Herman Cain

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What a joker!----The Democratic party cannot STAND the fact that the GOP has a black conservative or any other minority in a place of leadership. Marco Rubio, a Republican Hispanic Senator from Florida is facing the same baseless attacks. You and your STUPID race bating, low life, destroy America party are running scared because we all know that if Cain were to go up against Obama the contrast of someone with leadership abilities ready to move this country forward posed against a community organizer who doesn’t have a clue would be overwhelming…………A crushing defeat of Obama is in the cards and it is driving the loony left bonkers----

NICE RANT, but as usual, a bunch of hot air.

Look, as a democrat, I can assure you that the DNC would LOVE, ENJOY, ENCOURAGE, PROMOTE, ADVERTISE and otherwise SUPPORT Herman Cains nomination! This isnt the doing of the DNC or operatives of the DNC.. We have nothing to gain from eliminating CAIN from the race.

The culprits lie with your OWN PARTY and GOP operatives who believe CAIN was gaining too much momentum. No better way to stop him than to destroy him. The only ones who stand to gain from releasing or leaking this information are the other candidates on the GOP side.

The DNC operatives would have held this type of info for use AFTER he won the nomination, and NOT at a time where it means nothing to the DNC.

You better take a good look at your party first, they screwed him!

As for your "crushing defeat" of OBAMA, well, you better come up for air first, CAIN trails OBAMA by double digits in all polls. (except the FOX POLL on its cable channel)

For now, The democrats continue to laugh at the GOP for this ridiculous process they are experiencing! Let me show you!


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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Unfortunately the only news I could see in the airport was CNN.. The only news I have heard since is ABC. Waiting for the real news on FOX.
I totally believe that the rnc may want Romney, and want Cain gone. We the people may not, and this time we may not settle for somebody who Obama could beat, if there is such a person, I doubt it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Any proof that the GOP is involved with the release of this information? Didn't think so.

Any proof that they Arent???

Consider this, I said earlier in this thread, that when CAIN looked like he was going to start winning, the GOP would TORPEDO his campaign. ( thats on the record before this happened)

ON Saturday morning, the new IOWA polls came out and CAIN was leading with 22%. Other candidates have spent tons of money in IOWA and CAIN hasnt, so, to have him leading there is a BLOW to the "other" candidates. How were they to deal with it?

Easy, A matter of hours after the poll was released, an "annonimous source" calls POLITICO and gives them the details of what happened. Politico gets on the story, it makes calls to cain to either deny or confirm the story, CAIN denies it at first and makes no comment. Soon afterwards, other agencies are getting the story and its off to the races!

In a matter of 24 hours, CAIN hits a brick wall and has to deal with a pair of skeletons he would rather leave in the graveyard. Follow this with a few lies about everything, and more contradicting statements and WALAA!

You have Herman Cain on the ropes!

This is politics 101 like I said. The GOP had the most to gain from CAINS destruction. "the black guy wasnt suppose to win". Sorry TRP, What youre seeing is the new GOP in action.



golden ticket member
Any proof that they Arent???

Consider this, I said earlier in this thread, that when CAIN looked like he was going to start winning, the GOP would TORPEDO his campaign. ( thats on the record before this happened)

ON Saturday morning, the new IOWA polls came out and CAIN was leading with 22%. Other candidates have spent tons of money in IOWA and CAIN hasnt, so, to have him leading there is a BLOW to the "other" candidates. How were they to deal with it?

Easy, A matter of hours after the poll was released, an "annonimous source" calls POLITICO and gives them the details of what happened. Politico gets on the story, it makes calls to cain to either deny or confirm the story, CAIN denies it at first and makes no comment. Soon afterwards, other agencies are getting the story and its off to the races!

In a matter of 24 hours, CAIN hits a brick wall and has to deal with a pair of skeletons he would rather leave in the graveyard. Follow this with a few lies about everything, and more contradicting statements and WALAA!

You have Herman Cain on the ropes!

This is politics 101 like I said. The GOP had the most to gain from CAINS destruction. "the black guy wasnt suppose to win". Sorry TRP, What youre seeing is the new GOP in action.

You answer a question with a question.....gets you out of supplying proof. Cain can plow through that "brick wall"......................take your Politics 101 and apply it to the Democrats...they wrote it.


Nine Lives
Either way, CAIN's lead will disappear and we will get to watch him crash and burn all the way down to the ground!


That's what the Democrats want so badly ... they want Cain out of the picture since the Democrats can't play the race card with Cain running against Obama.

Especially since Cain is a real African-American and Obama is just half.



Engorged Member
Again, you take the bait from the FOXED SPIN ROOM and run with it. First of all, CAIN was the chairman of the board, and NO SETTLEMENTS can be made without his being INVOLVED. No executive board can make monetary decisions without the inclusion of the chairman of the board. This was ANOTHER LIE by Cain.

The truth is simple. He made several sexual advances towards two women, they complained, an investigation took place, the executive board asked CAIN to resign over it, and the women were then compensated and required to sign non disclosure agreements.

Corporations dont pay money to LIARS who were proven to have LIED in an investigation. According to CAIN, the investigation proved his innocence, OK, lets see the investigation and back up his claim.

If theres nothing to hide, and he is innocent of the charges, then produce the documents. Secondly, show us the minutes of the executive board who authorized the PAYOUTS and see if CAIN was still employed as Chairman or if he had already resigned over the charges.

CAIN spoke A R O U N D the facts and did not address the KEY components of the charges. He did not address the charge that he was forced to resign over the charges, he didnt confirm that settlements were in fact paid and non disclosure contracts signed. He did not address how TWO women could make such charges against him without merit. CAIN is trying to save himself by only talking about the surface issues instead of dealing with the hard facts that are going to be pressed against him.

Later this afternoon, CAIN was interviewed by GRETA VAN MANSTERN and he contradicted himself. In the morning, he said he didnt know about the women or the settlements, however, With Greta, he explained specific details about one settlement and the charges.

Now, he either knows or doesnt know. Why in the AM did he say he didnt know about settlements and stated that any settlements were done after he left, but later in the day, he sits with MANstern on the FOXED SPIN CHANNEL and explains with great detail the woman, the act and the settlement implying that he was STILL on the board when the settlements were made.

The more CAIN speaks on this subject, the worse its going to get for him. He called the two women liars, and in this political climate, all it will take is some political organization to pay the women what they were paid initially and BREAK the contract and speak out. Now that they have been called LIARS ( which is what CAIN called them) lets see if they come out of the woodwork.

Those non disclosure contracts include a provision that if the women break their silence, they would have to repay the money. Lets say thats 50 grand and according to CAIN, it was somewhere around that number, so they come forward, speak their minds and MAKE MILLIONS! Talking to newspeople, magazines, and investigative reporters. All those people PAY MONEY for those stories.

50 grand would be chump change.

Either way, CAINs lead will dissappear and we will get to watch him crash and burn all the way down to the ground!


Cain will be out of it within a month. He's already "out of it" mentally. I wonder how many women will come forward now, and since Herman has been running his big mouth attached to a small brain, he may have legally forfeited the confidentiality clause of the settlement with his accusers. My guess is that they'll get a much bigger check this time around.


golden ticket member
I doubt very much that 3 months pay would equate to $50,000 !!
Cain mentioned an amount like a severence which is usually (his words) 3 months pay.

If they are making $50,000 in 3 months, then I'm signing up to work at the restaurant Association!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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golden ticket member
Cain added that he thought the settlement might have been “three months’ salary.”
“I don’t remember,” he said. “It might have been two months. I do remember my general counsel saying we didn’t pay all of the money they demanded.”


Für Meno :)
AJ, you have a new Halloween Avatar ?


This flag is used by Catalan independentist leftist nationalists who propose the creation of an independent Republic of the Catalan Countries containing all Catalan-speaking territories [so-called Països Catalans, Catalan Countries].
The red star represents the socialist ideology of the nationalists, but it has been admitted additionally nationalistic not socialistic. This flag was adopted for the PSAN (National Liberation Socialist Party) in 1976, when a fraction of the party left to create the MUM, which retained the old PSAN flag (white triangle). This is not the flag of the Catalan Countries, which should be the same of Catalonia, just an independentist leftist proposal.


Nine Lives
AJ, you have a new Halloween Avatar ?


This flag is used by Catalan independentist leftist nationalists who propose the creation of an independent Republic of the Catalan Countries containing all Catalan-speaking territories [so-called Països Catalans, Catalan Countries].
The red star represents the socialist ideology of the nationalists, but it has been admitted additionally nationalistic not socialistic. This flag was adopted for the PSAN (National Liberation Socialist Party) in 1976, when a fraction of the party left to create the MUM, which retained the old PSAN flag (white triangle). This is not the flag of the Catalan Countries, which should be the same of Catalonia, just an independentist leftist proposal.

Maybe Arnold can be their president - Ca-tah-lawn-e-ahh


bella amicizia
AJ, you have a new Halloween Avatar ?


This flag is used by Catalan independentist leftist nationalists who propose the creation of an independent Republic of the Catalan Countries containing all Catalan-speaking territories [so-called Països Catalans, Catalan Countries].
The red star represents the socialist ideology of the nationalists, but it has been admitted additionally nationalistic not socialistic. This flag was adopted for the PSAN (National Liberation Socialist Party) in 1976, when a fraction of the party left to create the MUM, which retained the old PSAN flag (white triangle). This is not the flag of the Catalan Countries, which should be the same of Catalonia, just an independentist leftist proposal.
That one went right over my head. What does one have to do with the other?
Any proof that they Arent???

Consider this, I said earlier in this thread, that when CAIN looked like he was going to start winning, the GOP would TORPEDO his campaign. ( thats on the record before this happened)

ON Saturday morning, the new IOWA polls came out and CAIN was leading with 22%. Other candidates have spent tons of money in IOWA and CAIN hasnt, so, to have him leading there is a BLOW to the "other" candidates. How were they to deal with it?

Easy, A matter of hours after the poll was released, an "annonimous source" calls POLITICO and gives them the details of what happened. Politico gets on the story, it makes calls to cain to either deny or confirm the story, CAIN denies it at first and makes no comment. Soon afterwards, other agencies are getting the story and its off to the races!

In a matter of 24 hours, CAIN hits a brick wall and has to deal with a pair of skeletons he would rather leave in the graveyard. Follow this with a few lies about everything, and more contradicting statements and WALAA!

You have Herman Cain on the ropes!

This is politics 101 like I said. The GOP had the most to gain from CAINS destruction. "the black guy wasnt suppose to win". Sorry TRP, What youre seeing is the new GOP in action.


The only proof I need to provide is that I asked you for proof of your allegations. I haven't said the GOP had nothing to do with this, I have made no allegations , but you did say the DNC "leaked" the story. That means the burden of proof is on you. That's debate 101.
It's pretty easy for you to rant, spew hatred, demean others and in some instances out right lie when you have no proof of anything. More and more people on here are learning who has the integrity and who does not.