Herman Cain


golden ticket member
I think I rather live in the richest jurisdiction of North America, then in debt-laden California.
For you Moreluck, your old enough, you might not see the poor future comming up.

I have a sense of security here. Alberta has billions of dollars saved up from budget surpluses, and named it the Heritage Trust Fund.
If bad times should hit here one day, Alberta has tons of money set aside.
We are also the only province that doesn't have a provincial sales tax.

Summer is beautiful here, winters I hate - oh well, can't have it all. oh yeah, we don't have toll roads in Alberta, either, plus the lowest fuel taxes in the country.
If bad times hit, it doesn't matter what Alberta has set aside........what do you have set aside ?? That's what matters!!


golden ticket member
klein move to Australia.
They have not have a recession in 20 years.
Seems that they know how to manage their banking system better than anyone.
I thought I read somewhere that you can't just up and move to Australia and that there was more to it than that. Maybe I dreamed it?
I thought I read somewhere that you can't just up and move to Australia and that there was more to it than that. Maybe I dreamed it?
Most countries that are attractive to people looking to migrate have pretty strict immigration laws, unlike the USA. Most want one to be rich, require investment in property or business and be healthy or have a skill/education that their native residents do not have. They do not want anyone coming in, to be remotely dependent on the government.
I don't blame them either.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? a Rassmussen poll? FOXED SPEWS OWN polling company...and you take this seriously?

RCP Average10/6 - 10/15--47.040.3Obama +6.7
Rasmussen Reports10/14 - 10/151000 LV4143Cain +2
Time10/9 - 10/10838 LV5038Obama +12
PPP (D)10/7 - 10/10700 RV4842Obama +6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl10/6 - 10/10RV4938Obama +11

It is what you call a "trend". Obama was ahead in most head to head polls, but his lead is already waning and now some polls like the one I posted are starting to show him behind. Assuming Herman is the nominee, and this trend continues we should have a President Cain elect by the first Wednesday of November 2012.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Most countries that are attractive to people looking to migrate have pretty strict immigration laws, unlike the USA. Most want one to be rich, require investment in property or business and be healthy or have a skill/education that their native residents do not have. They do not want anyone coming in, to be remotely dependent on the government.
I don't blame them either.

So you are saying that you DISAGREED with the founding fathers of this country, when they included slavery into our consitution, and incorporated bringing the poor, the weak, the uneducated into our country to establish a workforce, then became dependent on it for years thereafter?

The reason this country allows illegal immigration is to provide uneducated, poor people with low paying jobs to increase the profit margins of the companies. There is no other explanation for it.

This country imported slaves as a workforce for decades, and when civil rights were passed, the republicans began to take power with the help of corporate america and wall street, we stopped importing slaves for jobs and started exporting jobs to slaves in other countries.

You act as if illegal immigration only started recently and these other countries have it better. Here's a little tip trippy, other countries have slavery too. Other countries import the uneducated and poor to fill low wage jobs as well as the usa.

Dont make it sound as if other countries have it all figured out. They dont.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It is what you call a "trend". Obama was ahead in most head to head polls, but his lead is already waning and now some polls like the one I posted are starting to show him behind. Assuming Herman is the nominee, and this trend continues we should have a President Cain elect by the first Wednesday of November 2012.

OBAMAS lead is waning?? according to who? HE still beats ALL GOP candidates in national polls.. Only FOX would have CAIN ahead.

Either way, did you prefer a blowout with double digits in your loss or a single digit loss? ITS STILL A LOSS BRETT.

Dont get too excited about foxed spews polling. They are most generally wrong.



golden ticket member
OBAMAS lead is waning?? according to who? HE still beats ALL GOP candidates in national polls.. Only FOX would have CAIN ahead.

Either way, did you prefer a blowout with double digits in your loss or a single digit loss? ITS STILL A LOSS BRETT.

Dont get too excited about foxed spews polling. They are most generally wrong.

Rasmussen had Cain 43 and Obama 41.


golden ticket member
So you are saying that you DISAGREED with the founding fathers of this country, when they included slavery into our consitution, and incorporated bringing the poor, the weak, the uneducated into our country to establish a workforce, then became dependent on it for years thereafter?

The reason this country allows illegal immigration is to provide uneducated, poor people with low paying jobs to increase the profit margins of the companies. There is no other explanation for it.

This country imported slaves as a workforce for decades, and when civil rights were passed, the republicans began to take power with the help of corporate america and wall street, we stopped importing slaves for jobs and started exporting jobs to slaves in other countries.

You act as if illegal immigration only started recently and these other countries have it better. Here's a little tip trippy, other countries have slavery too. Other countries import the uneducated and poor to fill low wage jobs as well as the usa.

Dont make it sound as if other countries have it all figured out. They dont.

Our laws don't allow illegal anything..........if the stupid president doesn't see that the laws are enforced, then he makes it appear that we allow illegal stuff. Thank goodness some states are trying to take the responsibility themselves since the pres. is a slouch!!

Just because something has gone on awhile STILL does not make it legal!!


Für Meno :)
Just seen the compaign revenue of the 3rd quarter.

Perry raised $17 Million, Romney $13 Mill,
no surprise : Bachmann $4 Mill, and Cain $3 Million.
Cain only has $1 mill left of that. Not enough to make a commercial or even send out mass mailings.

You c-9's better get your check-books out, again !


golden ticket member
Just seen the compaign revenue of the 3rd quarter.

Perry raised $17 Million, Romney $13 Mill,
no surprise : Bachmann $4 Mill, and Cain $3 Million.
Cain only has $1 mill left of that. Not enough to make a commercial or even send out mass mailings.

You c-9's better get your check-books out, again !
He doesn't have enough? Yet he's right up there. Maybe he has a "message" instead of just money.
Romney's got enough for the 2 of them ............ Romney/Cain ticket 2012!!


Für Meno :)
Surprise : Romney spent alot of his already, too. Leaving Perry with the most money left. And he will probably later use it, full force, too.


golden ticket member
Surprise : Romney spent alot of his already, too. Leaving Perry with the most money left. And he will probably later use it, full force, too.
Perry could have all the money in the world and I still wouldn't like him. He's too whimpy to be president. Giving illegals discounts in college education killed his chances!!!