Herman Cain


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
What I love about herman is, he has no political baggage. he may have baggage, as in the Fed reserve in Kansas City, but he didnt stay, and I see it as more experience. they absolutely hate it when they cannot excoriate someone conservative, and hes so likeable no matter which side you are on. here is the deal, here is a solution, lets roll.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
What I love about herman is, he has no political baggage. he may have baggage, as in the Fed reserve in Kansas City, but he didnt stay, and I see it as more experience. they absolutely hate it when they cannot excoriate someone conservative, and hes so likeable no matter which side you are on. here is the deal, here is a solution, lets roll.

He is my favorite so far and lets just hope he can get some donors to help move him forward. If his book sells well then that should help too. All aboard the Cain Train.:happy-very:


golden ticket member
Nicely said - so much for his election chances ! Keep them comming Hermit !

Cain is right!! You don't blame others for your laziness and inability to get any kind of a job. All these kids who think they are entitled and are too lazy to kick start their lives. Herman is right, get off your butts and get working at something.

It's his common sense thinking that can get him elected.
You actually are more like Cain than you are like the demonstrators....you had no job but didn't crawl in the corner.....you thought up the weiner wagon and got to work to get back on your feet. That's what Cain's all about! Taking the initiative and being responsibe for yourself.


Für Meno :)
Well, he just shut himself out of the black vote since about 20% of them are unemployed officially, offically probably more like 30%.
He also shut himself out of the latino vote, and colledge grads, that simply couldn't find a job with their new received grads.
Of course he shut himself out of the 46 Million that live in poverty, too.
Most of the lower middle class workiers, too. Or those that have 2 or 3 part time jobs , just to make ends meet.

With his bold statement, anybody left to vote for him now, is upper middle class and the rich..... and those are rare these days in the US.

He shut himself out of single mommies, that have a walmart job or work as a waitress, to get by...... soo many people offended, even the cab drivers.


golden ticket member
He has not "shut himself off". He's probably taking away 30 % of the black vote from Obama.
People realize that he has a 'business sense' that O just doesn't have.
He came from poor beginnings, so he knows about hard work and striving for a goal. That's character
and people understand character.

I don't know why you think he has offended anyone..................except maybe do-nothings and they don't vote!


Für Meno :)
I hope he told his former employees at Dogfather Pizza what a bunch of losers they were, working for him with minimum wages.
Yup, that makes a good boss, alright !


golden ticket member
I hope he told his former employees at Dogfather Pizza what a bunch of losers they were, working for him with minimum wages.
Yup, that makes a good boss, alright !
Ok, it's official, you are the godfather of gibberish!!!



golden ticket member
Everbody mentions pizza......yes, he was CEO of Godfather's Pizza. He also was a rocket scientist and had a math degree and a Masters in Computer Science. He was vice-president of Pillsbury and he ran Burger King. He was head of the National Reataurant Association and Chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

Let's see, Obama was a community organizer (just like Sally Kohn) and he voted "present" in the Senate. Pitiful resume !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Everbody mentions pizza......yes, he was CEO of Godfather's Pizza. He also was a rocket scientist and had a math degree and a Masters in Computer Science. He was vice-president of Pillsbury and he ran Burger King. He was head of the National Reataurant Association and Chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

Let's see, Obama was a community organizer (just like Sally Kohn) and he voted "present" in the Senate. Pitiful resume !!!


He was CEO of Godfathers pizza and lost money, shut down 494 stores after losing money, Bought the pizza chain along with investors and stayed on as CEO until he was ASKED to resign by the executive board, he was an VP of operations for a branch of BURGER KING and not the entire BURGER KING CHAIN, he was then operating with the lobbying group NRA while operating godfathers until the board found out about it and forced him to resign. He was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in Kansas city for almost 1 year before he was asked to RESIGN.

Where in all that do you garner EXPERIENCE? Seems like he's been a failure in every aspect of his career. Why was he asked to resign from so many places? He sat on the board of directors for many corporations and left them ALL in the same fashion?

Why do you leave out his participation while chairman of the board of AQUILA? Why do you leave out that he was forced to pay back 35 million dollars to the employees of AQUILA after HE and his board stole this money from them?

CAIN has never been for the little guy, he's been for himself. When he closed 494 godfathers stores, how many people did he put on the unemployment line? When he took millions in bonuses from his employees at Aquila and the company went belly up with his knowledge, why did he continue to promote investing in company stock to his employees knowing it was going to fold? CAIN has had it easy, he's a part of the corporate greed machine. He has no intention of helping the average person. He would rather line his pockets with cash and tell you to work harder to get where he is.

That, you cant respect.

I know you dont have a clue, but maybe Trippy can help you out.



golden ticket member
Has Obama ever done a payroll?

He has shown by example that you can go from nothing to a college graduate with a masters. That IS a good example !!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Well, he just shut himself out of the black vote since about 20% of them are unemployed officially, offically probably more like 30%.
He also shut himself out of the latino vote, and colledge grads, that simply couldn't find a job with their new received grads.
Of course he shut himself out of the 46 Million that live in poverty, too.
Most of the lower middle class workiers, too. Or those that have 2 or 3 part time jobs , just to make ends meet.

With his bold statement, anybody left to vote for him now, is upper middle class and the rich..... and those are rare these days in the US.

He shut himself out of single mommies, that have a walmart job or work as a waitress, to get by...... soo many people offended, even the cab drivers.
So many things wrong with this statement.
I was a single Mommy. I worked at Kmart, and I was a waitress. And I worked two, and sometimes 3 jobs while deciding which one to keep. I would vote for Herman Cain in a heartbeat.
I quit school in 9th grade and I saw what my future would be. How could I have respect for myself, or support my children, without an education? It looked dismal. I didnt want to wait for a check every month, or raise my children like that. So I got off my butt, and founmd a job wherever they would hire me. Yes I wanted to make more money, but I had no reason for anyone to hire me, I had nothing to sell. You cant expect 10 dollars an hour if you are not qualified. But in this country, I believe, no matter what mistakes you made, you can turn it into a positive thing. So yes I am critical of those who dont try, because even in this down market, there are jobs. People are choosing to live off the public dole because it is easier.
That is when it comes down to self respect. yes things are bad and there are good people who cannot find jobs, but while unemployment is at 9% 91 percent of the people who want to work, are working. Ive always found its easier to find a job, when you have a job. And it may not be the ideal job, but it keeps you on your toes, looking for something else, and keeping your determination in tact.