Herman Cain

proof is in the pudding...and you conservatives want more of this when you're not even close to the "classes" benefiting the most.

Seems to me, during both time periods in the graph both parties were at the reign of the government. The graph alone just supplies the end results and proves nothing on how or why. Basically meaningless without more detailed breakdowns.

It's pretty basic, the more money one has, the more they can invest and grow the bottom line and it can grow exponentially. With much less or nothing to invest there will be no or very little growth. As Upstate suggested, the actual income levels are important.


Seems to me, during both time periods in the graph both parties were at the reign of the government. The graph alone just supplies the end results and proves nothing on how or why. Basically meaningless without more detailed breakdowns.

It's pretty basic, the more money one has, the more they can invest and grow the bottom line and it can grow exponentially. With much less or nothing to invest there will be no or very little growth. As Upstate suggested, the actual income levels are important.
The how or why is fairly obvious if you just for once, started to think for yourself instead of having a political party do it for you.


Für Meno :)
The how or why is fairly obvious if you just for once, started to think for yourself instead of having a political party do it for you.

He is partial right : After taking away most of the income from the poor and middle class - they had no more money to save, therefor fell behind !
The how or why is fairly obvious if you just for once, started to think for yourself instead of having a political party do it for you.

What? I guess you don't have an answer other than to try and demean. That's OK, TOS is teaching you well. How about addressing the second paragraph where I thought all by my little self what part of the how and why could be?
He is partial right : After taking away most of the income from the poor and middle class - they had no more money to save, therefor fell behind !
I don't know what you were doing during the early to mid 70s but I was working for a living. I was in the medium income bracket for labor type jobs and feeding my family and supplying medical needs for a family of 4. While having everything we NEEDED, we still didn't have everything we wanted (but not complaining). That was during the "hay day" of the graph's high growth period. As comfortable of a living we had, I still chose to use my income above what was needed to acquire the things we wanted. This type of living kept me from investing and reaping the rewards. Had I wisely invested then I may have had more wealth growth by the 90s. Who do I have to blame for not being in one of those higher brackets on the chart?


Für Meno :)
I was still in school, high school in the 70's, but 1 thing I do remember, is all my friends back then, except for 1 Italian school pal, had stay at home moms, and familes were still getting by. (that italian family was saving to move back to Italy and live weatlthy with those German Marks they made there, and they did as soon as my friend finished school).

Try that these days !
When did the day-care era begin anyways ? Gee, I didn't even have Kindergarten, started school at age 6 and a half.


golden ticket member
He is partial right : After taking away most of the income from the poor and middle class - they had no more money to save, therefor fell behind !
Or maybe they never saved in the first place............maybe they were irresponsible people. That stuff doesn't show on any chart!!


golden ticket member
When it comes to Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's proposed 9-9-9 tax plan, there’s one thing all sides agree on: it’s very simple

It might be simple, but when it comes to getting the job done, he will have the brightest economists by his side and not just a bunch of his friends from the restaurant association. Together with the brightest, they will solve the problems and come up with real solutions.

Obama had a bunch of lawyer friends and their answer to everything is to sue.....including the states.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It might be simple, but when it comes to getting the job done, he will have the brightest economists by his side and not just a bunch of his friends from the restaurant association. Together with the brightest, they will solve the problems and come up with real solutions.

Obama had a bunch of lawyer friends and their answer to everything is to sue.....including the states.

THIS is funny moreluck! In the debate, when asked to "SPECIFICALLY" name his economic advisors, CAIN said he had many. He was asked to name them and he could only come up with ONE NAME after repeating that he had many top economic people helping him.

Funny how none of their names could come to his mind when asked. He specifically name a man named RICH LOWRIE as his top economic advisor. HE said this "EXPERT" helped him craft his 999 plan. The only problem with this claim is that RICH LOWRIE ISNT AN EXPERT.

In fact, he is not even qualified as an economist.

CAIN when pressured at the debate skirted around having to name any other names and relied only on Lowries assistance.

LOWRIE, in no way qualified to direct the USA tax policy, shows how IG-nant Cain is on domestic policy.

So moreluck, before you go touting CAINS participation with experts, youd better brush up on what an expert economist is.



golden ticket member
THIS is funny moreluck! In the debate, when asked to "SPECIFICALLY" name his economic advisors, CAIN said he had many. He was asked to name them and he could only come up with ONE NAMEafter repeating that he had many top economic people helping him.

Funny how none of their names could come to his mind when asked. He specifically name a man named RICH LOWRIE as his top economic advisor. HE said this "EXPERT" helped him craft his 999 plan. The only problem with this claim is that RICH LOWRIE ISNT AN EXPERT.

In fact, he is not even qualified as an economist.

CAIN when pressured at the debate skirted around having to name any other names and relied only on Lowries assistance.

LOWRIE, in no way qualified to direct the USA tax policy, shows how IG-nant Cain is on domestic policy.

So moreluck, before you go touting CAINS participation with experts, youd better brush up on what an expert economist is.


Smart man....you don't show ALL your cards and you play what you have close to the vest. He has named 2 possible veep considerations. Not definite, but possible......but that won't stop you from making snide remarks about them.


golden ticket member
"So moreluck, before you go touting CAINS participation with experts, youd better brush up on what an expert economist is.


This from the "expert" who said Weiner's account was definitely hacked !! Yeah right!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Smart man....you don't show ALL your cards and you play what you have close to the vest. He has named 2 possible veep considerations. Not definite, but possible......but that won't stop you from making snide remarks about them.

still waiting for you to validate his "CLAIMS" of having experts on his side?

Where are they, who are they? Or do you just swallow the B.S. whole and go with it?

THe problem with Cain is that he wont mention ART LAFFER out loud, because everyone (not any of you C-8's) knows that under Laffers advice, Reagan ran up the deficit over a trillion dollars for the first time in history and ended with a 3.7 trillion dollar deficit. In addition, it was LAFFER who convinced Reagan to take 295billion out of social security and transfer that money into the general fund to help reduce the disastrous deficit they both created.

CAIN knows this. He's dumb, but he aint that dumb.

He claims he does not want to mention names because they are all private people and they dont want their reputations tarnished. REALLY? If the plan is so great, why arent these "experts" shouting from rooftops about 999? Instead, they hide because "THEY" dont want their reputations tarnished?

Give us a break.

Moreluck, as was said in the movie JERRY MCGUIRE "SHOW ME THE MONEY". Name his experts.



Strength through joy
Ok, why doesn't your messiah also name his experts ?
Why does it ALWAYS take a FOIA request and a lawsuit to have the WH release any what should be public records ?
{ I would love to be in a debate with him; I would start to ask a question about his sealed records, fully knowing that he would not wait for me to finish my question and start yapping about his BC. I would let him make a total fool out of himself, then demand that I could finish my question which I was going to ask about his school records.....did you ever take Economics 101 ? }