nine Lives
That is the way it is done in America. Who would you like to make the call? Or are you fine with the mentally unstable and criminals being allowed to legally buy a firearm?

That is the way it is done in America. Who would you like to make the call? Or are you fine with the mentally unstable and criminals being allowed to run for Congress?

* Changed it for you.

Don't confuse RR ... make it simple and explain it clearly.


Strength through joy
[h=1]New gun laws could mean economic woes for booming gun industry[/h]
The gun industry employs approximately 220,000 highly skilled workers, according to a recent report released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Over the past two years, while the rest of the country faced unemployment rates above 8 percent, the gun industry added more than 37,000 new jobs, with average salary of $47,000.
The report states that in 2012 alone, the industry paid $5.1 billion in federal taxes and was responsible for $33.6 billion in economic activity.
If companies were to start leaving states like New York, New Hampshire or Connecticut, the economic impact would go far beyond just gun companies. Most gun companies develop an in-state supply chain that can include everything from parts to food for employees.

Last month, Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a letter to 26 gun companies inviting them to relocate their manufacturing operations to Texas.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I'm sorry Hoaxster , I will try in the future to keep it as simple as possible for everyone who had a public school education .
Or, just play by the rules, and don't alter someone's words to fit your POV.

By your response, I gather that you would like your neighbors to vote on whether or not you can own a firearm, after all, they are they ones voting for their representatives in Congress.

I would also add, is their something inherently wrong with a public school education? If you believe there is, then you need to be more involved in your public schools. Without a good, free, educational system, the country is doomed.

Baba, care to state your educational achievements and level of education?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Last month, Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a letter to 26 gun companies inviting them to relocate their manufacturing operations to Texas.

Funny, I have a good friend who actually does manufacture guns, and he left Texas because of the repressive business conditions.