

Got the T-Shirt
Canada's homicide rate down 33%. Lowest level since 1966 !
Now how did that happen ?
A higher success rate stopping guns entering from the US !

Says who ? Provide a link.

Are you saying your fellow countrymen.... are inept at their job ?

We have women.... that can protect "our" border. How about you ?



Strength through joy
klien , I find you assumption that there is stricter border security on your southern side weird.
In many places there are no signs denoting " you are here " , quite a few have gotten lost only to find themselves not in the country where they started .


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Canada's homicide rate down 33%. Lowest level since 1966 !
Now how did that happen ?
A higher success rate stopping guns entering from the US !

Doubtful, since contrary to what you like to believe most guns that are legally available to Americans are also available to Canadians. A simple Google search regarding Canadian gun laws reveals your total lack of knowledge on the subject.

The reality is that any criminal who wants a he Canadian or American... can and will obtain one on the black market. Thats what criminals do. To assume otherwise is folly.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
An Oregon man learned the hard way yesterday that a bat is probably not the best tool for robbing a gun store.
22-year-old Derrick Mosley reportedly attempted to rob Discount Gun Sales in Beaverton, Ore., on Thursday. Wielding a baseball bat, Mosley strolled into the store and smashed a display case.
But, according to police, upon attempting to steal a gun from the smashed case, he learned that gun beats bat.
All the store manager… of a gun store… had to do was pull out his own personal firearm. And that he did. Pointing it straight at Mosley, the manager successfully ordered the would-be robber to drop the bat, the unloaded gun he was trying to steal, and a nine-inch knife in his possession.
Upon arrival, the sheriff’s department reportedly found Mosley on the floor, still being held at gunpoint by the furious manager. The failed robber was booked on charges of first-degree robbery, first-degree theft, unlawful possession of a firearm, and second-degree criminal mischief.
Add to that the mental crime of thinking a bat would be an effective tool for robbing a store full of guys with guns.
KATU-TV reports that Mosley’s bail was set at $250,000.

The moral of this story is simple; dont bring a bat (or a knife) to a gun fight.

This happened at a gun shop about half an hour away from my house. Its been all over the local news. Some people are just plain stupid.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
klien , I find you assumption that there is stricter border security on your southern side weird.
In many places there are no signs denoting " you are here " , quite a few have gotten lost only to find themselves not in the country where they started .

I read somewhere that only about 32 miles of the almost 4000-mile border between the US and Canada are actually "secured" in some manner with fences and guards. The rest is simply a line on a map, or maybe a signpost in the forest with a row of trees cut down so that hunters dont accidentally cross over. It is asinine to think that there is any realistic way to secure the border, nor is there any need to even try.
canada border.jpg


Für Meno :)
Says who ? Provide a link.

Are you saying your fellow countrymen.... are inept at their job ?

We have women.... that can protect "our" border. How about you ?

US women in combat ?

Have you (your government) finally adapted it (allowed it) ?

We've had in for decades, and I believe (maybe) you are just going to allow women to fight in front lines.


Für Meno :)
Soberups: Can't agree less.
Same as you have problems with Mexican drugs - we have the border problem, too - with US drugs and guns !


Für Meno :)
Yep. The Canadian government is doing anything to keep citizens from defecting to a better country.

You know what ?
Look who's walking the city streets, or the city malls, or maybe just your street block.
Do you really believe everyone you see is entilted to have a gun as your constitition says ?
(minus the 3-5% of population that have a criminal record)- but then again, some states don't require back ground checks, and recently by your government, they don't need checks in any state that decides not to have them.
Living in Canada, I'm totally not worried about seeing a gun pointed at me, but on the other hand, I wouldn't trust every citizen with one, either !
I'm happy with how we live, and I rather have the right to have healthcare, and any doctor I wanna see, than having the right to bear arms.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You know what ?
Look who's walking the city streets, or the city malls, or maybe just your street block.
Do you really believe everyone you see is entilted to have a gun as your constitition says ?
(minus the 3-5% of population that have a criminal record)- but then again, some states don't require back ground checks, and recently by your government, they don't need checks in any state that decides not to have them.
Living in Canada, I'm totally not worried about seeing a gun pointed at me, but on the other hand, I wouldn't trust every citizen with one, either !
I'm happy with how we live, and I rather have the right to have healthcare, and any doctor I wanna see, than having the right to bear arms.

I am getting hungry for a hotdog!

​Note to self: Buy some hotdogs today...


Für Meno :)
What about private sales ?
Besides, what about criminals that haven been caught nor convicted, yet ?
I'm sure there are thousands of those running around - 1 great example are mobs !


nowhere special
What about private sales? If it involves criminals then new laws wouldn't matter and they certainly won't do background checks. If its a sale between 2 honest individuals again, no need to burden them with new restrictions that the criminals would ignore.


Für Meno :)
So, you're ok that 80+ % of Americans own guns ? You trust all of them with them ?
But statitics prove it wrong, since America has, by far, the highest gun homecide rates in the western industrialized world.