Herman Cain


Staff member
unfortunately isnt that a big part of what get a president elected? how charismatic they are?
I don't think you can be a successful politician these days without at least some charisma. How big a part it plays probably depends on a lot of other factors though.


Staff member
OK, I couldn't open it........what state did he win a poll in?
It was a nationwide poll of conservative women, so I'm not sure it qualifies as an actual straw poll (whatever that means anyway).
You need acrobat reader to open it, just download the plug in for whichever browser you use.

* edit - It is in fact a straw poll, for some reason I had it in my head that straw polls were conducted by individual states but that's not the case.


golden ticket member


I don't think you can be a successful politician these days without at least some charisma. How big a part it plays probably depends on a lot of other factors though.

Right. However charisma can also be detrimental. Take Rick Santorum for example...his charisma works against him. He comes across an emotional, whiny spoiled brat.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Herman Cain continues to blow up his credentials all the while mis stating the facts.

Lets start with a couple of statements.

""Deeply disturbed at what I saw coming out of the White House under President Obama – from forcing ObamaCare on an unwilling public, to weakening our military, to bowing down to foreign leaders, to his dreadful handling of the economy and soft-on-terrorism policies, it was impossible for me to remain on the sidelines.""

Really? Soft on Terror? how many terror leaders have been killed in the last 2 years? Handling of the economy? You mean the BUSH recession that started in 2007 and continues today with a mild recovery?

Weakening our military? or does he mean the lack of money to pay for its expansion?

""With 14 million Americans out of work, an unemployment rate of over 9%, and a weakened dollar – we’re facing the worst economic times since the Great Depression"

Seriously? So far, the economy today is in better shape than when BUSH had it for his last 2 1/2 years. From negative GDP under BUSH to positive GDP in every quarter. Is that a depression? The stock market making trillions of dollars in three years versus losing trillions under BUSH and OBAMA is taking us into a depression?

""We need a proven leader in the White House – not a community organizer. And as a successful business leader and CEO, my executive experience in turning around struggling companies is just what this country needs."""

Successful experience?? Does he mean when he ran Godfathers pizza into the ground and took the chain from 914 stores to 420 stores and put people on unemployment? How about when he ran AQUILA into the ground and scammed the employees out of their retirement money until he was sued and had to pay back 35 million dollars that he paid himself and the other board members while the company was going broke?

CAINS temporary popularity is more of a sign from GOP voters that they have no idea who to vote for. The GOP drew to many defining lines between themselves and the party that they cant find ONE to fit without having to compromise on "principles" and look stupid.

By the end of next month, CAIN will be at the bottom again and off the air waves.

In my opinion, the time FOXED SPEWS is spending on CAIN is only to discredit ROMNEY and get him to faulter and then push PERRY back into the lead.

AT the end of the day, no republican can beat Obama in 2012, and Im cool with that.
