Herman Cain


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I like a bumper sticker I saw "if you voted for Obama to prove you are not a racist, vote for Cain to prove you are not a racist"
Cain is getting discriminated against because he is black, and successful. But none of the criticism makes sense.
If Obama had been treated the way Cain is being treated, there would have been rioting in the streets!!
Oh wait there is, and its all distraction.
I have no problem with protesters, when they know what they are protesting. At least the woodstock era knew what they wanted. Make love not war, which has turned into shoot sperm not bullets. And they were honest, sex, and drugs and rock and roll.
I have no problem with protesting govt buildings, hating the govt, I hate them too.
Or that the banks got bailed out and people losing their homes didnt. I think it sucks.
Ot that people with degrees cant find jobs, it was better when we were younger for sure. Its going to be a challenge for a decade or more depending on the president.
So we have a person with solutions, with experience, with knowledge of the world at work, and you libs hate him sooooo much, it drives you nuts.
Go join in the protests, there will soon be one in everytown, even my democratic stronghold full of murder, coruption and mayhem, is having one the 15th.
It is called mob rule, and it is a distraction, and a travesty, that they cannot protest without leaving a trail of trash.


Staff member
I don't think we on the left care enough about Cain to hate him. The republicans won't nominate him. It's a dead point. If the republicans were ever serious about nominating a black man, Alan Keyes would have been getting more than the 1% of the vote he barely received when he ran. Racism? Hell, I don't know. You tell me. Why won't the establishment get behind him? He's a successful businessman. What's the problem?


Well-Known Member
I don't think we on the left care enough about Cain to hate him. The republicans won't nominate him. It's a dead point. If the republicans were ever serious about nominating a black man, Alan Keyes would have been getting more than the 1% of the vote he barely received when he ran. Racism? Hell, I don't know. You tell me. Why won't the establishment get behind him? He's a successful businessman. What's the problem?
Its not that republicans wont vote for him... he's doesnt play the game enough to fit the mold of a politician for either side


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I don't think we on the left care enough about Cain to hate him. The republicans won't nominate him. It's a dead point. If the republicans were ever serious about nominating a black man, Alan Keyes would have been getting more than the 1% of the vote he barely received when he ran. Racism? Hell, I don't know. You tell me. Why won't the establishment get behind him? He's a successful businessman. What's the problem?
The RNC is as bad as the DNC. I would vote for Keyes, he isnt running here. hes a hero, a soldier, a smart man. I really didnt notice that his blackness defined him. He is a great human being and American.
I dont think the republican establishment can keep Cain from being the nominee. That would be racist, that is if he keeps up his momentum.
And for those on the left that dont care about herman Cain, stay off his page:surprised:Hes such a non entity dont get your panties in a bunch.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I watched this tape earlier and thought Herman showed great restraint..........I'd have been saying, "Look Larry, you lily-livered piece of.....!!!"
Oh I would have so lost it. Was not an interview, just a total Cain Slam fest. He did well, he will continue. he lived through civil rights, he can refight that war.


Yes, a plan conceived by and worked out by a degree holding mathematician is something I would take over the current code any day of the week.
I am degree holding and think his plan would be an utter failure and joke, and many others with far greater sophistication than myself or Cain agree.


Well-Known Member
I am degree holding and think his plan would be an utter failure and joke, and many others with far greater sophistication than myself or Cain agree.

There are a lot of degree holding individuals who don't have a clue on many subjects. Herman Cain has the accomplishments to prove he does, and therefore I find his plan much more palatable than your baseless criticism.

BTW, I just contributed another $20 to his campaign. Thought you would like to know. :)


Well-Known Member
And Cain unfortunately falls into that camp.

I know I know, he is a black man who thinks for himself therefore he is clueless in your book. Its too bad your Marxist ideals blind you from understanding the greatness that more individual liberty and less government can bring to a nation. Our superpower status in the world is a testament to that. You seem to think that being a slave to a government is a good thing, and under a President Cain you will find that most people simply don't strive to be a slave as you do.


I know I know, he is a black man who thinks for himself therefore he is clueless in your book. Its too bad your Marxist ideals blind you from understanding the greatness that more individual liberty and less government can bring to a nation. Our superpower status in the world is a testament to that. You seem to think that being a slave to a government is a good thing, and under a President Cain you will find that most people simply don't strive to be a slave as you do.

First of all, because I have read Marx among many other alternative views does not mean I am a Marxist. I think Marx is bloody brilliant in some regards but unfortunately he is correlated with regimes which were twisted out of control and not the classical definition of socialsm.

Interestingly I find much more value in ideas such as Tuckers "Individual Liberty", than anything Marx

Secondly, you avoiding alternative views including Marx, does mean that you don't have any ground to argue with anyone about it. Speaking of slavery - in your posts, you prove over and over again to be a slave to the mainstream by not being able to address anything except mainstream.

Thirdly, our "superpower status" was, has and is clearly impinging on others rights, globally, and any type of "super power" will is nearly always going to reflect negatively upon others - aka forcing ones will into someone else's lives who don't want it there, which in effect speaks against everything you are saying.
Fourth, "President Cain" WOULD in fact promote others being slaves - no different than what has been going on for decades.
Being a slave to business and corporate political leaders, corporate lobbyists, big banks, big oil...it goes on and on... Be it big or small gov't, if you are an American and you support people like Herman Cain and Perry and ROmney , you are a slave to mainstream politics no matter how large or small the government entity. And mainstream politics, beliefs and ideas are where being a "slave" to something begins - so deep engrained, you're officially are no longer thinking for yourself without even knowing it.

And yes, when someone offends 30-40% of the population they hope to get votes from - that comes back to bite them.
Romney and Perry will finish Cain off, way much sooner then Obama even has a chance at him.

I seen the calcutions what his 9-9-9 tax does.
Someone earning 21.500 per year, now only pays around 2.9% in taxes.
With 9-9-9 that same person will be paying over 11.8% in taxes.

And who benefits ? Yup, corperate America, again. Banks and corperations that are currently already sitting on Trillions, get to pay over 20% less on corperate taxes while the poor even get poorer.

And you wonder why people are on the streets demostrating against corperate greed.
You haven't seen nothing yet, if Cain gets elected by some magical stupidity.

Make up your mind, do you think the US needs more "revenue" or not? You've spent weeks telling us we have to raise taxes yet, now when someone is advocating just that, you are against him. Admit it klein, you aren't interested in anything other than criticizing America and our people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for Cain nor the 9-9-9 plan, but do feel they both are worthy of unbiased attention.

The matter of how the "revenue" is spent is really a separate topic all together that needs to be addressed.

Have you seen the supposed list of demands from the protesters? Every point was about greed and not that of wall street or corporate America.