Handshake Agreement


Browncafe Steward
As usual you guys are so dead set on PUTTING SOMEONE DOWN that you have totally missed my point.

I won't take the time to explain my point again, only intelligent people would get it.


For those of you who are intelligent, you had better OPEN your eyes and really look into this contract. The ONLY good thing about it is the CS pension fund takeover by UPS. They (UPS and the TEAMSTERS) are using this to sell this contract.
There is way more GIVE in this contract than there has EVER been in my almost 18 years with the company. The part timers are REALLY getting the shaft again.
If it is true that the ptimers wont receive any medical and the wage progression goes to 3 years, the probationary period becomes 60 working days from 40,i to would agree that we are being force feed a bowl of bs from the teamsters and ups on ths deal. Those little language changes would be enough to turn me into a no voter and i could care less how much money they throw at me to do it. Its like 82 all over again, me,me,me and lets not worry about the newbies!


Well-Known Member
Again people.......

Those red circled part-time old timers were obviously NOT being included in my statements. We have one left in our building. He was our BEST (absolutely) preloader the old way. Now he is NO different then any of them.

As to calling part-timers stupid.....well if you could reread it I was saying that those people who came to UPS solely with the intention of supporting a family based upon UPS part-time wages as supplemental are well....stupid.

Lets face it guys.....you read a label, pick up the box and place it where the label told you. Thats your job in a nutshell as a preloader. Car knowledge isn't needed anymore. So the one "technically hard" part of your job has been eliminated.

Obviously more money would be nice...It would be nice if I was making twice what I am now. Though lets start being a bit more real here.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Again people.......

As to calling part-timers stupid.....well if you could reread it I was saying that those people who came to UPS solely with the intention of supporting a family based upon UPS part-time wages as supplemental are well....stupid.

I think you are totally missing the point or just chose to ignore the responses. Reread the responses where we gave examples of how your assertion that those people are "stupid" doesn't stand up. There are probably thousands of people that contradict your rediculous statement. We have plenty in my building alone. If you were to tell any of them they were stupid they would laugh at you all the way to the bank. Most of them, in my building anyway, have other jobs and are doing pretty well. Dollar for dollar they are doing better than allot of people and dollar for dollar their pension will be better than most drivers. Yeah...that sounds stupid to me. LOL!


Well-Known Member
If it is true that the ptimers wont receive any medical and the wage progression goes to 3 years, the probationary period becomes 60 working days from 40,i to would agree that we are being force feed a bowl of bs from the teamsters and ups on ths deal. Those little language changes would be enough to turn me into a no voter and i could care less how much money they throw at me to do it. Its like 82 all over again, me,me,me and lets not worry about the newbies!

And your point? Be very happy with what you got and don't worry so much about someone who doesn't even work here yet.


Browncafe Steward

And your point? Be very happy with what you got and don't worry so much about someone who doesn't even work here yet.
Thats why we are here today my friend. the p-timer got sold out in 82 and again in 02 and now we are suppose to turn our back om them again? I dont know about you, but i will never forget were i came from as a part-timer and the struggles that myself and my family went through to get here now. If you like i could send you a me, me, me sticker for your locker?


You smell that?
I HOPE that the TEAMSTERS haven't sold us out AGAIN by trying to PUSH a quick contract settlement just to try and stop the progression of the APWA.

By the way the APWA is not completely swept under the rug yet.

Those were your words. I guarantee that the Teamsters were never worried about the APWA and the thought of them had NOTHING to do with the negotiations.

For those of you who are intelligent, you had better OPEN your eyes and really look into this contract.

No crap. Talk about pointing out the obvious.

The ONLY good thing about it is the CS pension fund takeover by UPS.

That's debatable. Sure, CS is in trouble but I'm very wary of a single employer pension fund. They don't exactly have a great track record either.

There is way more GIVE in this contract than there has EVER been in my almost 18 years with the company. The part timers are REALLY getting the shaft again.

I'll reserve my judgment on that until I read it for myself. Do you really believe that the APWA, who have never negotiated a contract before, could have got UPS to start a separate pension fund without considerable concessions? I'll take my chances with the Teamsters.

If the part-timers are getting screwed they can vote the contract down. If they don't then it's their fault.


I'm not the one that bought into the crap being sold by the APWA. Hope you get your money back. Was it refundable?

Cubby Fan

Part timers should be allowed half the voting power a full timer gets PERIOD! There are good PT employees out there but the majority don't really care about anything but days off and more pay.

Full timers are career minded and spend 8 to 11 (or more) hours a day working.

This isn't meant for career oriented PT employees but you are in the minority. Maybe a PT employee with 5 or more years with the company is considered FT for voting purpose. At least that PT will probably have the same type of concerns as a full timer.


Well-Known Member
I think you are totally missing the point or just chose to ignore the responses. Reread the responses where we gave examples of how your assertion that those people are "stupid" doesn't stand up. There are probably thousands of people that contradict your rediculous statement. We have plenty in my building alone. If you were to tell any of them they were stupid they would laugh at you all the way to the bank. Most of them, in my building anyway, have other jobs and are doing pretty well. Dollar for dollar they are doing better than allot of people and dollar for dollar their pension will be better than most drivers. Yeah...that sounds stupid to me. LOL!

Well....if you would REREAD the entire post you'll discover it was originally brought about by a Part-Timer complaining. That it was hard to make ends meet as a Part-Time UPS employee. That he had to have three jobs to do so.

So obviously there are exceptions to everything. Though to complain as a Part-Timer here that you are struggling to make ends meet and it's the company's fault - do to low wages , is well STUPID.

Life is about sacrifices. Living within your means.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Well....if you would REREAD the entire post you'll discover it was originally brought about by a Part-Timer complaining. That it was hard to make ends meet as a Part-Time UPS employee. That he had to have three jobs to do so.

So obviously there are exceptions to everything. Though to complain as a Part-Timer here that you are struggling to make ends meet and it's the company's fault - do to low wages , is well STUPID.

Life is about sacrifices. Living within your means.

It doesn't matter that he was complaining. You said that anyone that works at UPS part-time for a career is stupid. You can't back peddle your way out of that statement by saying he was complaining about making ends meet. His inability to find another job or manage his finances and your statement are two different things. Just admit you put your foot in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
Ok.....could you explain to us how in terms of my first post. Someone would look to make a career out of Part-Time Teamster work at UPS.

Please enlighten me. As I'm not talking about the red circled old-timers. I'm talking current and future.

The essence of my post, one that you've missed is that people do not look at UPS Part-Time Union work as a career. It's secondary to something else in their lives.
Part-Time Starting Rate Frozen at $8.50

Healthcare Givebacks for New Part-Timers
Details on the proposed economic package for part-timers are beginning to emerge, and they are not pretty.

The tentative agreement would freeze the starting pay rate for part-timers at $8.50 until August 2013. It would provide for an increase to $10.50 after 90 days on the job.

In a major concession, the proposed early deal reportedly denies health coverage to part-timers for the first year of employment, and family coverage for the first 18 months.

This is the “Very Best Agreement” that Hoffa promised?

The starting rate for part-timers at UPS will soon fall below the legal minimum wage in many states. In California, for example, the minimum wage will be $8.00 by the end of this year. By the time this contract takes effect (Aug. 1, 2008), it may be $8.50.

What will the minimum wage be in 2013 in California or in your state? Almost certainly more than $8.50, and perhaps over $10.50.

Should the largest and strongest Teamster contract—at the richest Teamster employer—provide for starting wages that are less than the minimum wage? Less than what Wal-Mart pays?

Under the proposed deal, it will take longer for part-time Teamsters to go full-time because the tentative deal will NOT create 10,000 new full-time jobs like the 1997 and 2002 contracts did. Instead it creates fewer jobs.

In a positive step, the tentative agreement increases the penalty for supervisors working from time-and-a-half to double time. That’s an improvement, where the union enforces this language.

UPS made more than $4 billion in profits last year. Is this really the best they could deliver to the part-timers who make up the majority of their workforce?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I have read most of the posts about the part timers. I guess where I have a problem is the fact that it sounds like some of the PT employees feel they are entitled.

The PT job is just that...a PT job. Let's put it another way, how much credibility would you give a complaint by a burger flipper at the golden arches that he/she can't live on the wages they make???? I can see where VT Brown has a point...

Oh ...by the way...those 10,000 (22.3) combo jobs are still out there and there is a lot of movement in the positions. There is always a combo person that is trying to move into a better job ...whether it is a driver job or a better combo job. This creates movement and openings for others. In my old district, the average seniority for a 22.3 job is 2.5 to 4 years. I know this figure varies accross the country.

I think that a lot of PT understand what they are getting into when they accept the PT job...they just figure they will get their foot in the door and they will make things change....Those folks that feel that way are immature and are not living in the real world. Again, they think they are entitied.

Quit complaining and make your life better through education or job search that fits the life stlye you want.

My wife worked 2 jobs while I went to school and worked PT so that we could live the way we wanted. We did without for a lot of years and thanked God every day for what we had. We were 20 years old when we got married and we are still happily married today. When I went full time, I continued my education at night and spent the entire weekend studying. My wife did a man's job and made $1000 less a month because she was a women. We did not whine or complain...about discrimination, we dealt with it and continued to thank God for what we had.

When you feel like life is handing you lemons you should take those lemons and make lemonade! Don't blame UPS for the PT job you ACCEPTED. Be thankful for the opportunities that lie ahead!
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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Ok.....could you explain to us how in terms of my first post. Someone would look to make a career out of Part-Time Teamster work at UPS.

Please enlighten me. As I'm not talking about the red circled old-timers. I'm talking current and future.

The essence of my post, one that you've missed is that people do not look at UPS Part-Time Union work as a career. It's secondary to something else in their lives.

It's rather simple. Someone applies, lands the job, and then decides to hold on to the job as a second job. Years down the road their pay rate is higher and if their finances are in order, or if their spouse is making decent money too, then making UPS their sole employer is an option. We have plenty of people in my building alone that can vouch for either of those scenarios and they aren't all "red-circled" old timers. They are well off financially. Even the ones that are only working at UPS. There is even one guy that is single and gets by just fine working at UPS part-time as his sole source of income. Not having a spouse to provide additional income hasn't drug him down. He worked a second job for many years but doesn't need it anymore. All these people (the ones in my building at least) have it made. They don't have to work the long hours that full-timers do, yet, are getting going on just fine with their finances. So, are these people stupid? I think not.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
PTIMERS are not stupid. I should know I was one for 8 yrs.:tongue_sm I think I was stupid when I wanted to work full time.
Isnt that how it goes, we want to work full time, we want the big bucks. Then when we get full time we want to work less.
When you get 3.5, you want 10, when you get 10, you want 3.5, we will always want what we dont have.
From my perspective, yes they should get more, than 8.50. Thats what I started at in 1984. It takes a heck of a person to be on time every day for a job that sometimes starts at 3am, and sometimes you fight through ice and snow and get there. Or in the evenings washing trucks, and your hoses freeze, your pants are frozen stiff, and then you have to drive home:mellow:. Unloading trailers that are 120 in the summer and your hands freeze to the rollers and boxes in trailers that are 10 degrees in the winter. It aint for everyone. But it gave me the flexibility to go to school, raise my kids, and be on the beach by 11am. And the time to work another job, or start a business. There are multitudes of reasons for wanting to work, or stay PT. But I do not feel UPS ever really wanted most of us to stay. It was explained to me, that "these are pt positions to fill a need in a flexible business, and we should plan to move on, til then this is what you get. Make the most of it."
The whole entitlement thing is the way of the world, look around.:w00t: I disagree with it, but it is permeating society. At least these part timers are feeling they should get something back besides pay for their efforts, working toward a goal, waiting on their dream job, which is a whole lot better than expecting something for doing nothing.


Active Member
Here It Is $127.00 Per Year Of Service. Minimum 25 Years And 55 Years Of Age. Example 30 Years Times $127.00=$3810.00 Per Month- $150.00 For Insurance=$3660.00- 16% For Taxes=$3422.00 Approx Take Home Per Month. $3422.00 Times 12=$41064.00 Divided By 52 Weeks =$789.00 Take Home Per Week Approx. You Figure Your Years, But Remember You Gotta Be 55. Thats The New Formula With The New Contract 2008.


Well-Known Member
Here It Is $127.00 Per Year Of Service. Minimum 25 Years And 55 Years Of Age. Example 30 Years Times $127.00=$3810.00 Per Month- $150.00 For Insurance=$3660.00- 16% For Taxes=$3422.00 Approx Take Home Per Month. $3422.00 Times 12=$41064.00 Divided By 52 Weeks =$789.00 Take Home Per Week Approx. You Figure Your Years, But Remember You Gotta Be 55. Thats The New Formula With The New Contract 2008.

How do you know?


Browncafe Steward
Here It Is $127.00 Per Year Of Service. Minimum 25 Years And 55 Years Of Age. Example 30 Years Times $127.00=$3810.00 Per Month- $150.00 For Insurance=$3660.00- 16% For Taxes=$3422.00 Approx Take Home Per Month. $3422.00 Times 12=$41064.00 Divided By 52 Weeks =$789.00 Take Home Per Week Approx. You Figure Your Years, But Remember You Gotta Be 55. Thats The New Formula With The New Contract 2008.
What are you talking about? Theres several different pension plans and each one differs, which plan are you refering to?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this is off topic, but I would like to add my view on the part-time situation. Where I work, a majority of the part-time employees are willing to work ten or eleven hours a day and will do whatever it takes to get extra hours. I am not saying that is bad to want more hours and income because that is the idea. I simply feel that people working over eight hours a day on a regular basis should be full-time, not part-time. It is hard for some to understand, but if the part-timers continue to perform full-time work just so they can get extra hours, they will be waiting a very long time for a full-time opportunity. Many do not agree with my view on this and I respect their opinions as well. I was part-time for ten years so I understand how these folks feel. I never performed full-time work nor did the others I worked with back then. I think that the handwriting is on the wall with this next contract. Something is wrong when full-time drivers are told to be done in 9.5 hours but part-timers can work 14. Sorry for the length of this, as I know nothing will change based on internet rants.