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Daily Kos: Reagan's Poisoned Apple

Reagan made this statement twelve years before he became president, at a Republican platform meeting in 1968. He said it in response to the urban rioting that was taking place in the aftermath of the Martin Luther King assassination. He was arguing that the people who were breaking the law were responsible for their actions. He was right. He was also arguing that he and all of his like-minded conservatives had absolutely no responsibility for the societal conditions that existed at the time. He was wrong.

In the book of Genesis, the Fall of Man is attributed to their consumption of a fruit (traditionally an apple) from the Tree of Knowledge. The effects were immediate and tragic and eventually led to the murder of their second-born son, Abel, by their first-born son, Cain.

When Cain was questioned about his brother’s whereabouts, he asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” It is interesting that conservatives, many of whom consider their conservatism a moral byproduct of their faith, cling to a quote that seems to be answering that question with a firm no.


Well-Known Member
Inner cities --bad personal choices made over and over --Children out of wedlock -born into poverty --no father figure --disrupt school system --dropout or expelled as young teens --no reform schools --or forced technical schools--roam the streets --have more children --sell drugs --join gangs --commit crimes --kill --go to jail --come out --start same process over --while government keeps them in slavery with basic housing and food programs.

Time to wake up --people like Jessie and AL --should be addressing these problems --or nothing will change for generation after generation ----Also in Obama"s speech on Wednesday ---He should address this --not just in passing ---but fully addresss the problems and explain to the Black Community ---What happened to all the jobs he promised !!!

rr asks : "Am I my brother's keeper ?" La -la land !!!:sick:


Strength through joy
[h=1]Harvard Study: No Correlation Between Gun Control and Less Violent Crime[/h]
[h=2]A Harvard Study titled "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?" looks at figures for "intentional deaths" throughout continental Europe and juxtaposes them with the U.S. to show that more gun control does not necessarily lead to lower death rates or violent crime.[/h] Because the findings so clearly demonstrate that more gun laws may in fact increase death rates, the study says that "the mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns, therefore, mean fewer deaths" is wrong.
The murder rate in Russia, where handguns are banned, is 30.6; the rate in the U.S. is 7.8.
In fact, the numbers presented in the Harvard study support the contention that among the nations studied, those with more gun control tend toward higher death rates.


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A couple of points, it is not a 'Harvard Study', it was published in the Harvard Law Review in 2007.

Never mind that it used data from 2003 and is full of errors. The homicide rate of Luxembourg, for example, was not 9.01/100k according to the quoted 2003 data; in 2003 it was 0.9/100k, that's a bit of an error. Never mind the the countries used in the study don't count crime statistics in the same way as the US does. It was written by partisan hacks with an agenda.

Nice try, though.

Here are some real Harvard studies, in case you really care:


Well-Known Member

I would refer you back to the UNITED NATIONS statistics on guns and crime.

The U.N. ranks the United States as one of the worst countries in gun deaths per 100,000. The U.N. then pulls out the number of crimes committed by Blacks in the U.S --and the frequency goes to one of the best in the world. One of the highest number of gun owners ----with the majority of people not committing crime.
So you can understand --a very small percentage of our population --not the 12.6 of total Blacks --take out the huge number of law abiding and the very young and old ----We have a MAJOR problem --with a MINISCULE percentage of our population.


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And why do you think that is?, if that's true? And what do YOU propose we do about it?

PS- Don't have time at the moment to research your figures, but I will.


Strength through joy
Newark plans a toy gun exchange on Friday.
Children can turn in a toy gun for a book, another toy or school supplies at the event. …
This is the third year of toy gun exchanges since Mayor Cory Booker started the events in the high-crime city.
At the 2011 event, Booker admitted there is no evidence linking toy guns to violent behavior later in life.



Staff member
Newark plans a toy gun exchange on Friday.
Children can turn in a toy gun for a book, another toy or school supplies at the event. …
This is the third year of toy gun exchanges since Mayor Cory Booker started the events in the high-crime city.
At the 2011 event, Booker admitted there is no evidence linking toy guns to violent behavior later in life.

:censored2: feel good measures...


Well-Known Member
And why do you think that is?, if that's true? And what do YOU propose we do about it?

PS- Don't have time at the moment to research your figures, but I will.


Simple. As NYC has done by removing over 8.000 Illegally held guns from Gang thugs and criminal with stop and frisk.

The murder rate in NYC has dropped from over2,000 to the 400 range - saving many minority lives.

Gang colors ,loitering and drug deals provided loads of probable cause.

Research all you want -- statistics are what they are --Detroit,Chicago,Oakland etc,etc--do exist- no matter what you do to deny the problem.:dissapointed:


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Simple. As NYC has done by removing over 8.000 Illegally held guns from Gang thugs and criminal with stop and frisk.

The murder rate in NYC has dropped from over2,000 to the 400 range - saving many minority lives.

Gang colors ,loitering and drug deals provided loads of probable cause.

Research all you want -- statistics are what they are --Detroit,Chicago,Oakland etc,etc--do exist- no matter what you do to deny the problem.:dissapointed:

Here's the problem with that, the crime rate in NYC has been going steadily downwards for some time. The rate of 'stop & frisks' has been going up at a disproportionate rate. Over 50% of those stopped are Black, over 30% are Hispanic. Of all those stopped, one out of every 143 stop & frisks of a Black person turns up illicit goods, one out of every 99 stops of an Hispanic comes up with some illicit good. When White people are stopped & frisked, one out of every 27 results in an illicit good.

I have no problem with a person being stopped because they are wearing gang colors, but being a person of color should not be a reason to be stopped. It's crap like this that worries me:


Well-Known Member
Here's the problem with that, the crime rate in NYC has been going steadily downwards for some time. The rate of 'stop & frisks' has been going up at a disproportionate rate. Over 50% of those stopped are Black, over 30% are Hispanic. Of all those stopped, one out of every 143 stop & frisks of a Black person turns up illicit goods, one out of every 99 stops of an Hispanic comes up with some illicit good. When White people are stopped & frisked, one out of every 27 results in an illicit good.

I have no problem with a person being stopped because they are wearing gang colors, but being a person of color should not be a reason to be stopped. It's crap like this that worries me:


Down for a very long time is correct can you say two term Rudy Guliani and three term Bloomberg --long enough for ya !!

Maybe the Dems in Chicago, Detroit and Oakland could start the same long term trend of SAVING lives !!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Fact --Murder in NYC is down.

You can try this that or whatever ----why has murder not gone done in la-la land Liberal- Chicago-Oakland -Detroit-Baltimore-Washington DC--Newark etc,etc etc. ????

Reality is one thing ----theories are --just that theories.


Für Meno :)
2 days ago, on my talk radio station, Philidelphia was mentioned. Another city that has almost 10 times homicide rates than all of Canada.
The city of Brotherhood love ! LOL


golden ticket member
2 days ago, on my talk radio station, Philidelphia was mentioned. Another city that has almost 10 times homicide rates than all of Canada.
The city of Brotherhood love ! LOL
Obviously you've never had a real philly cheese steak.......they'd make your hot dogs look like dog crap.
By laughing at Philly, you laugh at it's Kevin Bacon, Will Smith, Grace Kelly, Kevin Hart, Richard Gere,
Joey Lawrence,Seth Green, Blythe Danner, Bob Saget, Bill Cosby, Lionel Barrymore, Holland Taylor, Frankie Avalon, Danny Bonaduce, Joan Jett, Henry Gibson, Jack Klugman, James Darren, Sherman Hemsley, Broderick Crawford and thousands more. 1997 more famous people......but I'm not going to type them all.

You take too much delight in the shortcomings you seem to dig up about the U.S.A. We don't really care what you think about any of our 50 states.
Worry about your own neck of the woods......remember, we have the guns!!

Oh, and it's the City of Brotherly Love !!! Brotherhood is the Muslim thing!
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Strength through joy
