

nowhere special
This is a problem how?

With great power comes great responsibility.

If you’re a gun owner, your guns should safely stored.

Aside from the ridiculousness of this law, what’s your issue?

I know that you personally control all your guns, but not everyone does.

Its a problem in that the city ordinance is in violation of state law, plus is vague and unenforceable. It will get tossed out but was just political grandstanding wasting peoples time.


Fight the power.
Bump stocks are pretty useless but the point was the city ordinance violated state law. And got slapped down by a judge for it.

Similar to how the Seattle law will get tossed out when it gets challenged in court for the same reason.
Never have even thought to myself. I should by a bump stock. No dude. Ban that s*. Normal people don’t need that s*


nowhere special
I like Kasich, but even his own state voted for Trump over Hillary.
Kasich has strong support in Cleveland and NE Ohio but little in rest of the state. And very little outside of state. Kind of like Cuomo in NY that only has regional support. Only difference between them is Kasich tries to pretend he's conservative.