Browncafe Steward
The topic here is have the teamsters sold you out. It should read have the upsers sold out the teamsters. How many upsers attend monthly meetings? File grievances? Get involved? Joined drive?Race I was Picketline captain, and stayed there almost around the clock. People pretty much had to make me go rest. Not trying to honk my own horn here just stating facts. I was with it and for it!
Some people got jobs, alot of them did walk the line though. I will say for a short while on Sunday a couple of days before it ended, or maybe the day before, memories a bit foggy, I was alone on the line, and I goota say, I was dialing numbers at record speed, as I was sure a red laser light from a rifle was going to be pointing at me, or an angry customer was going to.
I know what you mean be the lack of unity, but our union should stop playing on the fact that they are long at home, when we get off, and do what we pay them to do, or you get competition from another Union etc...
Now how many upsers run through their lunch? Load their trucks for free? Screw the drivers next to them? Steal other drivers pick ups? Basically only care about themselves?
Now if you were the business agent how much of this can you take? No matter how hard you try the average upser is in it for himself and no one else, until they get in trouble and need the union. After the union gets them back guess what, they only care about themselves again. I can see how some agents just give up, i dont condone it but i see it.