What is considered a good tip? I want to give my helper something next Friday.
I have never tipped a Helper before, but this one has impressed me so much I am going to give him a hundred bucks next Friday. UPS used to give a bonus to a helper if he showed up everyday and worked hard, but none of my management team has heard of anything like that this year. My helper has ran his tail off for two months now for $8.50 an hour, I feel guilty about his low pay. I have been lucky to have a great Preloader the last five years too, she is going to get something also.[/quote]
In my district, helpers were given 100 dollars and drivers or other ups employees were given 300 dollars for EACH helper they were able to find. Dome drivers made an extra 1500 dollars for findind 5 college kids home from school who wanted a few weeks of work.