Herman Cain


golden ticket member
trinkle, what you would do or would have done, if your daughter of 12 years old says she mistakenly got pregnant... and doesn't want the baby, she wants to finish school and go to college, and become someone one day, instead ?

She doesn't want to be set sofar behind early in her life.

Wouldn't you call that a tough decision to make, or would it be a simply no ?
Any girl.....at the most would be 9 months behind. You talk like she'd be years behind her peers. Kids with serious sickness get farther behind than that.

Also, she can continue to go to school, so she doesn't have to lose ground at all on her education. Private Adoption would give her baby a good home and probably pay for her medical bills so her family won't be strapped with them.

Years ago in dinosaur times, they had homes for unwed mothers and they were usually run by nuns. The girls got their educations....away from home....and their babies were placed.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
My oldest son was conceived on the date of roe vs wade, Jan 22, 1973, also my birthday, and I guess I was celebrating:surprised:. I was 15. My mom told me that I now had a choice, but she didnt relish me going that road. Then she told me to be at least 400 miles away, when I told my father.
Today he is one of the finest young men, you could aske for. The apple of his grandads eye, and loved by everyone. Im glad I made the right choice. I think he is too!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gee, another KOCH brothers plant in the CAIN campaign. MARK BLOCK, an election rigger, a man who was banned from politics for his illegal dealings is the head of the CAIN campaign. Gee, I wonder how a KOCH brothers plant, who has been in trouble with the state of wisconsin, and a member of one of the KOCH brothers group, ends up CAINS campaign manager?

Mark Block | Americans for Prosperity

Mark Block | Herman Cain | Elections 2012 | The Daily Caller

I thought CAIN was parading around saying he is an outsider with no political experience?




Age quod agis
Gee, another KOCH brothers plant in the CAIN campaign. MARK BLOCK, an election rigger, a man who was banned from politics for his illegal dealings is the head of the CAIN campaign. Gee, I wonder how a KOCH brothers plant, who has been in trouble with the state of wisconsin, and a member of one of the KOCH brothers group, ends up CAINS campaign manager?

Mark Block | Americans for Prosperity

Mark Block | Herman Cain | Elections 2012 | The Daily Caller

I thought CAIN was parading around saying he is an outsider with no political experience?



What is your point?
Herman is NOT allowed to HIRE or Provide employment to an individual with political experience?


Well-Known Member
Why? Who made you the judge of who another can hire? I thought we lived in the U.S. of A.

Since it has become increasingly clear that Barry Obama won't be in the white house past Jan of 2013 and Baghdad Bob over there cannot stand to see a real conservative to take his place.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
What is your point?
Herman is NOT allowed to HIRE or Provide employment to an individual with political experience?

YA, not a criminal.


This is funny...you are complaining about Cain hiring a Criminal but you had no problem with your Messiah hanging out with Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko, and hiring tax cheat...AKA Little Timmy Gietner...your a real peach.



Lue C Fur

Evil member
Oh dont say it, Herman Cain stepped in it again.... yes folks, the mouth that speaks before it thinks did it again!

You do that too...speak before you think...that hatred for everything Republican/Conservative blinds you. Remember when you said your Liberal sex addict hero Anthony Wiener was innocent and was set up by a Republican...that was a good one. Oh and are you ever going to answer Trplnkl on the Laura Bush drunk driving Murder crap you spewed...ya i thought so...Shoot your Liberal twisting Lie gun and then run and hide.
