

Retired 22 years
You all know I am pushing for a conviction and life in prison for this "GUN FREAK". Another sad story of a person with guns who shouldnt have them.


I'm not taking this guys side totally BUT these "kids" were not the Home Coming King and Queen that the press is presenting them as. They were thieving thugs who had broken into numerous homes before (including Mr. Smiths on more than one occasion) and drug users. All I know is that they won't be burglarizing any more homes. The Sheriffs dept found stolen guns and prescription pills in the kids car that was parked outside Smiths home.


Strength through joy
Now tos , something about the reporting of this story does not seem right .
The home owner shoots one in the basement , most likely without a silencer , and the other also enters the basement . A normal person after hearing gunfire would run away .


Strength through joy
Bulletproof Subways A Sign Of Violent Times?


Protective glass encases the counter at a Subway near 116th and South Halsted , Chicago .

ya think bhos will visit this place next time he's in town ?



golden ticket member

Via Rare:

Gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg recently launched Everytown For Gun Safety, a fear-mongering anti-gun group intended to take on groups like the NRA. It’s only logical that anti-2nd Amendment groups would work hard to combat the 80,000+ strong NRA annual meeting happening this week in Indianapolis… and Lord knows, they’re trying.

Unfortunately for them, it looks like Hoosiers appreciate their guns as much as the rest of the country.

Yesterday, Hoosiers Concerned About Gun Violence held a rally that drew a full 25 protesters. They read names of people killed by guns. A grandmother spoke about the murder of her grandson, making sure to convey that her black grandson was killed by a


nowhere special
Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has resigned from Michael I. Bloomberg’s new gun control group, delivering a setback for the former New York City Mayor soon after he announced that he plans to spend $50 million on efforts associated with the group and this year’s midterm elections.
Through a spokesman, Mr. Ridge, the Homeland Security Secretary under President George W. Bush, told the Daily Caller that he’s uncomfortable with the planned political activity of the group, which is called “Everytown for Gun Safety.”


Retired 22 years
I see in the USA Today paper that our wonderful government is getting ready to destroy over 1 BILLION dollars worth of ammo --- most of it still good--- just because they have so much they can't keep track of it. Apparently they have over 60 BILLION dollars worth of it sitting around. I hope everyone got their taxes paid on time.


What will it take. Geeez people, Get rid of these Gun Free Zones. These killers are cowards and are not going down to the police station to do these things. Time and Time again Gun Free Zones.