

Für Meno :)
Goggle it, if you believe it's untrue !
Why would you think more people are in hospital due to car accidents versus gun accidents (and crime) ?


nowhere special
Many many more car accidents. And gun accidents and crime are 2 different issues. Also, if police shoot a suspect it is neither a crime nor an accident ( but IS crime related - because of the suspect, not the cop). Same for suicides - not an accident nor a crime. Suicide is not a crime. Attempted suicide is.


Strength through joy
Throwing yourself off of a bridge isn't fool proof , many who land in the water survive ( badly damaged ) and those that hit pavement mostly can not be id due to the fact that most bodies are turned into jelly .


Inordinately Right
What is a gun accident exactly? Modern guns don't just "accidentally" go off. If by "accident" you mean people's stupidity/ignorance, then that makes more sense. Stupidity and ignorance have, and always will be dangerous.


Got the T-Shirt
So.... this is the end, where the flaming death comes from.


But, not to be out done....

Idiot Almost Blows His Brains Out - YouTube


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The thing about people who are that stupid is that it really wouldnt help to take their guns away. Stupid people like that are clever and ingenious and they will find a way to hurt themselves or others no matter how many dangerous things you keep out of their hands.


golden ticket member
Never let a crisis go to waste.

Via Washington Examiner:
Newly uncovered Democratic anti-NRA talking points urge anti-gun advocates and politicians to hype high-profile gun incidents like the Florida slaying of Trayvon Martin to win support for new gun control laws.

In talking points likely followed by top Democratic leaders including President Obama after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in December, the anti-gun “guide” urged gun foes to speak out when a shooting “creates a unique climate” to shout down the National Rifle Association.

“The most powerful time to communicate is when concern and emotions are running at their peak,” said the 80-page document titled “Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging,” and produced by three Democratic firms led by the polling and research outfit Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.

The guide was produced in 2012, before the Sandy Hook shootings. According to a report posted on NRA News, it was developed to help anti-gun advocates in Washington State’s effort to control gun purchases, though it clearly has national overtones and uses, especially as groups like Mayors Against Illegal Guns – a Greenberg Quinlan Rosner client — expand their fight for gun control.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Colorado renters told to toss guns or move out[/h]
Renters at an apartment community just south of Denver are between a rock and a hard place, ordered by their landlord to either get rid of their weapons or move out.
The manager at Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, Colo., sent a notice to renters last week advising them of the new rule banning all “firearms and weapons” from the premises, a local news station reported.
Residents have until Oct. 1 to comply. The rule has one worried — and outraged.
Art Dorsch, 77, a Marine Corps veteran and avid hunter with a concealed carry permit, said he lives on a fixed income and can’t afford to move. But he said managers gave him three options: willingly remove the guns and stay, keep the guns and move, or keep the guns and wait to be forced to leave.
“It upsets me very much,” he told the station. “They want to take them all away from me. They say I can’t live here.”
One legal analyst said courts tend to fall on the side of favoring landlords’ rights to impose “reasonable regulations” on renters. But the question is, he said, “Is an outright ban of firearms reasonable in light of the U.S. Constitution?”

Read more: Colorado renters told to toss guns or move out - Washington Times
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Attention all burglars as of Oct 1st , you need not feel unwanted at this apartment complex .