Herman Cain

So you are saying that you DISAGREED with the founding fathers of this country, when they included slavery into our consitution, and incorporated bringing the poor, the weak, the uneducated into our country to establish a workforce, then became dependent on it for years thereafter?

Not at all what I was saying, but that was a nice try to twist what I did say. But that is your MO.
I have long been a strong supporter of equal rights for all citizens of the USA.

The reason this country allows illegal immigration is to provide uneducated, poor people with low paying jobs to increase the profit margins of the companies. There is no other explanation for it.
Well, Mr. Obvious who woulda thunk it?

This country imported slaves as a workforce for decades, and when civil rights were passed, the republicans began to take power with the help of corporate america and wall street, we stopped importing slaves for jobs and started exporting jobs to slaves in other countries.
Again, obvious.
So evidently you don't agree with the FFs. I can't tell ya how many times I have said, here in type ans HERE in person that our government continually fails to protect our borders from illegal immigrants and our jobs through allowing jobs to be moved out of the country.

You act as if illegal immigration only started recently and these other countries have it better. Here's a little tip trippy, other countries have slavery too. Other countries import the uneducated and poor to fill low wage jobs as well as the usa.

You were possibly still in diapers when I was voicing opposition to our government not not enforcing our immigration laws. I grew up in the so called " wet back ( a term which I personally don't care for)" era. I know about the exploiting of the uneducated. I also know about the hardships this hands to the under educated citizens as well.

Dont make it sound as if other countries have it all figured out. They dont.

Where did I say that? Oh wait, never mind. Regardless of what I say you think you have to change that to something I didn't say nor mean.

What I did was state what I have read on some other countries on their immigration laws. Rather they actually enforce those laws, I have no idea.

As always, disingenuous

Can't wait to see how you try to twist this.....


Well-Known Member
Just seen the compaign revenue of the 3rd quarter.

Perry raised $17 Million, Romney $13 Mill,
no surprise : Bachmann $4 Mill, and Cain $3 Million.
Cain only has $1 mill left of that. Not enough to make a commercial or even send out mass mailings.

You c-9's better get your check-books out, again !

On Sunday mornings a cbs news show called Face the nation airs. Now I am not sure if you can get that in Canada or perhaps you were just coming out of your weekly drunken stupor, but Herman Cain was on this past week and proclaimed he is raising $1 million a week since his popularity has risen. Not to mention unlike the other campaigns his has no debt meaning he is living true to his word as a fiscal conservative. I supported this man from the beginning and with each word that comes from his mouth he solidifies why he deserves to get the nomination!


Für Meno :)
I do amit, those quartly figure are from the last 3 months taken.... I'm sure he raises more funds now...but probably still not enough or as much as the other 2.


golden ticket member
[h=2]Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod Says Cain Not A Serious Contender…[/h]

And yet he would still beat Obama as of today in a head-to-head matchup.
(Politico) — Intriguing swing at Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain Monday, saying that he thought Cain’s 9-9-9 proposal would hurt the poor and the middle class.

The senior Obama adviser called Cain an “intriguing personality” on “Morning Joe,” but took a shot at the Republican candidate’s tax proposal, saying, “I think his plan deserves scrutiny. . . I don’t think it’s good for most Americans.”

“I think you’ve got to add the 9-9-9 up, get to 27 percent, and that’s probably what poor and middle-class people will end up paying once the thing is implemented,” Axlerod said.

Despite the attention suddenly being heaped on the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, Axelrod said Cain was not going to be a top-tier contender in the 2012 election.

“I think, when you look at the resources and when you look at the standing, that Perry and Romney are likely to be duking it out at some

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I remember when Perry got into the mix, I was excited about his chances.... I think it was trp who said he didn't like him (trp, if I am wrong correct me) I know it was a Texan who said it and I put the caution flag out because a Texan would know more about their own state politics than I would. Little by little, I am eliminating candidates. Ron Paul, Bachmann and Perry are the first to go in that order.
Ron Paul feels the USA should mind it's own business with Iran... say what? ! Bachmann likes to dig up dirt and attack other candidates and has a "talking points" answer for questions asked ... even if the talking points don't fit the question. We have enough of people like that in government! Perry has immigration policies I can't get behind, and his debate skills are terrible. As President, he has to debate people on both sides every single day. Debating, speeches and charisma, are the only things that BO has going for him and Perry completely sucks at debating (right now). Santorum may be "x"ed next. I am not thrilled with his Cain bashing either. The candidates need to attack the real monster and not each other.

I am very worried about my favorite candidate's campaign. Herman Cain needs to build his organization fast and continue to get donations. Can he do it? I think he will defy the odds.

Obama has a proven campaign team (at least in 2008) so that is why I do not discount the "used car salesman's" chances to win. There are still people drinking his kool-aid. The evidence is right here in this thread! This will be the dirtiest campaign ever with an occupier of the White House who will continue to divide the country with class warfare and an us against them mentality.
I remember when Perry got into the mix, I was excited about his chances.... I think it was trp who said he didn't like him (trp, if I am wrong correct me) I know it was a Texan who said it and I put the caution flag out because a Texan would know more about their own state politics than I would. Little by little, I am eliminating candidates. Ron Paul, Bachmann and Perry are the first to go in that order.
Ron Paul feels the USA should mind it's own business with Iran... say what? ! Bachmann likes to dig up dirt and attack other candidates and has a "talking points" answer for questions asked ... even if the talking points don't fit the question. We have enough of people like that in government! Perry has immigration policies I can't get behind, and his debate skills are terrible. As President, he has to debate people on both sides every single day. Debating, speeches and charisma, are the only things that BO has going for him and Perry completely sucks at debating (right now). Santorum may be "x"ed next. I am not thrilled with his Cain bashing either. The candidates need to attack the real monster and not each other.

I am very worried about my favorite candidate's campaign. Herman Cain needs to build his organization fast and continue to get donations. Can he do it? I think he will defy the odds.

Obama has a proven campaign team (at least in 2008) so that is why I do not discount the "used car salesman's" chances to win. There are still people drinking his kool-aid. The evidence is right here in this thread! This will be the dirtiest campaign ever with an occupier of the White House who will continue to divide the country with class warfare and an us against them mentality.

Your recollection is really close on my stance on Perry. I wanted to see what he had to offer although there were things I don't like about him. Some of my dislikes of Perry are more on a personal nature and would have nothing to do with the political aspects. I sure do not like his illegal immigrant policies, not what I would support. I've posted my feelings on that many times. lol, I've even voted against him for Governor twice, once my vote went to a guy named Kinky Freedman (I), a humorist author and all around scoundrel. So, no Perry won't be my choice in the primary.
I pretty much agree with you on the rest of the bunch also. Still listening, reading and watching.

0bama's campaign mrg is Axelrod, I think he was the same in '08 but not sure.
Are you serious with this garbage pail article? Did you actually read it and understand what she wrote?

Give us a break and find a credible source for your information.

I've been asking you for your source for a week or more and still haven't seen it. That's a little hypocritical don't you think?


golden ticket member
Are you serious with this garbage pail article? Did you actually read it and understand what she wrote?

Give us a break and find a credible source for your information.

I know, you cannot accept a black, woman conservative. It's about America getting the "boost" they need. Is the writer not credible because she's black or because she's a woman??

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I know, you cannot accept a black, woman conservative. It's about America getting the "boost" they need. Is the writer not credible because she's black or because she's a woman??

Shes not credible because she does not make sense. She speaks and promotes the privitization of social security. Didnt we find out during BUSH that doing so would have wiped out every retirement program in the country?

But you source her as a credible source.



golden ticket member
Shes not credible because she does not make sense. She speaks and promotes the privitization of social security. Didnt we find out during BUSH that doing so would have wiped out every retirement program in the country?

But you source her as a credible source.


No one thinks you are credible either!!
I know, you cannot accept a black, woman conservative. It's about America getting the "boost" they need. Is the writer not credible because she's black or because she's a woman??
More, it's because it came from Townhall.com and written by a conservative , he didn't even read it.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
On Sunday mornings a cbs news show called Face the nation airs. Now I am not sure if you can get that in Canada or perhaps you were just coming out of your weekly drunken stupor, but Herman Cain was on this past week and proclaimed he is raising $1 million a week since his popularity has risen. Not to mention unlike the other campaigns his has no debt meaning he is living true to his word as a fiscal conservative. I supported this man from the beginning and with each word that comes from his mouth he solidifies why he deserves to get the nomination!
I continue to support him with my weekly contributions. And there are a few of us on here. I plan to make a large donation once I get back some of the taxes that were extorted from me all year.
If there are a few of us on here, and a few here or there, it totals millions.