Herman Cain

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ok, why doesn't your messiah also name his experts ?
Why does it ALWAYS take a FOIA request and a lawsuit to have the WH release any what should be public records ?
{ I would love to be in a debate with him; I would start to ask a question about his sealed records, fully knowing that he would not wait for me to finish my question and start yapping about his BC. I would let him make a total fool out of himself, then demand that I could finish my question which I was going to ask about his school records.....did you ever take Economics 101 ? }

Wrong thread. asked and answered. Move to strike. Relevance.



Für Meno :)
Hey Tos, they both look good ! ;)

still waiting for you to validate his "CLAIMS" of having experts on his side?

Where are they, who are they? Or do you just swallow the B.S. whole and go with it?

THe problem with Cain is that he wont mention ART LAFFER out loud, because everyone (not any of you C-8's) knows that under Laffers advice, Reagan ran up the deficit over a trillion dollars for the first time in history and ended with a 3.7 trillion dollar deficit. In addition, it was LAFFER who convinced Reagan to take 295billion out of social security and transfer that money into the general fund to help reduce the disastrous deficit they both created.

CAIN knows this. He's dumb, but he aint that dumb.

He claims he does not want to mention names because they are all private people and they dont want their reputations tarnished. REALLY? If the plan is so great, why arent these "experts" shouting from rooftops about 999? Instead, they hide because "THEY" dont want their reputations tarnished?

Give us a break.

Moreluck, as was said in the movie JERRY MCGUIRE "SHOW ME THE MONEY". Name his experts.


MoreLuck, you don't have to prove anything to a hypocrite that has ignored repeated requests for him to prove his [-]lies[/-] claims.


Well-Known Member
The more I see Herman Cain on TV the more impressed I become. I like his business sense and don't care that he has little political experience. I applauded him when he declined to name his economic advisers.


Für Meno :)
The more I see Herman Cain on TV the more impressed I become. I like his business sense and don't care that he has little political experience. I applauded him when he declined to name his economic advisers.

I can't wait until tomorrow, when the Martin King March begins (mostly black people demanding the Obama Job bill gets passed).
They want to give Obama some "back-wind", since he has been fighting with "front-wind" from the republican congress.

I'm almost certain Herman cain will give another stupid statement that will kill any leftover black votes he may have gotten.