Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
Why Cain Can’t

Posted by Christopher Manion on October 17, 2011 01:57 PM
Our family met Herman Cain several years ago, and I subsequently had several business contacts with him. I’d love to have him as a neighbor — he’s genuine, a family man (he even played with our baby daughter), and a great motivational speaker. However, politically, as Howard Baker used to say, “deep down, he’s shallow.”
Surprisingly, Herman admits it — witness his promise to rely on “the experts,” since he knows nothing about foreign policy. But that candor, combined with his admission that he’s “not familiar with the neoconservative movement,” disqualifies him. He not only knows nothing about foreign policy, but he's not prepared to confront the perverse ideology that has informed it for the past ten years.
Herman tells debate audiences that he knows how to identify the problem and solve it. Well, the one problem our company had with his organization was easily identified, but he wouldn’t solve it: He was unwilling to overrule one of his incompetent subordinates. He apologized to me for it, which is more than I can say for most politicians — perhaps that's why Herman insists that he is not a politician. And I repeat that he is indeed a gentleman.
Herman’s disappointing reliance on “experts” reminds me of the startling testimony of a witness we had at a senate hearing some thirty years ago. He told the shocked panel something along these lines: “Never trust the experts, senators. They will always advocate more funding of their area of expertise. Without that funding, they will have to find work elsewhere. Without that funding, many of them would probably wind up having to drive a truck.” (Of course the panel ignored him).
So: Herman Cain — a great guy and a good neighbor. But when confronted with the Leviathan’s “experts,” he’ll flinch. And eventually, as they say in the pizza business, they’ll eat him for lunch.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
HERMAN CAIN, the mouth that keeps on giving. Just when you thought Michele Bachman had the market cornered on diarhea of the mouth, out comes HERMAN CAIN to unseat her!

CAIN, while speaking to a mostly white crowd of people, was discussing illegal immigration. He knew that its a hot button for white right wing voters so he carried on and on about his plans to secure our southern border.
Hispanic Advocacy Groups Rebuke Cain Over Electric-Fence 'Joke' | Fox News

He decided to go the extra mile and suggest that the CAIN wall would be 20 feet high, topped with barbed wire, and ELECTROFIED with signs on the Mexico side that read "THIS FENCE WILL KILL YOU"

OMG, is this man the best the GOP has to offer? He is now suggesting that murder is the way to solve our border issues?

After the intense criticizm began to roll in, CAIN has changed positions and said he was "ONLY JOKING". Well, it aint no laughing matter.
Herman Cain's Electric Fence - YouTube

Hispanic groups are now protesting CAINS comments as well as human rights groups and thats a large voting block. Stupid is as Stupid does I guess in this years GOP race!

CAIN for GOP nominee!! YES you CAN!



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
TOS, You will NEVER get run off for opposing views on a candidate for office, or any other issues.
You will however get ran off for attacks against any of our members, their race, their gender, their age, their ethnicity. (we stole this from the govt, and it is a really good idea, one of the few)


Well-Known Member
An electrified fence on the US-Mexico border? The border is estimated at about 1933 miles long so for starters, could Mr. Cain tell us how much this wall would cost within his economic plan? Is this his own "shovel ready" project? How does he plan to pay for it? And where will the electricity come from and how much will that cost? How many new federal jobs will be required to make this all happen?

No wonder his 999 plan has to be revenue neutral because it appears to me he's going to spend as much money as the last gang of thieves so again, so much for change!

Funny how some Americans cheered when Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" implying the notorious iron wall that is used to keep people in should go and now they cheer for the construction of their own wall that is more than capable of doing the same thing.

If you think the so-called iron curtain was to only keep people in, you should read more. Our own wall can and will work just as easily in the same way. Funny how we become more Stalinesque led by the Pied Pipers of the republican and democrat party and the booboisie dance down the "Road to Serfdom".

Wave that flag and sing about "Land of the free and home of the brave"!


Strength through joy
MEXICO CITY – President Felipe Calderon on Monday accused U.S. authorities of deporting Mexican criminals to save on judicial costs, a policy that ostensibly “exacerbates” violence in this country. Within the framework of the inauguration of National Immigration Week 2011 in this capital, Calderon said that, for example, U.S. authorities “are deporting up to 80,000 people in a year” into the border cities of Reynosa and Ciudad Juarez.
Some of these deported people “are migrants, certainly, probably all of them,” although some were “already involved in criminal acts” in the United States.
“In the face of the dilemma of pursuing the legal process in the American courts, which implies costs for the administration of justice in that country, they simply prefer to deport them to border cities, by which the cycle of violence is exacerbated even more,” he said.

So an electric fence would solve this problem.
An electrified fence on the US-Mexico border? The border is estimated at about 1933 miles long so for starters, could Mr. Cain tell us how much this wall would cost within his economic plan? Is this his own "shovel ready" project? How does he plan to pay for it? And where will the electricity come from and how much will that cost? How many new federal jobs will be required to make this all happen?

No wonder his 999 plan has to be revenue neutral because it appears to me he's going to spend as much money as the last gang of thieves so again, so much for change!

Funny how some Americans cheered when Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" implying the notorious iron wall that is used to keep people in should go and now they cheer for the construction of their own wall that is more than capable of doing the same thing.

If you think the so-called iron curtain was to only keep people in, you should read more. Our own wall can and will work just as easily in the same way. Funny how we become more Stalinesque led by the Pied Pipers of the republican and democrat party and the booboisie dance down the "Road to Serfdom".

Wave that flag and sing about "Land of the free and home of the brave"!

What I have a hard time understanding is why anyone would take that statement by Cain serious. When I heard that I took it as a tongue in cheek response. I bet there are many anti-illegal immigration people that have had the same thought from time to time, but never seriously advocated the actual installation of an electric fence.

A border fence between USA and Mexico wouldn't compare to the "iron curtain", as you said that fence was to keep people hostage, the fence here would be to keep people out. Our citizens would still be allowed to come and go as they do now.


Strength through joy
China has their Great Wall and nobody complains.
Why can't we do the same ?
It would be the perfect public works job creator of this century.


Well-Known Member
What I have a hard time understanding is why anyone would take that statement by Cain serious. When I heard that I took it as a tongue in cheek response. I bet there are many anti-illegal immigration people that have had the same thought from time to time, but never seriously advocated the actual installation of an electric fence.

A border fence between USA and Mexico wouldn't compare to the "iron curtain", as you said that fence was to keep people hostage, the fence here would be to keep people out. Our citizens would still be allowed to come and go as they do now.

First off, how can you at this moment guarantee in the future that the powers that be would let us "come and go as we do now?" BTW, it's not a come and go either. If I erect a fence and have limited gates through that fence, it's not much to begin to control who and when people go through that gate. Even now some people wrongly placed on a "no fly" list can't leave because that same name is given to border authorities so in effect, you already have the framework and it's just a matter of expanding the people covered. And let's not forget that the President at his discretion can place any of us on a "shoot to kill" list and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

So his comments were tongue and cheek? OK, that's possible but then I question his seriousness on the subject to begin with to just joke about it. Baba pointed out a fence would "cure the problem" and from a certain POV that is true but again how much would something like this cost?

With all the talk of cutting the cost of gov't, removing needless economic burdens to stimulate economic growth and limiting the scope of gov't, seems to me this type of stuff, even tongue and cheek goes counter to that ideal if one truly believes in it!
First off, how can you at this moment guarantee in the future that the powers that be would let us "come and go as we do now?" BTW, it's not a come and go either. If I erect a fence and have limited gates through that fence, it's not much to begin to control who and when people go through that gate. Even now some people wrongly placed on a "no fly" list can't leave because that same name is given to border authorities so in effect, you already have the framework and it's just a matter of expanding the people covered. And let's not forget that the President at his discretion can place any of us on a "shoot to kill" list and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

So his comments were tongue and cheek? OK, that's possible but then I question his seriousness on the subject to begin with to just joke about it. Baba pointed out a fence would "cure the problem" and from a certain POV that is true but again how much would something like this cost?

With all the talk of cutting the cost of gov't, removing needless economic burdens to stimulate economic growth and limiting the scope of gov't, seems to me this type of stuff, even tongue and cheek goes counter to that ideal if one truly believes in it!

Have you heard of anyone(on the no fly list) not being allowed to leave the country via ground ? Not saying it hasn't happened, just that I have not heard of it happening.

The president could put the whole country under martial law at just about any time as well. I've also never heard of a citizen of the US being put on a "shoot to kill" list without a reason, have you?

I took Baba's " cure the problem" as a simple statement, not an endorsement of a plan. Though I doubt that would cure the problem anyway, just put a slowdown on crossing. Cain's "electrifying" statement isn't anything that many people haven't already thought but wouldn't have done so. Few rational people would ever seriously consider that. And yea, it would be cost prohibitive.


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by wkmac"First off, how can you at this moment guarantee in the future that the powers that be would let us "come and go as we do now?"

There's no guarantee that any of us will be alive this afternoon!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
China has their Great Wall and nobody complains.
Why can't we do the same ?
It would be the perfect public works job creator of this century.

The great wall was built in the 5th century. Its now maintained by a communist country. Are you saying that you would like to mimmick the actions of a communist state?

I dont get you.



golden ticket member
Oh, by the way, Jessie Jr. wants to hire all 14 million unemployed, pay them $40,000 a year.........they could build the wall!!