
Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The Democrats have always been the majority here in Oregon, but prior to the last election there was one Democrat who would always side with Republicans on gun issues which prevented any really bad anti-gun legislation from getting through. We lost that bare majority so now a really bad private-sale background check bill is sailing through both Houses and is going to pass on a party-line vote. Plus our new Governor is much further to the left and more anti-gun than her moderate predecessors, so she will sign the new bill into law. The recall effort is our way of fighting back against this unreasonable legislation.

We are approaching a dangerous time in our country where there won't be any more real democrats left to fight against gun control and other issues that old school Democrats were able to compromise, or even agree, on with Republicans. Liberals, or so called "progressives" are a real danger to our country.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
We are approaching a dangerous time in our country where there won't be any more real democrats left to fight against gun control and other issues that old school Democrats were able to compromise, or even agree, on with Republicans. Liberals, or so called "progressives" are a real danger to our country.

Pisses me off how far-left the party has gone. It shouldn't feel like a conflict of interest to vote democrat and own guns.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Pisses me off how far-left the party has gone. It shouldn't feel like a conflict of interest to vote democrat and own guns.
Another problem is that many true democrats still support those types just because they have a D next to their names. Its that "I have to support my team" mentality. It happens on both ends but its much worse (the effects on our country) on the left because far left liberal "socialists" are like wrecking balls for our Constitution and society. Everyone else can at least compromise on most issues.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Another problem is that many true democrats still support those types just because they have a D next to their names. Its that "I have to support my team" mentality. It happens on both ends but its much worse (the effects on our country) on the left because far left liberal "socialists" are like wrecking balls for our Constitution and society. Everyone else can at least compromise on most issues.

Yes, I'm guilty of that. For me, it's a "lesser of two evils" mentality. If both parties moved back toward the center we could actually get some work done in this country, but unfortunately it's moving the other way.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Top 10 Gun Safety Tips(In jest of course):
10. Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction, such as at a hippie or communist.
9. Dumb children may get a hold of your guns and shoot each other. If your children are dumb, put them up for adoption to protect your guns.
8. No matter how responsible he seems, never give your gun to a monkey.
7. If guns make you nervous, drink a bottle of whiskey before heading to the range.
6. When unholstering your weapon, it’s customary to say “Excuse me while I whip this out.”
5. Don’t load your gun unless you are ready to shoot something or are just feeling generally angry.
4. If your gun misfires, never look down the barrel to inspect it. Have someone else do that for you.
3. Never use your gun to pistol whip someone. That could mar the finish.
2. No matter how excited you are about buying your first gun, do not run around yelling “I have a gun! I have a gun!”.
1. And the most important rule of gun safety. Don’t piss me off!


Strength through joy
The White House announced on Thursday that it intends to “ban almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities” through executive order, which would effectively shut down the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In a Fact Sheet published on today referencing the upcoming executive order the ban on importing military weapons is designed to “keep military-grade firearms off our streets.” Exceptions for import may be allowed for museums.

There are no data indicating any of the weapons involved in homicide were imported surplus military rifles. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s homicide crime statistics, rifles accounted for only 323 deaths out of 12,664 homicides in 2011, the most recent data set provided by the FBI.


nowhere special
The White House announced on Thursday that it intends to “ban almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities” through executive order, which would effectively shut down the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In a Fact Sheet published on today referencing the upcoming executive order the ban on importing military weapons is designed to “keep military-grade firearms off our streets.” Exceptions for import may be allowed for museums.

There are no data indicating any of the weapons involved in homicide were imported surplus military rifles. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s homicide crime statistics, rifles accounted for only 323 deaths out of 12,664 homicides in 2011, the most recent data set provided by the FBI.

That is old news. Your article is from 2013. Really idiotic for Obama to attempt to classify rifles such as Korean War M-1's as "assault rifles".