Herman Cain


Für Meno :)
I'm just trying to put some sense into you Nazi Tea-partiers.

Let's see if Canada caves in to Amnesty International and arrests G.W. Bush later this month for being a war criminal.
Now, wouldn't that be nice ?

Those are the leaders you C-8's vote for !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
That's what you basically call them, because if you believe England, Germany, Canada and other countries with conservative governments are socialists.... then what is a true US conservative ?

What the hell does that have to do with a Nazi? That is really offensive calling someone or a group that. Is this a Canadian thing where stupid crap flows freely from pie holes or is it just you hittin the bottle again. Take the first step...check into AA and get some much needed help.


bella amicizia
Herman Cain says you can call him 'Haagen Dazs Black Walnut' ice cream, because it tastes good all the time. He's right. It is good anytime. Wish I had some right now.:wink2:


Herman Cain says you can call him 'Haagen Dazs Black Walnut' ice cream, because it tastes good all the time. He's right. It is good anytime. Wish I had some right now.:wink2:

Yes but let's break that down a little deeper ;)

-it'll make you fat and clog your arteries, running America even deeper into the obesity epidemic (Cain is obviously for big pharma, and keeping those insurance companies in business - being a business weasel, after alll)
-many people are allergic to nuts (hence allergic to Cain)
-haagen daz uses "foreign branding" as an advertising strategy to imply it is better than it is or foreshadow some type of Danish ties , when in reality it's just another U.S. made, now corporate owned entity (another mainstream consumer minded point)

The comparison makes perfect sense , actually. Support obesity, big pharma and high insurance costs, and deceiving brand-naming to dupe America (999 comes to mind!)


bella amicizia
I just like Black Walnut ice cream. As for Cain, I like him for the moment. I reserve the right to flip-flop whenever I so chose.:wink2:


What the hell does that have to do with a Nazi? That is really offensive calling someone or a group that. Is this a Canadian thing where stupid crap flows freely from pie holes or is it just you hittin the bottle again. Take the first step...check into AA and get some much needed help.

If you were on the outside looking in, instead of the typical bias, those are actually (although hysteric) somewhat fair points he made. No I'm not saying compare the U.S. conservatives to nazi Germany, again that is a wide stretch and hysteria to make the point. But the point remains and it isn't completely false if one can see the big picture, much larger than mainstream America.


He keeps surging and 55 pgs later, you guys cant stand it and keep hammering him. You always whip your best horse the hardest.
You guys are irrelevant. You guys who are racists, in democrat clothing. You might not like the plan, but guess what some of us do, some plan is better than winging it, which is what our present potus does. And you want a guy to fix the economy who hires someone to help who cant even do his own taxes?
Guess they are extremely hard to do in present form, even when a pc does it for you, hahahaha.
You people are nuts, and going down.

proof is in the pudding...and you conservatives want more of this when you're not even close to the "classes" benefiting the most.