

nowhere special
Miralax but you caught my jest! Lol


I gotta step in here. Back when I carried my Glock 19, I would carry it in a kydex appendix holster at about 1o'clock. I did so for the comfort, concealability, and accessibility. Never did I worry about an accidental discharge with it for a number of reasons.

The aforementioned passive safety systems were one of them. There was no way that gun was going to go off unless I drew it and pulled the trigger. The other reason was my particular holster. It was constructed of a hard kydex shell that formed to the exact shape of the gun. Retention was provided by the design of the shell, "clipping" the gun into place. Not only was it not going anywhere until I intentionally drew it, but it would be impossible for anything to access the trigger while the gun was in my holster.

Safe carrying is all about knowing your system, which includes your gun and holster; how they work and how to utilize them properly. I can't speak on behalf of those who would have a negligent discharge, and frankly, I don't care. They are not me.

View attachment 197840

Alien Gear here. I know it’s not going to fall out, move, work loose, anything. Carry on the back, right by my back, right pocket. Trigger is completely covered by the shell, have no access to it unless it is drawn. I carry it half cocked, as you can tell, even then I’m looking at a pretty stout trigger pull (just a shade lighter than hammer completely down). Did the same with my p-07 when I had it as well. But I could switch the safety out for a decocker and vise-versa. I could carry it hammer back, with the safety on.


Inordinately Right
View attachment 198929

Alien Gear here. I know it’s not going to fall out, move, work loose, anything. Carry on the back, right by my back, right pocket. Trigger is completely covered by the shell, have no access to it unless it is drawn. I carry it half cocked, as you can tell, even then I’m looking at a pretty stout trigger pull (just a shade lighter than hammer completely down). Did the same with my p-07 when I had it as well. But I could switch the safety out for a decocker and vise-versa. I could carry it hammer back, with the safety on.
Someone has been spending time at the Budweiser brewery.


Staff member
Like that idiot cop a few years back. During a talking to to school kids, pulls his glock out and shoots himself in the foot. Some people don't deserve to have a gun.
I remember that, it was video'd, right?.
Absolutely no reason to pull it out.
Wonder what became of him? Seeing he was a cop, I'm sure he just got some kind of warning when anyone else would have been jailed....

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
WW1 era? Is that a MAS 36 (converted from 7.5 to .308)? WW2 era. Looks to be in excellent shape.
Yes it has been converted. It's not the original chamber. My bad. I thought it was WW1 era. It don't matter. It is French so it has never been fired and dropped once, lol.
I have heard the accuracy is hit or miss with these .308's. I won't know if I have a good one until I put some lead down range. That won't be for a bit. Nice looking rifle though.


nowhere special
Yes it has been converted. It's not the original chamber. My bad. I thought it was WW1 era. It don't matter. It is French so it has never been fired and dropped once, lol.
I have heard the accuracy is hit or miss with these .308's. I won't know if I have a good one until I put some lead down range. That won't be for a bit. Nice looking rifle though.
French rifles are usually ugly clunky things but still well made. And typically French they have to do things their own way (like oddball calibers).

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
I have read some horror stories of the French MAS and it's listing as one of the top guns to never buy. I got this for free from my Father so I ain't out anything if it doesn't shoot well. He didn't even shoot it so I have no idea. I bought 100 rounds of .308 so I will put it to the test.