I hope that isn't accurate. The teamsters seem to be losing an awful lot of ground in certain areas with every contract that passes. The current progression is too long as it is for FT package car drivers. Next they'll take away the benefits from the PT'ers and make them wait 1-2 years.
As matter of fact it is true, Griff. It is going to take 3 years for drivers to make progression. Go to makeupsdeliver.com for details.
UPS increases this every year. Last contract I believe it was 2-2 1/2 years before that contract it was one year.
As far as Pt'rs, any one hired after the contract is ratified and takes affect on 8/01/08 will have to wait a year to get their benefits. The company is assuming that most new-hires are young kids and they are still uner their parent's coverage.
I believe this is going to blow up in UPS's face big-time. They are already hurting for people to come to work, and this is with benefits and bribing them with earn and learn. Believe it or not, there are older people who come to UPS simply for the benefits. Many of them have other jobs or own their own business on the side. I gurantee you they will not come to UPS and wait a year to get benefits. They want the benefits NOW.