Herman Cain

The job does not define me. The last thing people outside of UPS know about me is what I do for a financial living. I also can respect those who disagree.
I understand that, being a UPS driver never defined who I am either, but that;s not the point. You are not using your math degree in real world applications. Cain did and in part still using it. I'm still not sold on the idea of the 9-9-9 plan but for me to totally discount it as a failure or a joke, I would like to hear what these so called sophisticated minds are saying about this. Any unbiased references?


golden ticket member
You don't need to have a degree to see that our current tax code needs a serious makeover.
We need to get rid of all the masses of paper work full of legal-babble that no one understands......and get rid of the IRS where they think they lord it over you with their audits.
Tax returns should be the size of a post card.........I made this amount, I owe this amount, no deductions and mail it.


Staff member
I understand that, being a UPS driver never defined who I am either, but that;s not the point. You are not using your math degree in real world applications. Cain did and in part still using it. I'm still not sold on the idea of the 9-9-9 plan but for me to totally discount it as a failure or a joke, I would like to hear what these so called sophisticated minds are saying about this. Any unbiased references?
Bloomberg on 9-9-9

Bloomberg on 9-9-9

Is this truly an unbiased opinion? A tax lawyer ( Kleinbard) opposing an idea that would essentially eliminate the need for tax lawyers and a person whose life has been spent in tax law and policy (Kautter)? IDK, anymore it is hard to know who one can trust with factual information. This was an interesting read none the less. Thanks for the link.


golden ticket member
Is this truly an unbiased opinion? A tax lawyer ( Kleinbard) opposing an idea that would essentially eliminate the need for tax lawyers and a person whose life has been spent in tax law and policy (Kautter)? IDK, anymore it is hard to know who one can trust with factual information. This was an interesting read none the less. Thanks for the link.
Again, it's not permanent......9-9-9 is just a transitional plan to get to a flat tax.


Für Meno :)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I understand that, being a UPS driver never defined who I am either, but that;s not the point. You are not using your math degree in real world applications. Cain did and in part still using it. I'm still not sold on the idea of the 9-9-9 plan but for me to totally discount it as a failure or a joke, I would like to hear what these so called sophisticated minds are saying about this. Any unbiased references?

Read this.

It should give you a solid explanation why 999 wont work.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Anybody who thinks CAINS plan will save the country does not understand fiscal policy.

Cain’s plan — which has earned accolades from the likes of supply-side
guru Art Laffer — would explode the deficit, while increasing taxes on
the poor to pay for a giant tax cut for the rich. As Center for American
Progress Vice President for Economic Policy Michael Ettlinger put it, the plan
“would be the biggest tax shift from the wealthy to the middle-class in the
history of taxation, ever, anywhere, and it would bankrupt the

He seeks advice from ART LAFFER, who during REAGANS term, created the largest tax cut for the rich while blowing up the national deficit to records never seen before. 3.7 trillion dollars.

LAFFER, who raised taxes during REAGAN for the middle class and working poor 7 times is a part of the reason the republicans blow up the deficit everytime they get their hands on control.

LEARN people, LEARN.



golden ticket member
No, you have no idea what you are raving about.........check his own website and you'll see where 9-9-9 is just phase 1. Read on about phase 2 and a fair tax. You just like to holler and tell people they're stupid. Well, you need to check your facts!!


golden ticket member
Yup, buy them now, before 9-9-9 (save 9% on tax), and buy while you still have more net income.
Because, you`ll be taxed on your gross wages with 9-9-9, that means even your health bennies will be fully taxed.
Probably just $150 or more less income per month, but could have went to a good cause instead, like those T-Shirts above, right ?

You rail about taxes....Obama wants to tax my big toe, my junk drawer at home, my flower bed in the back yard, my 27 chickens, my 32 oz. mug, my box of paperclips, my sticky notes, my inhale breaths, my exhale breaths,...............get the picture

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, you have no idea what you are raving about.........check his own website and you'll see where 9-9-9 is just phase 1. Read on about phase 2 and a fair tax. You just like to holler and tell people they're stupid. Well, you need to check your facts!!

I dont have to tell you moreluck, you know you dont have the first clue about taxiation and the economy.

You hear, you repeat.

Its the FOXED SPEWS training.

Transition to what? Higher taxes? What about deductions? Do you think there is any homeowner in california who could afford to lose the mortgage deduction?

MORELUCK, try going back to Reagans term, research what ART LAFFER did then, how did it wreck the economy, the deficit and the middle class, then go to BUSH2 who used the same model and how that wrecked the economy, then say to yourself:

"Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"

If you ever bothered to learn, research or understand economics, you would believe a word of what CAIN is preaching. He prays on the uninformed. He markets to an audience of dummies that he knows wont bother to fact check his proposals.

It works in the short term, but in the long run , the truth about his plan will come out.

Give it time.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You rail about taxes....Obama wants to tax my big toe, my junk drawer at home, my flower bed in the back yard, my 27 chickens, my 32 oz. mug, my box of paperclips, my sticky notes, my inhale breaths, my exhale breaths,...............get the picture?

You are full of baloney. You have recieved two tax cuts under Obama and you are about to get another one if his jobs bill passes. If you are trying to imply that you are making more than 250K combined sitting at home playing canasta and sipping tea while watching the illegals groom your fairways, then I stand corrected.

CAINS plan would tax everything you buy or own, and yet you boast you love the guy but hate Obama for cutting your taxes.

I dont get it. You make a laundry list of things obama wants to tax (in your opinion) and that is not true, but CAIN wants to tax your UTILITY BILLS, YOUR GROCERIES, YOUR FAST FOOD, YOUR GASOLINE, YOUR CLOTHES, YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, YOUR HAIRDOS, YOUR FINGERNAILS and you are cool with that?

Is that a hypocrite MORELUCK??



golden ticket member
I dont have to tell you moreluck, you know you dont have the first clue about taxiation and the economy.

You hear, you repeat.

Its the FOXED SPEWS training.

Transition to what? Higher taxes? What about deductions? Do you think there is any homeowner in california who could afford to lose the mortgage deduction?

MORELUCK, try going back to Reagans term, research what ART LAFFER did then, how did it wreck the economy, the deficit and the middle class, then go to BUSH2 who used the same model and how that wrecked the economy, then say to yourself:

"Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"

If you ever bothered to learn, research or understand economics, you would believe a word of what CAIN is preaching. He prays on the uninformed. He markets to an audience of dummies that he knows wont bother to fact check his proposals.

It works in the short term, but in the long run , the truth about his plan will come out.

Give it time.

Transition to what...I said go read it on his website. It's right there in plain sight!!


golden ticket member
You are full of baloney. You have recieved two tax cuts under Obama and you are about to get another one if his jobs bill passes. If you are trying to imply that you are making more than 250K combined sitting at home playing canasta and sipping tea while watching the illegals groom your fairways, then I stand corrected.

CAINS plan would tax everything you buy or own, and yet you boast you love the guy but hate Obama for cutting your taxes.

I dont get it. You make a laundry list of things obama wants to tax (in your opinion) and that is not true, but CAIN wants to tax your UTILITY BILLS, YOUR GROCERIES, YOUR FAST FOOD, YOUR GASOLINE, YOUR CLOTHES, YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, YOUR HAIRDOS, YOUR FINGERNAILS and you are cool with that?

Is that a hypocrite MORELUCK??

I hate tea and don't play cards. You do know that people sit around buying and selling options and can make $6-15,000 a day if it works out OK ? Or are you unaware of that activity??

Obama is done............ he's had 3 years and is ruining my country.

Guess what, Cain's plan would tax ALL !!! Spread the responsibility!!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
They already taxed haircuts, spas, shoe shines, pedicures, manicures, gasoline, tabacoo, liquor, The sin of trying to look nice, or the sin of having a "sin" vice, has already been taxed to the hilt.
Its time to move on. The difference is, and if you had read the fair tax, you would know, but since you do not have an open mind and are stuck on Obama way 24/7 I know you didnt have time.
There are many embedded taxes, like in everything we buy, which will eventually go away.

You will bring home your entire pay, and pay 9% on everything you buy. If you buy a used car, a used house, a used washer and dryer, a used harley, a used boxload of tools, a used anything, you do not pay tax. In the fair tax, the poor will get a prebate up to 400 dollars a month, for paying tax on everything they buy. Actually everyone will get one until they pass the poverty amount based on your income. So while the poor will pay more initially, they wont have to wait until January 1st to apply for their refund, they will get it monthly. So the IRS, at least some of them will still have jobs. The rest can do something functional, like go to the border.


Für Meno :)
Here trinklepinkle, from a Fox reporters own words :

I do not agree with Herman Cain on many policy issues. For instance, economists both conservatives and liberal agree his 9-9-9 plan will lead to higher tax bills for the middle class and the poor.
Juan Williams is a writer, author and Fox News political analyst.