Medical Lingo
(Terminology you need to know to make informed decisions about your Health Care)
Artery.......................the study of paintings
Bacteria....................the back door of a cafeteria
Bowel.......................a letter like a, e, i, o, u
Caesarean Section...a neighborhood in Rome
Cat Scan..................searching for kitty
Cauterize..................made eye contact with her
Colic.........................a sheep dog
D&C.........................where Washington is
Dilate........................to live long
Enema......................not a friend
Genital.....................not a Jew
G.I. series.................soldier ball game
Hang nail..................coat hook
Impotent...................distinguished, well known
Labor pain................getting hurt a work
Medical Staff............a doctor's cane
Morbid.....................higher offer
Nitrates....................cheaper than day rates
Out Patient...............a person that fainted
Pap Smear...............a fatherhood test
Pelvis.......................a cousin of Elvis
Post Operative..........a letter carrier
Recovery Room........a place to do upholstery
Rectum....................dang neared killed him
Seizure....................Roman Emperor
Tablet......................a small table
Terminal Illness........getting sick at the airport
Tumor......................more than one
Urine........................opposite of you're out
(Terminology you need to know to make informed decisions about your Health Care)
Artery.......................the study of paintings
Bacteria....................the back door of a cafeteria
Bowel.......................a letter like a, e, i, o, u
Caesarean Section...a neighborhood in Rome
Cat Scan..................searching for kitty
Cauterize..................made eye contact with her
Colic.........................a sheep dog
D&C.........................where Washington is
Dilate........................to live long
Enema......................not a friend
Genital.....................not a Jew
G.I. series.................soldier ball game
Hang nail..................coat hook
Impotent...................distinguished, well known
Labor pain................getting hurt a work
Medical Staff............a doctor's cane
Morbid.....................higher offer
Nitrates....................cheaper than day rates
Out Patient...............a person that fainted
Pap Smear...............a fatherhood test
Pelvis.......................a cousin of Elvis
Post Operative..........a letter carrier
Recovery Room........a place to do upholstery
Rectum....................dang neared killed him
Seizure....................Roman Emperor
Tablet......................a small table
Terminal Illness........getting sick at the airport
Tumor......................more than one
Urine........................opposite of you're out