
El Correcto

god is dead
And once again you have displayed your small mindedness and failure to see a complete picture. Attempt to use your mind and discard your political biases. That mockery seemed appropriate also.
How is revolting against the government even remotely conveyed?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
We can use training wheels, you may actually learn something.
The 2nd amendment has absolutely nothing to do with hunting deer or a reserve military. It's all to do with disposing of a corrupt government and reinstating a new one.

Another fallacious argument is that armed citizens couldn't possibly repel an army of trained, professional soldiers with tanks, planes, and missiles. Therefore, it's pointless for citizens to have guns at all.
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Got the T-Shirt
extended clip pistols.

Liberal talking point.... because there are no such things.

At least, get your terminology correct.

If your going to be pro second amendment for that reason, why not just make all weapons legal for all non felons.

They pretty much are.



As a non-felon, I can (and do) own all sorts of cool stuff.

All it takes.... is time and money.

El Correcto

god is dead
Liberal talking point.... because there are no such things.

At least, get your terminology correct.

They pretty much are.



As a non-felon, I can (and do) own all sorts of cool stuff.

All it takes.... is time and money.
My glock 17 with a glock manufactured 31 round clip would disagree there’s no such thing as an extended clip pistol. I could of also got the 100 round drum.

I don’t see them selling hellfire drones to civilians or any meaningful military hardware.


Strength through joy
New California Law Makes Buying Ammo A Lot Harder

What caught my eye was this reply in the comments section;
Keylogger Joatmoafa day ago

Yeah and what about the kitchen forks and knives, pocket knives, hatchets, axes, screwdrivers, hammers, large assortment of hand tools, flat and round files, ice picks, scratch awls, tire tools, tubeless tire repair tools, steel tined yard rakes, mop and broom handles, mop bucket handles, bricks and pieces of masonry material, parts removed from appliances, lifting weights, parts off of recreational equipment, the sharpened end of solar yard light post, tightly rolled up newspapers, string, rope, chain, electrical wire, any wire in general, baseball bats, tennis rackets, batteries in a sock, furniture legs, boat paddles, rocks, sharpened pieces of wood, broken pieces of glass, lexan, plexiglass, weed eater / brush trimmer and a big assortment of saw blades.
I worked in prison for 30 years and during that time, there were inmates who used all the things I mentioned above to assault or kill other inmates and most of this stuff was supposed to be checked or inventoried on a daily or regular basis. Just imagine how easy for anyone who is free, on the street to get their hands on all of this readily available stuff if they wanted to use it to hurt or kill another person. As far as any type of firearm is concerned, California would like to completely outlaw guns. But they are way too stupid because they apparently think criminals will obey the law and the simple common sense fact is that if this happens, only criminals and law enforcement will have guns and law enforcement cannot be everywhere at every given moment. Any human is a fool that stays in that piece of chit hell-hole state.


Well-Known Member
New California Law Makes Buying Ammo A Lot Harder

What caught my eye was this reply in the comments section;
Keylogger Joatmoafa day ago

Yeah and what about the kitchen forks and knives, pocket knives, hatchets, axes, screwdrivers, hammers, large assortment of hand tools, flat and round files, ice picks, scratch awls, tire tools, tubeless tire repair tools, steel tined yard rakes, mop and broom handles, mop bucket handles, bricks and pieces of masonry material, parts removed from appliances, lifting weights, parts off of recreational equipment, the sharpened end of solar yard light post, tightly rolled up newspapers, string, rope, chain, electrical wire, any wire in general, baseball bats, tennis rackets, batteries in a sock, furniture legs, boat paddles, rocks, sharpened pieces of wood, broken pieces of glass, lexan, plexiglass, weed eater / brush trimmer and a big assortment of saw blades.
I worked in prison for 30 years and during that time, there were inmates who used all the things I mentioned above to assault or kill other inmates and most of this stuff was supposed to be checked or inventoried on a daily or regular basis. Just imagine how easy for anyone who is free, on the street to get their hands on all of this readily available stuff if they wanted to use it to hurt or kill another person. As far as any type of firearm is concerned, California would like to completely outlaw guns. But they are way too stupid because they apparently think criminals will obey the law and the simple common sense fact is that if this happens, only criminals and law enforcement will have guns and law enforcement cannot be everywhere at every given moment. Any human is a fool that stays in that piece of chit hell-hole state.
Intelligence and experience speaking?


Got the T-Shirt
Which one killed the most unarmed Americans trying to go about their lives?

Neither one.

They are inanimate objects.

Just as a fork or spoon.... doesn't make you fat.

Why does your right to own a weapon come before the rights of those people to not be slaughtered?

Because, it is enumerated in the bill of rights ?

Understand the right.... of self preservation.

It's a natural human right.

Why should another human being, have the ability to impose their will upon me ?

El Correcto

god is dead
They are inanimate objects. Just as a fork or spoon.... doesn't make you fat.
Guns make it easier to kill a lot more people. Just as a fork or spoon assist in eating.

Because, it is enumerated in the bill of rights ?
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
A well regulated militia, military and police. Joebob open carrying his AR-15 into a McDonald’s isn’t a well regulated militia.

Understand the right.... of self preservation.It's a natural human right.
Why should another human being, have the ability to impose their will upon me ?
Yes and people will vote with self preservation in mind on both sides of gun control.

The government already has the ability to impose their will upon you, they take money out of your check every week and keep a list of rules and regulations that will cause you to be fined or jailed for not following. It’s part of society and maintaining it.


Well-Known Member
the right of the people
You conveniently overlook this.

the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
You conveniently overlook this also.

The government already has the ability to impose their will upon you, they take money out of your check every week and keep a list of rules and regulations that will cause you to be fined or jailed for not following. It’s part of society and maintaining it.

Remember this when your toes are stepped on.