

Pees in the brown Koolaid
That isnt the point sober and you know it.

The laws are not designed to limit the "functionality" of the weapons.

The idea is to create survivability because a shooter wouldnt have access to 100 round detachable drum magazines and his rate of fire would be limited. But, if you argument is then to tell us how fast a person can eject and replace a 10 round magazine, then you are simply going to make the case for NON DETACHABLE magazines.

The definition of "detachable" in California is that the magazine must require some sort of tool to remove. Since it is impossible to load an AR-15 magazine without removing it first, AR-15 owners who want a pistol grip or other cosmetic feature on their gun devised a work-around called a "bullet button" that allows the magazine to be removed by inserting the tip of a bullet (technically a tool) into the latch. Their other option, if they don't want to mess with a bullet button, is to remove the pistol grip or other cosmetic feature which then allows the use of conventional 10 round magazines. The presence, or lack of, a pistol grip or bayonet lug or a flash suppressor does nothing to increase "survivability" for the victims of a mass shooting. These are cosmetic features that do not affect the function or lethality of the gun. 5 shots to the chest with a pistol-gripped AR-15 will be just as rapid and just as deadly as the same 5 shots fired from an AR-15 with a hunting rifle stock.

If you are going to require "non detachable" magazines then what you are really wanting to do is to ban all semi-automatic guns because it is impossible to load a magazine without detaching it first. So please explain to me your plan for forcibly confiscating 150 million unregistered guns and 500-700 million unregistered detachable magazines from gun owners who do not want to give them up.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
View attachment 88009

You see, the strange thing is that when it's white Bundy supporters being engaged by the police, everyone is supposed to remain calm. When it's a black motorist openly brandishing a lawful firearm, he ends up dead and you folks blame the black guy. Do you blame college girls in miniskirts for getting raped too?
I'm not blaming the black guy, and I'm not denying that race may have played a role in the shooting, but you are comparing apples to oranges. The black motorist reached near a firearm during a traffic stop which is a major no-no regardless of the color of a person's skin.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If I found myself in a situation where a White Mass shooter has an AR15 or similiar weapon with high capacity magazines, I would have little to no chance of surviving the shooting in a closed area, however, if that shooter had to reload a 10 round magazine, or had a fixed magazine and had to reload one bullet at a time, the chances of me surviving the shooting go up tremendously.

Lets pretend you are in a closed area and there is a mass shooter who is armed not with an AR-15 but with a pump-action 12 gauge shotgun with a 6 round fixed magazine loaded with 00 buckshot. You are still going to be just as dead because every time he pulls the trigger he will be firing 9 projectiles. And after pumping a round into the chamber he can aim it with one hand while inserting additional rounds into the tube with the other hand, to prevent people from rushing at him during the reloading process. And inside of 20 yards, a load of 00 buck is considerably more lethal than a .223 round from an AR-15. Your survival in such a scenario will have little to do with the type of weapon the shooter is armed with and more to do with what, if any, ability you have to shoot back. Victims who shoot back live longer than victims who cower beneath tables waiting to be executed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The definition of "detachable" in California is that the magazine must require some sort of tool to remove. Since it is impossible to load an AR-15 magazine without removing it first, AR-15 owners who want a pistol grip or other cosmetic feature on their gun devised a work-around called a "bullet button" that allows the magazine to be removed by inserting the tip of a bullet (technically a tool) into the latch. Their other option, if they don't want to mess with a bullet button, is to remove the pistol grip or other cosmetic feature which then allows the use of conventional 10 round magazines. The presence, or lack of, a pistol grip or bayonet lug or a flash suppressor does nothing to increase "survivability" for the victims of a mass shooting. These are cosmetic features that do not affect the function or lethality of the gun. 5 shots to the chest with a pistol-gripped AR-15 will be just as rapid and just as deadly as the same 5 shots fired from an AR-15 with a hunting rifle stock.

If you are going to require "non detachable" magazines then what you are really wanting to do is to ban all semi-automatic guns because it is impossible to load a magazine without detaching it first. So please explain to me your plan for forcibly confiscating 150 million unregistered guns and 500-700 million unregistered detachable magazines from gun owners who do not want to give them up.

IN california, we dont have to confiscate them. They are moving out of this state and into other states where they can be free to kill each other.

The problem with people like you sober, is that you care more about guns than you do human life. Maybe when a mass shooting hits home, you may change your mind someday. Until then, guys like you, will support guys like the dallas shooter to get any kinds of weapons they wish and kill whoever they wish.

Lame prayers dont solve a thing and feeling sorry for dead cops is meaningless without action to prevent future shooters.

If an AR15 in california has a fixed magazine of only 10 rounds, and no way to detach the magazine, then that will in turn SAVE LIVES.

It doesnt matter about pistol grips, stubby grips or cosmetic devices are added, its the NUMBER of rounds being discharged at one time that matters.

Maybe you are ok with a mass shooter having access to 100 round drum mags and walking into a school and killing little children, but I am not. I could care less about your feelings about it or how a collector really wants to have one of these weapons.

There is no justifiable reason to own one of these weapons in civilian life.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lets pretend you are in a closed area and there is a mass shooter who is armed not with an AR-15 but with a pump-action 12 gauge shotgun with a 6 round fixed magazine loaded with 00 buckshot. You are still going to be just as dead because every time he pulls the trigger he will be firing 9 projectiles. And after pumping a round into the chamber he can aim it with one hand while inserting additional rounds into the tube with the other hand, to prevent people from rushing at him during the reloading process. And inside of 20 yards, a load of 00 buck is considerably more lethal than a .223 round from an AR-15. Your survival in such a scenario will have little to do with the type of weapon the shooter is armed with and more to do with what, if any, ability you have to shoot back. Victims who shoot back live longer than victims who cower beneath tables waiting to be executed.

Again, you define what is wrong with gun owners.

You have time to figure out how to kill people instead of worrying about protecting your own home, which is suppose to be the intention of the gun.

IF there was 100 people in a building with a man shooting a pump action shotgun, the survivability goes up tremendously. The pumping action itself is a distraction and people could survive and overcome a suspect.

With an AR15 with a 100 round drum mag, people dont have that same chance.

You can argue all you want, if shotguns were that easy to use during a mass shooting, they would be used everytime, but we dont see that at all, and rather, we see assault style weapons like the SKS being used because of the HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES they can use.

What part of HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES dont you understand?



swollen member
Again, you define what is wrong with gun owners.

You have time to figure out how to kill people instead of worrying about protecting your own home, which is suppose to be the intention of the gun.

IF there was 100 people in a building with a man shooting a pump action shotgun, the survivability goes up tremendously. The pumping action itself is a distraction and people could survive and overcome a suspect.

With an AR15 with a 100 round drum mag, people dont have that same chance.

You can argue all you want, if shotguns were that easy to use during a mass shooting, they would be used everytime, but we dont see that at all, and rather, we see assault style weapons like the SKS being used because of the HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES they can use.

What part of HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES dont you understand?


100 round drum magazines are not allowed in California. Why are you so worried about them?

shotguns are easier to load, especially pump action


Inordinately Right
I'm not blaming the black guy, and I'm not denying that race may have played a role in the shooting, but you are comparing apples to oranges. The black motorist reached near a firearm during a traffic stop which is a major no-no regardless of the color of a person's skin.
So maybe it was a bad idea for the officer to ask for his ID then?


Inordinately Right
Again, were you there? How do you know what the officer asked for? Oh, the girlfriend said so... Okay.
I'm really curious who WAS there at this point.
Best I can tell @realbrown1 and @Dr.Brown were on a ride along with the cop that day because they seem to know exactly what happened.

I get what you're saying, it seems that's what it's going to come down to. What the cop says happened vs what the civilian says happened. Gee I wonder how that's gonna play out....


swollen member
How bout it?
Are you suggesting that's what was happening?
I'm really curious who WAS there at this point.
Best I can tell @realbrown1 and @Dr.Brown were on a ride along with the cop that day because they seem to know exactly what happened.

I get what you're saying, it seems that's what it's going to come down to. What the cop says happened vs what the civilian says happened. Gee I wonder how that's gonna play out....
just what was reported...

she admitted to it...