

Strength through joy
Honolulu Police Order Medical Marijuana Cardholders to Surrender Their Firearms - Breitbart

HPD chief Susan Ballard points to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 134-7 (a), which says, “No person who is a fugitive from justice or is a person prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition under federal law shall own, possess, or control any firearm or ammunition therefor.”

On August 31, 2016, Breitbart News reported that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that a ban on gun ownership for medical marijuana users is constitutional. The decision was based on the fact that marijuana use remains illegal on the federal level, whether state-sanctioned or not. This means medical marijuana cardholders cannot pass background check form 4473 and, therefore, cannot legally purchase a firearm.

Form 4473 asks if the would-be firearm purchaser is “an unlawful user of…marijuana.” No one who answers “yes” to that question can purchase a gun.


Well-Known Member
Honolulu Police Order Medical Marijuana Cardholders to Surrender Their Firearms - Breitbart

HPD chief Susan Ballard points to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 134-7 (a), which says, “No person who is a fugitive from justice or is a person prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition under federal law shall own, possess, or control any firearm or ammunition therefor.”

On August 31, 2016, Breitbart News reported that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that a ban on gun ownership for medical marijuana users is constitutional. The decision was based on the fact that marijuana use remains illegal on the federal level, whether state-sanctioned or not. This means medical marijuana cardholders cannot pass background check form 4473 and, therefore, cannot legally purchase a firearm.

Form 4473 asks if the would-be firearm purchaser is “an unlawful user of…marijuana.” No one who answers “yes” to that question can purchase a gun.

You lost me at ‘Breitbart’.


Strength through joy
Honolulu Police Order Medical Marijuana Cardholders to Surrender Their Firearms - Breitbart

HPD chief Susan Ballard points to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 134-7 (a), which says, “No person who is a fugitive from justice or is a person prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition under federal law shall own, possess, or control any firearm or ammunition therefor.”

On August 31, 2016, Breitbart News reported that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that a ban on gun ownership for medical marijuana users is constitutional. The decision was based on the fact that marijuana use remains illegal on the federal level, whether state-sanctioned or not. This means medical marijuana cardholders cannot pass background check form 4473 and, therefore, cannot legally purchase a firearm.

Form 4473 asks if the would-be firearm purchaser is “an unlawful user of…marijuana.” No one who answers “yes” to that question can purchase a gun.

Update , the officials in Hawaii are reconsidering their actions due to public outcries.


Strength through joy
Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 (H.R. 38), passed the House Judiciary Committee is a common sense solution. The bill, which is supported by major pro-Second Amendment groups and has 213 cosponsors, would allow law-abiding citizens with a state-issued concealed carry license or permit to conceal a handgun in any other state that allows concealed carry. It would also allow law-abiding residents of Constitutional carry states the ability to carry in other states that recognize their own residents’ right to concealed carry.

H.R. 38 would allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed only if they are not federally prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm, are carrying a valid government-issued photo ID, and are lawfully licensed or otherwise entitled to carry a concealed handgun. Each person would have to follow the laws of the state, county and municipality in which they are carrying concealed.


Got the T-Shirt

El Correcto

god is dead
The founders never intended for us to have huge standing armies. The whole well armed militia was in place of being able to call in the military or national guard. I think ARs and pistols with excessive clip sizes should be banned in most situations. When the second amendment was wrote all they had were muskets, I’m sure they wouldn’t want a weapon capable of injuring 500 people to be in the hands of private citizens. People always go back to the founding and don’t realize a lot of progress had been made since then that has made America the greatest nation in the world, this country would of failed a long time ago if it wasn’t for government intervention and new amendments.


Well-Known Member
The founders never intended for us to have huge standing armies. The whole well armed militia was in place of being able to call in the military or national guard. I think ARs and pistols with excessive clip sizes should be banned in most situations. When the second amendment was wrote all they had were muskets, I’m sure they wouldn’t want a weapon capable of injuring 500 people to be in the hands of private citizens. People always go back to the founding and don’t realize a lot of progress had been made since then that has made America the greatest nation in the world, this country would of failed a long time ago if it wasn’t for government intervention and new amendments.

The founders could not have imagined the internet. All they had were cranky, hand operated printing presses.

Care to apply that logic to the first amendment?

Also, keep in mind that if you are a member of a labor union, your dues are being used to elect politicians who would cheerfully repeal the 2nd amendment.

The 2nd amendment has absolutely nothing to do with hunting deer or a reserve military. It's all to do with disposing of a corrupt government and reinstating a new one.

Another fallacious argument is that armed citizens couldn't possibly repel an army of trained, professional soldiers with tanks, planes, and missiles. Therefore, it's pointless for citizens to have guns at all.

Remember a place called Vietnam? The mightiest, best equipped military on earth (United States) was ultimately repelled in no small part by a bunch of armed, illiterate rice farmers wearing pajamas!


Inordinately Right
No. Not misinformed. I read which political candidates unions endorse and tell me to vote for. I get their propaganda in my mailbox. I get their emails, too.
Bruh. Your dues do not go to political candidates. It's the law.

If someone told you otherwise they lied to you and you need to get your news from somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Bruh. Your dues do not go to political candidates. It's the law.

If someone told you otherwise they lied to you and you need to get your news from somewhere else.

Absolutely no union dues go to endorsing and therefore electing union approved politicians?

Maybe you should go to 'Wikipedia Union Dues' and edit their page for them.

Hurry up. Before other people are "lied to".


Well-Known Member
Teamsters. No.
Hope this helps.
Stop watching Fox news.

I believe you are wrong. Again. But this time, I won't waste the time to double check. I do not care for this subject matter any more.

From only a few of my posts you assume that I watch Fox news?

That's like me assuming from your avatar that you smoke crack.

I will happily agree with liberals on a few political subjects. Just not gun control. Not one, eensy-teensy bit.