

swollen member
You're still not getting it.
You weren't there and you're on here stating everything as fact.
You made up your mind about the whole incident and that's fine, but they're your opinions, not facts.

toxicology report wouldn't matter anyways.
There is video of her and him burning with the kid in car.


Inordinately Right
Are you saying the cop is making up that he seen a gun in his lap?
Did he say that? I don't know, I haven't seen that statement from him or anyone else. Maybe he did maybe he didn't say that.

I asked you to provide a source for the cop saying the gun was in his lap. You posted a video of the guy smoking weed from days before. Jesus we're going in circles here lmao.


swollen member
Did he say that? I don't know, I haven't seen that statement from him or anyone else. Maybe he did maybe he didn't say that.

I asked you to provide a source for the cop saying the gun was in his lap. You posted a video of the guy smoking weed from days before. Jesus we're going in circles here lmao.

according to the officer's attorney, that's what he said..

and yes we are going in circles. haha

this guy really doesn't like her either.

New Evidence Rocks Castile Shooting, Lavish Reynolds' Mom's Shocking 5 Words



Inordinately Right
according to the officer's attorney, that's what he said..

and yes we are going in circles. haha

this guy really doesn't like her either.

New Evidence Rocks Castile Shooting, Lavish Reynolds' Mom's Shocking 5 Words

The link provided no text of the lawyer saying the officer said it was in his lap.
Maybe it's in the video, but I'm not gonna watch that pissed off guy all hyped up on mountain dew talking loud like he thinks his mic is broken for 12 minutes.

So again, you have no source for your claims. Dude, stop making stuff up and just wait to see how this plays out.
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swollen member
The link provided no text of the lawyer saying the officer said it was in his lap.
Maybe it's in the video, but I'm not gonna watch that :censored2: off guy all hyped up on mountain dew talking loud like he thinks his mic is broken for 12 minutes.

The link provided no text of the lawyer saying the officer said it was in his lap.
Maybe it's in the video, but I'm not gonna watch that :censored2: off guy all hyped up on mountain dew talking loud like he thinks his mic is broken for 12 minutes.

So again, you have no source for your claims. Dude, stop making stuff up and just wait to see how this plays out.

nice edit...

round we go


Well-Known Member
i was watching richard wolff's monthly economic update. he was talking about guns at some point.

he said statistically people who own guns is in more danger than teh people who dont. he said america has way more guns than any developed country and i think thats when you adjust for population. he said guns is a strange way of control and power for people who increasingly are losing economic power over their lives via low paying jobs. he also said he gets calls from economic professors around the country who are losing their minds because their students carry guns in class, and they are afraid that if they give them a bad mark it might be the tipping point for them if you factor in other things like high student debt, girl friend breaking up, etc.


golden ticket member


Amatuer Malthusian
SKS is better in a lot of ways than an AK. More accurate and very reliable if you don't mess with the original 10 round box magazine. It CAN be converted to use AK mags but not that easily (requires some milling and needs to be done correctly to feed properly). The only real flaw in the design is the floating firing pin which can cause slam fires if you drop the rifle. Not that likely but it is a possibility.

AK-47 looks more menacing and will fire no matter what you do to it. Reliability is its best feature but since the original design was spray and pray it is not very accurate.

I have both and prefer the SKS myself. Other people with me when I am shooting are attracted to the AK based on reputation and looks.
Only thing I would change about it that I can't is the trigger.