Herman Cain


golden ticket member
I can't wait until tomorrow, when the Martin King March begins (mostly black people demanding the Obama Job bill gets passed).
They want to give Obama some "back-wind", since he has been fighting with "front-wind" from the republican congress.

I'm almost certain Herman cain will give another stupid statement that will kill any leftover black votes he may have gotten.

Speaking of "front wind" ........there's lots of hot air coming from the North.
Cain will be gathering up more & more black votes as more and more of them think for themselves and stop listening to the likes of Pelosi, Rangel, DWS and Sheila Jackson Leigh and Maxine Waters.


Für Meno :)
Didn't you see the new poll this morning on CNN ?
Romney at 23%
Cain 20%
Perry at 16%

Cain is falling, just as I predicted.


golden ticket member
Didn't you see the new poll this morning on CNN ?
Romney at 23%
Cain 20%
Perry at 16%

Cain is falling, just as I predicted.
Oh magnificent Carnac............keep your predictions to yourself..........................I'm keeping track of all of them and tos's too and trust me, It will come back to bite your ass!!!!


Für Meno :)
Great call!

I just don't get it !
You folks are voting for someone that will lower income taxes by 6%, but then add much more to it.
Taxing your healthcare bennies, taxing your 401K constributions, (probably less take home pay afterwards), and it's not done yet:
No more dependant tax write offs (like children or other wise dependant, disabled, etc), no more mortgage interest deductables.
And if that's not enough, add 9% extra to everything you buy or use.

How is taking more money from your pocket, plus adding 9% to all goods going to help the economy when you have less money to buy things that have just gotten 9% more expensive, too ??????? I don't get it !


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I like Cain the most out of this field, I used to listen to his radio show when I drove home from work. He is the best qualified for the job, but I think he will have trouble getting enough of the sixty per cent of the moderate vote that will decide this election. I'm not a fan of Romney, but anybody will be better than the inexperienced community organizer we have now.


Strength through joy
Here I'll make it easy for you to understand.
Cain's idea is an idea, not a bill yet.
He is proposing a possible solution to the current mess. Unlike any of the others that are in the race. Thus he is getting a message out there that people will respond to ( free media coverage ).
It's all about getting people to know his name and what he stands for, hoping that when voting day comes along he will receive more votes.


Für Meno :)
But he'll have that excuse or even find it as a MUST thing to do, because upon his idea he got voted in.. and the republican party will probably agree with him on that one, and pass the bill.

Why jeopardize yourself ?


Strength through joy
I'm amazed at exactly how little you understand about how our system works.
bhos ran on the promise that Gitmo would close, and today it's still open.
2006 Congressional elections the dems ran on the promise that when elected they would end the wars, and they continue 5 years later.
Get the picture yet.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh magnificent Carnac............keep your predictions to yourself..........................I'm keeping track of all of them and tos's too and trust me, It will come back to bite your ass!!!![/QUOTE]

You got to love the thought process of the elder society! They ignore the facts and run with the latest hype from their favorite dinner time entertainment *FOXED SPEWS*. Herman Cain said recently that he wasnt the flavor of the month, in fact he even "assigned" himself a flavor of ice cream to put a metaphoric spin on his latest rise in the polls.

Cain called himself "Haagen-Dazs Black Walnut" and used this as some claim to staying power.

Unfortunately, Haagen-Dazs only used this flavor for 30 days! Yup, just about the same period of time CAIN will be near the top of the polls, so you can say that if he compares himself to Black Walnut, then he is the FLAVOR OF THE MONTH!


I am laughing my butt off over the time our senior citizens are spending over herman cains temporary participation in the election process.

Flavor of the month? YOU BET!



Well-Known Member
Here I'll make it easy for you to understand.
Cain's idea is an idea, not a bill yet.
He is proposing a possible solution to the current mess. Unlike any of the others that are in the race. Thus he is getting a message out there that people will respond to ( free media coverage ).
It's all about getting people to know his name and what he stands for, hoping that when voting day comes along he will receive more votes.

I have often wondered why the candidate who does win the election doesn't take those ideas from his opponents that may benefit the country as a whole and incorporate them in to his administration.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm amazed at exactly how little you understand about how our system works.
bhos ran on the promise that Gitmo would close, and today it's still open.
2006 Congressional elections the dems ran on the promise that when elected they would end the wars, and they continue 5 years later.
Get the picture yet.

YES BABA, the picture is clear. YOU DONT know what your talking about. I think that sums it up.



Für Meno :)
I'm amazed at exactly how little you understand about how our system works.
bhos ran on the promise that Gitmo would close, and today it's still open.
2006 Congressional elections the dems ran on the promise that when elected they would end the wars, and they continue 5 years later.
Get the picture yet.

Oh, he's getting rid of Gitmo alright ! No more new prisoners - haven't you noticed ? !!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh, he's getting rid of Gitmo alright ! No more new prisoners - haven't you noticed ? !!!!

What he forgets is the republicans argued to keep it open when he tried to shut it down. All the crying about bringing prisoners to america and the how the terrorists would follow them here. Oooooh lets be scared, please keep gitmo open so our republican base wont be frightened.

Thats what he forgets. Obama succumbs to this nonsense and gitmo remains. BABA would have us believe its OBAMAs idea to keep it open, despite his signing an executive order to close it.

Oh magnificent Carnac............keep your predictions to yourself..........................I'm keeping track of all of them and tos's too and trust me, It will come back to bite your ass!!!![/QUOTE]

You got to love the thought process of the elder society! They ignore the facts and run with the latest hype from their favorite dinner time entertainment *FOXED SPEWS*. Herman Cain said recently that he wasnt the flavor of the month, in fact he even "assigned" himself a flavor of ice cream to put a metaphoric spin on his latest rise in the polls.

Cain called himself "Haagen-Dazs Black Walnut" and used this as some claim to staying power.

Unfortunately, Haagen-Dazs only used this flavor for 30 days! Yup, just about the same period of time CAIN will be near the top of the polls, so you can say that if he compares himself to Black Walnut, then he is the FLAVOR OF THE MONTH!


I am laughing my butt off over the time our senior citizens are spending over herman cains temporary participation in the election process.

Flavor of the month? YOU BET!

You must be getting a little Alzheimerish, you're repeating yourself. Now I understand why have been ignoring my requests, you keep forgetting.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You must be getting a little Alzheimerish, you're repeating yourself. Now I understand why have been ignoring my requests, you keep forgetting.

FLAVOR OF THE MONTH ! Cant get out of it. CAIN assigned himself Black Walnut and that was a 30 day POOR SELLER! It didnt catch on in the stores and was YANKED from the product lineup. Same with CAIN, 30 days and he will be pulled from the shelves!

