Herman Cain

FAIL! Better check what I really said before you go on rants. So far, in this post, you demonstrate that you dont have any integrity.

I do apologize for my error(and that is what it was) , by the time I realized I had typed DNC instead of GOP or RNC it was too late to edit the post. Otherwise, the post stands. A typing error does not constitute a lack of integrity. Do you really think I would out right lie about what you posted?

And when it comes to integrity, you haven't a leg to stand on.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I do apologize for my error(and that is what it was) , by the time I realized I had typed DNC instead of GOP or RNC it was too late to edit the post. Otherwise, the post stands. A typing error does not constitute a lack of integrity. Do you really think I would out right lie about what you posted?


Without a doubt.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And the soap opera gets better ! :)

Lawyer: Cain accuser wants to tell her side of story

By James V. Grimaldi, Tuesday, November 1, 2:51 PM

One of the women who accused GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual harassment wants to tell her side of the story but is barred by a confidentiality agreement, her attorney in Washington said Tuesday.
Lawyer Joel P. Bennett called on the National Restaurant Association, where the woman and Cain worked in the late 1990s, to release the woman from her written promise not to talk about the allegations or disparage the trade group.

“It is just frustrating that Herman Cain is going around bad-mouthing the two complainants, and my client is blocked by a confidentiality agreement,” Bennett said. “The National Restaurant Association ought to release them and allow them to respond. ”

HE had to know this was coming. How dumb can you be running around badmouthing two women, calling them LIARS on national tv, allowing the right wing radio stations to call them LIARS and GOLDDIGGERS and NOT expect them to want to come out and speak their minds by telling the "TRUTH" from there perspectives?

Really, how dumb is CAIN? Does he believe those agreements are so IRON CLAD that they cant be broken? CAIN has done more damage to himself by simply SPEAKING than the allegations themselves.

Today on FOXED SPEWS, host John Scott described CAINS different versions of the story as a "SLIGHT SHIFT" and placed his fingers out in front of him about a half inch apart. Really John Scott? A "SLIGHT SHIFT" of his story?

How about describing it as a 180 degree change, a complete reversal, a contradiction or a flat out liar?

The right wing media from radio to tv have tried to do damage control over the story, but CAINs own mouth keeps the door open and its only a matter of time before both WOMEN involved slam that door in CAINS face!

I cant wait until GLORIA ALLREDS face appears on behalf of these women!




golden ticket member
It's only the rest. assoc. who can lift a gag, since they put it in place. Cain has no say so. That lady, or those ladies are thinking they could come forward and write a book and make a ton of money off it.

Whoever released this crap ......it's having a reverse effect. Cain made the most $$$ in donations in any one day on the day this all broke.

I think his wife is going to be on Greta's show soon.......I don't watch Greta, but I may have to when she is on.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It's only the rest. assoc. who can lift a gag, since they put it in place. Cain has no say so. That lady, or those ladies are thinking they could come forward and write a book and make a ton of money off it.

Whoever released this crap ......it's having a reverse effect. Cain made the most $$$ in donations in any one day on the day this all broke.

I think his wife is going to be on Greta's show soon.......I don't watch Greta, but I may have to when she is on.

CAIN raising money to "record" levels? Compared to what? The paltry dollars he was recieving before? Any money CAIN recieves is a record. Its hard to believe that people are that stupid, but I guess there will be people gulable enough to send him money.

As for record numbers, he was the lowest campaign raiser of the group, and NOWHERE near ROMNEYs budget.

Lets keep it real mOrelucK.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It's only the rest. assoc. who can lift a gag, since they put it in place. CQUOTE]

You have NO IDEA what youre talking about. In CAINS own words, he stated that "HIS" lawyer and "HER" lawyer were negoitating on a settlement. NOT ONCE did he say the NRA was negoitiating for him.

Better put on your listening ears! Your missing the facts as stated, oh wait, thats what you do best.

How about CAIN agrees and the NRA agrees (if they are involved) and the NRA produces the "MINUTES" from the executive board hearing relating to this case and we see where the facts fall?

Oh wait, you and the rest of the C9 are satisfied with the multiple versions of the story that you have been told so you dont need any hard facts, just the ones around the edges from CAINS perspective.

I forgot, facts just get in the way.

I say, let the women speak, let the story be told, and lets see how much credibility CAIN has.

Without a doubt.

Well that's just silly. When I mistyped DNC for GOP or RNC, I had already used GOP in a previous post on the same discussion and I quoted you post using GOP. What would make me think that trying to lie about what you posted would fly? I may not be a genius but I am smarter and honest than that . It was a mistype plain and simple.

Show me one time that I lied about what you have said?

I can show you lies that you have posted.
It's only the rest. assoc. who can lift a gag, since they put it in place. CQUOTE]

You have NO IDEA what youre talking about. In CAINS own words, he stated that "HIS" lawyer and "HER" lawyer were negoitating on a settlement. NOT ONCE did he say the NRA was negoitiating for him.

Better put on your listening ears! Your missing the facts as stated, oh wait, thats what you do best.

How about CAIN agrees and the NRA agrees (if they are involved) and the NRA produces the "MINUTES" from the executive board hearing relating to this case and we see where the facts fall?

Oh wait, you and the rest of the C9 are satisfied with the multiple versions of the story that you have been told so you dont need any hard facts, just the ones around the edges from CAINS perspective.

I forgot, facts just get in the way.

I say, let the women speak, let the story be told, and lets see how much credibility CAIN has.


I don't understand why you aren't satisfied with the story. You were OK with Clinton lying under oath, you've been OK about all the lies 0bama has told. Heck you even have told a couple of whoppers yourself. Why would Cain telling a fib bother you?


Für Meno :)
It's only the rest. assoc. who can lift a gag, since they put it in place. Cain has no say so. That lady, or those ladies are thinking they could come forward and write a book and make a ton of money off it.

Whoever released this crap ......it's having a reverse effect. Cain made the most $$$ in donations in any one day on the day this all broke.

I think his wife is going to be on Greta's show soon.......I don't watch Greta, but I may have to when she is on.

$300.000 he made, whoopie !

I hope those woman can't speak until and if he gets nominated.... That would be soooo cool ! LOL

According to CNN reports 1 woman got a 5 figure settlement back then,, and Cain can't remember ? Then he sure won't remember ever raising a record of $300K , either LOL