

Strength through joy
Since you like to google things , care to enlighten everyone on just how much $$$ the Martin's have collected since trademarking their dead son's name ?


Inordinately Right
Since you like to google things , care to enlighten everyone on just how much $$$ the Martin's have collected since trademarking their dead son's name ?

For starters, I only use google for their image search function. I use Bing as a search engine. You should look into it, the bing rewards program has gotten me free Hulu Plus for the past 6 months.

In regards to the Martin family, like I said.... I don't care. I knew the prosecution's case was a farce, and I'm not surprised that the family, and the NAACP has profited off of the kid's death. So has the media, both right and left wing.

I was just pointing out that the subtle racism in the photo you posted, was a photo shop.


All Trash No Trailer


Strength through joy
Ixquick is based in The Netherlands, Europe .
The only search engine that does not record your IP address.
Your personal data are not shared with any third party.


Inordinately Right
Ixquick is based in The Netherlands, Europe .
The only search engine that does not record your IP address.
Your personal data are not shared with any third party.

You're not getting it.... The US government does not need your search engine to give them your information. They have offices in the companies that you get internet ACCESS from. It's not magic. You pay comcast, or AT&T or whoever, thats where they spy on you from. What search engine you use makes no difference.
Just one example:


Well-Known Member
When a generation of males are locked up for non-violent crimes, there can be blowback.


Get correct facts on why people are incarcerated.

Also selling crack and making your neighbors slaves to the habit --you consider non violent???

Sure RR --the problem is incarceration??:happy-very: That's where it all starts.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
When did you get your first gun ?

I got my first gun when I was 10, an Ithaca junior-sized single shot .22.

It lived in my stepdads safe, which I did not have a key to, and the only time I was allowed to shoot it was under parental supervision.

It is perfectly legal in the USA for minors to use firearms under parental supervision, but it is not legal for minors to buy them.


Inordinately Right
Also selling crack and making your neighbors slaves to the habit --you consider non violent???

Can't speak for RR, but yes, I personally do consider that non-violent.
A drug dealer does not "make" someone a slave to a habit.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions.
A liquor store does not "make" someone an alcoholic.


Staff member

Get correct facts on why people are incarcerated.

Also selling crack and making your neighbors slaves to the habit --you consider non violent???

Sure RR --the problem is incarceration??:happy-very: That's where it all starts.

If drug dealing is a "violent crime" then we have to revise statistics and the oft cited observation that more guns = less crime completely falls apart.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Get correct facts on why people are incarcerated.

Also selling crack and making your neighbors slaves to the habit --you consider non violent???

Sure RR --the problem is incarceration??:happy-very: That's where it all starts.

Facts? I gave you easily verified facts. Many posters on this board choose to ignore facts because they don't square nicely with their beliefs.

  • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
  • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
  • African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.
  • African Americans serve virtually as much time in prison for a drug offense (58.7 months) as whites do for a violent offense (61.7 months). (Sentencing Project)

  • African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population
  • African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites
  • Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population
  • According to Unlocking America, if African American and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates of whites, today's prison and jail populations would decline by approximately 50%
  • One in six black men had been incarcerated as of 2001. If current trends continue, one in three black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during his lifetime


Inordinately Right
It's all about getting caught !!
"it's not mine, I was holding it for a friend ."

I know a person who was riding in a car with a friend who had drugs in the car. Both were charged with possession under "constructive possession" laws, meaning he was simply in close proximity to the drugs. Of course it didn't hold up in court because he had a good lawyer, but a poor person would not have been so lucky.
The drug laws are flawed in far too many ways to even list.


golden ticket member
You can be "just driving" when your friend kills the 7-11 clerk while robbing him are going to get charged with murder also!!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
More, when was the last time you were stopped and frisked because of the way you look, not because you had done something wrong?



Strength through joy
I place one little bumper sticker ( that asks a simple question ) on my vehicle and now every cop car that gets behind me runs my plates .
Around here every time your plate is run , the DMV retains a record of it .