

Fugitive From Reality
In Emily Gets Her Gun, Emily Miller tells her personal story of how being a single, female victim of a home invasion drove her to try to obtain a legally registered gun in Washington, D.C. The narrative–sometimes shocking, other times hilarious in its absurdity–gives the reader a real life understanding of how gun–control laws only make it more difficult for honest, law–abiding people to get guns, while violent crime continues to rise.

But that’s just the beginning. Beyond her personal story, Emily shares facts and newly uncovered research to expose the schemes politicians on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and around the country are using to deny people their Second Amendment rights. Emily Gets Her Gun is a must–read for anyone who knows that denying our gun rights is just the first step toward denying all our rights.

Hopefully, she ends up shooting herself with it. that would make my day.


A strong women that refuses to be a victim again, & u wish her dead?! Wtf is wrong with you?!
God forbid, that happens to her again, but if it does, I hope she has great aim & shoots the perp dead.
That would make my day! Some scum bug that deserves it & gets it!


Well-Known Member
Texas husband shoots 2 bank robbers that abducted him, his wife, police say

COLUMBUS, Texas – Authorities say a Houston-area man turned the tables on two bank robbery suspects who had
abducted him and his wife by pulling a gun on the unsuspecting duo and shooting them both, killing one of them.
The suspects forced the woman to taken an undisclosed amount of money from the bank, then forced the husband to
drive them in his truck down Highway 71, Weido said.

It was then that the husband grabbed a gun that was in the truck and fired at the suspects, he said.

Officers who responded to a 911 call found both suspects lying on the ground near the truck suffering
from gunshot wounds.

Read more: Texas husband shoots 2 bank robbers that abducted him, his wife, police say | Fox News


Strength through joy
Story is lacking details .
The two bank robbery suspects ;
What were their ages ?
Were they US citizens ?
What was their backgrounds like ?
Were they democrats ?
Did they only graduate from public schools ?


Strength through joy
[h=1]Arizona sheriff arming deputies with AR-15 style rifles to 'fight back' against criminals[/h]
An Arizona sheriff is arming his deputies with AR-15-style assault rifles to give them “enough firepower to fight back” against criminals who he says are carrying increasingly dangerous weapons.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio made the announcement on Thursday, the same day one of his employees, 27-year-old Jorge Vargas, was gunned down as he walked into his driveway to head to work.
"We live in a violent society, even here in Maricopa County, and across our nation, and the least we can do is to arm our deputies…,” Arpaio said, according to Fox 10 News. "My deputies will carry guns 24 hours a day, even off duty. If they see any incident occurring, they will take action anywhere in this valley."
Arpaio purchased the 400 Smith & Wesson rifles with money seized by authorities during arrests.


Well-Known Member
Story is lacking details .
The two bank robbery suspects ;
What were their ages ?
Were they US citizens ?
What was their backgrounds like ?
Were they democrats ?
Did they only graduate from public schools ?
Man you upper North Eastern posters are rough... :happy-very:

Robber one 20-year-old Jordan Kutach, still alive
Robber two 21-year-old Preston Kutach, is dead

Both suspects lived in the community of Rock Island and neighbors said they were brothers.

The husband who disabled them is a reserve officer with the sheriff’s department.

Here is an alleged picture of Jordan in a prior offence 2012-07-14 Austin Texas, Public Intoxication.

Here is the bank This is all I have


Well-Known Member
Story is lacking details .
The two bank robbery suspects ;
What were their ages ?
Were they US citizens ?
What was their backgrounds like ?
Were they democrats ?
Did they only graduate from public schools ?

LOL! When everything else lacks, just poison the well.


Pineapple King
Maybe because ammo is so hard to find & it's too damn expensive?!
I spent $120 on 9mm yesterday practicing at the range.
Where are you at? Ammo here is pretty plentiful lately. I find it regularly at the few Wal-Marts in my area and there was plenty yesterday at the local gun show. $120 for 9mm?? I sure hope that was for way more than 100 rounds.


Pineapple King
Where are you at? Ammo here is pretty plentiful lately. I find it regularly at the few Wal-Marts in my area and there was plenty yesterday at the local gun show. $120 for 9mm?? I sure hope that was for way more than 100 rounds.
50 rounds of .45 for $24, 50 rounds of hollow point .40 for $24, 50 rounds of 9mm $19, 20 rounds of 7.62x39 for $5. 20 rounds of .223 for $10. All day long around here. Gotta love the Gunshine state....Florida. Guess they make sure we have plenty of ammo here.:2guns::gun_banda


Fugitive From Reality
Maybe because ammo is so hard to find & it's too damn expensive?!
I spent $120 on 9mm yesterday practicing at the range.
Where are you at? Ammo here is pretty plentiful lately. I find it regularly at the few Wal-Marts in my area and there was plenty yesterday at the local gun show. $120 for 9mm?? I sure hope that was for way more than 100 rounds.
I'm in NH. Going rate is roughly $20/50 of 9mm. I usually don't shop much at Walmart, but if I'm there, it's usually sold out. I was at one today, in Plymouth, NH, it was sold out there. Couple weeks ago I got it for $30/100
Most gun shops have limits here because its so scarce. Usually 2-3 boxes. I lucked out Friday night, no limit at the store I visited. Haven't bought 7.62 in a long time. Stocked up over the last couple years.