Herman Cain


Für Meno :)
So many things wrong with this statement.
I was a single Mommy. I worked at Kmart, and I was a waitress. And I worked two, and sometimes 3 jobs while deciding which one to keep. I would vote for Herman Cain in a heartbeat.
I quit school in 9th grade and I saw what my future would be. How could I have respect for myself, or support my children, without an education? It looked dismal. I didnt want to wait for a check every month, or raise my children like that. So I got off my butt, and founmd a job wherever they would hire me. Yes I wanted to make more money, but I had no reason for anyone to hire me, I had nothing to sell. You cant expect 10 dollars an hour if you are not qualified. But in this country, I believe, no matter what mistakes you made, you can turn it into a positive thing. So yes I am critical of those who dont try, because even in this down market, there are jobs. People are choosing to live off the public dole because it is easier.
That is when it comes down to self respect. yes things are bad and there are good people who cannot find jobs, but while unemployment is at 9% 91 percent of the people who want to work, are working. Ive always found its easier to find a job, when you have a job. And it may not be the ideal job, but it keeps you on your toes, looking for something else, and keeping your determination in tact.

So is there or is there not the working poor in the United States (the ones that serve you dinner in a restaurant, or bag your groceries, or make your beds in a hotel room)...

Hermit Cain tells them - it`s their fault they ain't rich !
Same like his former Godfather pizza workers, or BK hamburger flippers.
I suppose no one needs to do those jobs under Cain, because people can do better then that.
Why did he even have employees working for minimum wages ?
Lets see if he ever makes president, if he minds people working for less all over the country, too.


golden ticket member
So is there or is there not the working poor in the United States (the ones that serve you dinner in a restaurant, or bag your groceries, or make your beds in a hotel room)...

Hermit Cain tells them - it`s their fault they ain't rich !
Same like his former Godfather pizza workers, or BK hamburger flippers.
I suppose no one needs to do those jobs under Cain, because people can do better then that.
Why did he even have employees working for minimum wages ?
Lets see if he ever makes president, if he minds people working for less all over the country, too.

You make absolutely no sense !!!


golden ticket member
Posted: 8:42 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, 2011
Herman Cain addresses the Occupy Wall Street crowd


Herman Cain

By Neal Boortz
Herman Cain has a message for the Occupy Wall Street kids …
"Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself. …It is not a person's fault if they succeeded, it is a person's fault if they failed.”
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to have these types of messages billowing from the White House, rather than the current wealth envy rhetoric we are subject to? I doubt that a Herman Cain presidency would tolerate half of the country suckling off the government teat.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yeah well, I think Im rich every day. I have a job, my health and I can pay my bills. I consider that rich. I dont know but I think that is what he felt when he said that. I think that is all most of us ever want and need.
My goal has never been to be rich. Just comfortable. That is how I took the quote. How you take it will of course be different.
People make minimum wage because they are starting out. And they move up. Klein in your hot dog shoppe, you might pay yourself 30$ an hour. You have the investment, do you pay, if you hired help, what you have to, to get someone to help you, or do you pay them what you pay yourself and just break even?


Für Meno :)
Lets just say the last girl I hired to work from 8am-7pm for 1 day, made $240 + $80 in tips.
I pay people fairly, and if I want them to ever work for me again, I won't have a problem getting those awesome people back.

I want someone hardworking, good at the job, and relaible, and that's the price to pay.
Otherwise I could pay everyone minium wage, like Herman Cain did running BK and pizza, but without any didicated staff.

You can try that at UPS and put all drivers back down to $10/hr.... lets see how that revolving door works out.


golden ticket member
Lets just say the last girl I hired to work from 8am-7pm for 1 day, made $240 + $80 in tips.
I pay people fairly, and if I want them to ever work for me again, I won't have a problem getting those awesome people back.

I want someone hardworking, good at the job, and relaible, and that's the price to pay.
Otherwise I could pay everyone minium wage, like Herman Cain did running BK and pizza, but without any didicated staff.

You can try that at UPS and put all drivers back down to $10/hr.... lets see how that revolving door works out.
What year did you work at BK with Cain or at the pizza place ???


Well-Known Member
Ok, it's official, you are the godfather of gibberish!!!

not to mention he is sticking his nose somewhere it really has no business.... why he even hangs around UPSers anymore is anyones guess. Now he feels its his business to get into our election... He has no life

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Has Obama ever done a payroll?

He has shown by example that you can go from nothing to a college graduate with a masters. That IS a good example !!

Why do you continue to deflect away from the post and back to OBAMA. You posted something about Herman CAINs inflated employment record, I countered you with some questions and the best you can do is come back with something about OBAMA?



golden ticket member
Why do you continue to deflect away from the post and back to OBAMA. You posted something about Herman CAINs inflated employment record, I countered you with some questions and the best you can do is come back with something about OBAMA?

You said you couldn't respect Cain's qualities and I was just showing you that your guy doesn't have any qualities at all. In fact, today I heard Neil Boortz say Obama as president is a bigger catastrophe than 9-11.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You said you couldn't respect Cain's qualities and I was just showing you that your guy doesn't have any qualities at all. In fact, today I heard Neil Boortz say Obama as president is a bigger catastrophe than 9-11.

WOW, neil bortz! Now I feel informed.



Well-Known Member
You said you couldn't respect Cain's qualities and I was just showing you that your guy doesn't have any qualities at all. In fact, today I heard Neil Boortz say Obama as president is a bigger catastrophe than 9-11.

WOW, neil bortz! Now I feel informed.


As you should. Two of his former fill in hosts are now running for president. Something about that show produces some good presidential candidates. ;)


golden ticket member
Another MSNBC hack (Lawrence O'donnell) tries to tell Hermain Cain that he is a draft dodger and Hermain Bitchslaps Lawerence for being a total Liberal Idiot. Video and transcript can be viewed here:

MSNBC's O'Donnell Accuses Herman Cain -- Who Worked for the Navy -- of Being a Draft Dodger

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-s...u-stay-night-come-wording-these#ixzz1a7AtldjC
I watched this tape earlier and thought Herman showed great restraint..........I'd have been saying, "Look Larry, you lily-livered piece of.....!!!"

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I watched this tape earlier and thought Herman showed great restraint..........I'd have been saying, "Look Larry, you lily-livered piece of.....!!!"

I agree. And unlike the Messiah who is afraid of tuff questions, Hermain seems to have no problem going on the Liberal news media programs.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another MSNBC hack (Lawrence O'donnell) tries to tell Hermain Cain that he is a draft dodger and Hermain Bitchslaps Lawerence for being a total Liberal Idiot. Video and transcript can be viewed here:

MSNBC's O'Donnell Accuses Herman Cain -- Who Worked for the Navy -- of Being a Draft Dodger

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-s...u-stay-night-come-wording-these#ixzz1a7AtldjC

Where was the bitchslapping???

I saw CAIN stumbling to find words, sentences that lacked words, and a B.S. Explaination to the question asked. CAINs appears confused when put on the spot and this video demonstrates just that.

I prefer CAINS "i dont have the facts to back that up" claim he made yesterday.

It should be his new campaign slogan!

Where was the bitchslapping???<br>
I saw CAIN stumbling to find words, sentences that lacked words, and a B.S. Explaination to the question asked. CAINs appears confused when put on the spot and this video demonstrates just that.<br>
I prefer CAINS "i dont have the facts to back that up" claim he made yesterday.<br>
It should be his new campaign slogan!<br>
ADDS much TOS?
Here is the answer(bitchsplapping) from Cain in case you missed it.
CAIN: Lawrence, first of all, I wanted to clarify the record because I didn't want to be accused later of saying that I served in the Navy. And if you read the book closely, it says I worked for the Department of the Navy. Now, your choice of words to say, “How did I avoid the Vietnam War?” I wasn't trying to avoid the Vietnam War. Here's what happened, Lawrence. I was working in a critical area called <strong>exterior ballistics. I worked on something called the rocket-assisted projectile for the Department of the Navy. It was my local board in Atlanta, Georgia, that told me, we would rather for you to continue to do that analytical work to help the Navy rather than us drafting you. Secondly, when they had the lottery, I made myself available. The year that they had the lottery for the draft they did not draft me because they didn't get to my number. So I think that's a poor choice of words on your part, to say that I avoided the Vietnam War. I made myself available to my country, and they did not draft me. The rest of the time I was serving my country in a critical role called exterior ballistics analysis. So I am offended with your choice of words in terms of what I was doing during the Vietnam War.

So in your opinion working on the exterior ballistics missile systems during the war was evading the draft and a BS answer? given the question from the attackhack, I would say this is a pretty solid answer, a whole lot better than saying while on a student deferment he went to Russia(Billery). How bout your dream pres? How much time did zer0bama spend in the military during peace time? Oh that's right ZERO.
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
There are Liberals and then there are left-wing loons....

When I see left-wing loons attacking Herman Cain I know that we have a candidate worth voting for. I am a supporter but I do have an ABO (Anybody But Obama) attitude. I think Cain has a track record. He is plain spoken and has a sense of humor. It doesn't hurt that he is brilliant either! I heard his speech at the Florida Straw Poll convention and his speech was stirring and inspiring while his delivery was not only on par with Obama (the only thing BO can do), I thought it was a touch better.

Most importantly right now.... I trust him and I KNOW he is a proven leader who can bring this country together.

We will vet the all the candidates. If BO was not doing so poorly, I would be inclined to think that a conservative could never win... however, it is possible this election cycle.

...Of course left-wing loons and the numb-nut fringe won't buy this at all!


Age quod agis
Well, he just shut himself out of the black vote since about 20% of them are unemployed officially, offically probably more like 30%.
He also shut himself out of the latino vote, and colledge grads, that simply couldn't find a job with their new received grads.
Of course he shut himself out of the 46 Million that live in poverty, too.
Most of the lower middle class workiers, too. Or those that have 2 or 3 part time jobs , just to make ends meet.

With his bold statement, anybody left to vote for him now, is upper middle class and the rich..... and those are rare these days in the US.

He shut himself out of single mommies, that have a walmart job or work as a waitress, to get by...... soo many people offended, even the cab drivers.

You know this because you are an American Citizen?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes 37 pages of slanderous attack, and hes still the man. He doesnt have to lie and throw people under the bus, he rents the bus! Wow, imagine that! who would think you could be ahead in the poles when you dont lavishly campaign. Kinda like a beer and a burger between friends when I hear the man talk!


Für Meno :)
You know this because you are an American Citizen?

Do you know there are more Canadian Newsreporters in the US then there are in Canada ?
Donna Friesen finally made it home last year, and is doing Global National here, after spending like 20 years in the US.
Or Ali Veslhi on CCN (usually business and finance news), he's Canadian (bald headed guy).

Piers Morgan, he's English - what is he doing having his own show on a major American News Station ?
And what the hell in Simon Cowell doing hosting the largest TV show in America and judging American people ?
Gorden Ramsey telling/showing Americans how to cook and how to run a kitchen/restaurant in the US.
The list goes on and on.

And actually while typing this I'm watching Dateline on NBC (another Canadian right from my corner of Canada) is the host of that show.

I know the average Americans are only interested in American news, but the other world people do follow American and World politics much more closer.
Most Americans wouldn't know the UK, Canada, or Germany have a conservative government. Nor wouldn't they know a socalled "pirate party" recently got Bundeshaus seats in Berlin thru elections.

And yes, when someone offends 30-40% of the population they hope to get votes from - that comes back to bite them.
Romney and Perry will finish Cain off, way much sooner then Obama even has a chance at him.

I seen the calcutions what his 9-9-9 tax does.
Someone earning 21.500 per year, now only pays around 2.9% in taxes.
With 9-9-9 that same person will be paying over 11.8% in taxes.

And who benefits ? Yup, corperate America, again. Banks and corperations that are currently already sitting on Trillions, get to pay over 20% less on corperate taxes while the poor even get poorer.

And you wonder why people are on the streets demostrating against corperate greed.
You haven't seen nothing yet, if Cain gets elected by some magical stupidity.
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