Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
I wonder if he got his 9-9-9 from chasing German ladies....
999 (pronounced) means NO, NO, NO in German !

Yeah, I also seen the brainwashing clip that was originally aired on Fox, blaming the dems for the leak, calling it high-tech lynching etc.

Next commercail for Cain, should be for Mc Cain's Pizza Pops !

I heard he got the 999 plan chasing 2 german men, Charles and David Koch!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And therein the beauty of this whole thing. One party in effect caught in a trap and now gnawing off an arm hoping to extract itself from it's own devices. The Trap? Cain's a skirt chaser and Perry's being blamed and Romney's dancing with glee. Obamacare verses Romneycare, an anti-stater's dream election because I get to watch you people close your eyes and vote for the man who gave us Gov't Care in the first place so in effect have railed against Obamacare, you'll be voting for the man to lead your party who ultimately wrote the template for it.

No wonder democrats are so giddy and they should be because either way the bases are covered!

Absolutely true. While the allegations themselves were along time ago, the "trap" was the reaction that the "operatives" knew CAIN would apply. He walked right into it. He had no choice. A history of sexual harrassment that CAIN believed was "buried" in legal contracts made CAIN think he could deny the charges.

Problem with CAIN, and everyone knows, is that CAIN speaks before he thinks and his GOP rivals know this for a fact. CAIN in fact, wasted 10 days where he could have investigated the facts, work with his lawyer and devise some plan to deal with the charges, rather than come forward at the 11th hour and tell lies only to refute himself in the 12th hour.

CAIN isnt quick on his feet, and he's even slower with his mouth.

The GOP knew CAIN would handle the matter with a match in one hand and dynamite in the other. Now, the story grows and the truth will eventually come out and sink CAINS campaign. Floundering is what CAIN can expect to do over the next three weeks as this matter dips into legal challenges.

He should have NEVER criticized the women involved by calling them liars, golddiggers or opportunists. FOXED SPEWS helped him hurt himself by giving him AIRTIME intended to clear the record and get in front of the story only to place himself behind the 8 ball.

Now, the trap is set, the non disclosure agreements CAINS lawyers personally negotiated will be released and the women will speak. The "Other Side" (pun intended) will come out and destroy CAINs chances of continuing in the GOP race.

WK, you made a good analogy when you said " One party in effect caught in a trap and now gnawing off an arm hoping to extract itself from it's own devices."

If CAIN wants to save his dignity, he would withdraw today and call out the GOP candidates and the GOP process for ruining his chances at being elected.

There is a GOP debate coming up, and I would love to see both CAIN and PERRY standing next to each other! ALthough I still believe Romneys camp is behind this, Perry seems to be drawing all the CAINS camps heat for leaking this story to the press.

As for you CAIN supporters, good luck hanging on to this dream, its turning into a nightmare!


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
To tos, klein & Mr Fedx.
Since your sources are by far superior to any that I can find would you kindly explain what a " Non-disclosure clause " is all about ?

Why do you care what any of these ubers think? Don't give them more fuel. They are so far to the left that nothing on the right side of the left is acceptable. I zip "right" passed POS posts or any post that is not fair minded.
Some one dug up dirt that is 21 years old. This is going to be child's play once the Republican candidate is actually chosen. This will be the dirtiest campaign in American history and will more than likely create a schism within America that will rival how people felt during the Civil War.

Going back to Hokes post, I often wonder what this century would have been like had we not gone through 9/11. There was far more damage done to this country and the world than we care to fathom.

Don't let these ubers get to you. They are so far left they make the left look conservative!


golden ticket member
With a year 'til elections.....Lots of stuff can happen....look how little time it took to find out about Solyndra? That was using taxpayer's $$$ and squandering it. Cain's accusations come nowhere close to something like that. Old Buck is capable of a multitude of fatal errors in the amount of time remaining and considering the position he holds. Just think, "Chicago Politician".what could possibly go wrong? LOL !


Für Meno :)
Sorry, is 47% approval !

President Barack Obama's job approval rating has moved up from negative to even over the last month -- and he would still beat all the current Republican presidential contenders, some by double-digit margins, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
In early October, 41% of those polled approved of the job Obama is doing while 55% gave him the thumbs down. The more recent survey had the public split evenly at 47% on each side. Obama "seems to be improving in voters' eyes almost across-the-board," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "He scores big gains among the groups with whom he has had the most problems -- whites and men." Against his likely 2012 challengers, Obama beats former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 47% to 42% while Texas Gov. Rick Perry would lose 52% to 36% and pizza chain executive Herman Cain trails 50% to 40%.


golden ticket member
Sorry, is 47% approval !

President Barack Obama's job approval rating has moved up from negative to even over the last month -- and he would still beat all the current Republican presidential contenders, some by double-digit margins, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
In early October, 41% of those polled approved of the job Obama is doing while 55% gave him the thumbs down. The more recent survey had the public split evenly at 47% on each side. Obama "seems to be improving in voters' eyes almost across-the-board," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "He scores big gains among the groups with whom he has had the most problems -- whites and men." Against his likely 2012 challengers, Obama beats former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 47% to 42% while Texas Gov. Rick Perry would lose 52% to 36% and pizza chain executive Herman Cain trails 50% to 40%.

You weren't talking about "opposed to a GOP candidate". Your orig. post said Obama's job approval. His job approval is piss poor and so is the poll that asks if the country is headed in the right direction.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why do you care what any of these ubers think? Don't give them more fuel. They are so far to the left that nothing on the right side of the left is acceptable. I zip "right" passed POS posts or any post that is not fair minded.
Some one dug up dirt that is 21 years old. This is going to be child's play once the Republican candidate is actually chosen. This will be the dirtiest campaign in American history and will more than likely create a schism !

Face it, you cant respond because there is nothing you can say that would respond to the circus that is now the CAIN campaign. Whoever torpedoed CAIN did a great job! The story grew legs and is slowly developing into wheels!

You cant say anything, you can only hold on to your dismissing of anything "ANTI" republican. Just as there are UBER lefts, there are those like yourself and the C9 who are clearly UBER righties. HECK you UBER rights supported BUSH as he destroyed this country and our economy no matter how the facts played out.

Same with CAIN. The record is becoming clear, he has no integrity on the political scene and his character is now in question.

Dont deflect the conversation away from CAIN and unto lefts or liberals or clinton....deal with reality.

That reality is simply, CAIN is DONE.



Well-Known Member
Funny when a person is called muslim, this principle doesn't apply and now when it's someone you like, you are now all over it. Your support of the ideals of the previous administration at all costs out of fear of the other side (pun intended) it would appear is now coming back to haunt you. You should have lived that "PRINCIPLE" all along instead of now being seen as purely an opportunist.

Every American citizen should be afforded that very right. Not an American citizen? Then you aren't afforded the rights as if you were one.

As for Cain being a man of honor and integrity,

There could be more witnesses to come forward at some point in the near future which could seriously question your assessment of candidate Cain.

Perhaps, but to this point none with any sort of integrity have come forward, and the only one who was going to come forward has been telling her lawyer to shutup and stop talking to the media. Obviously she has something to hide and wishes to remain hidden. I see no evidence of Herman being a skirt chaser and after 42 years in the private sector all the media can come up with are 3 anonymous allegations of sexual harrassment that supposedly took place during one of his 42 years in business. This makes the main stream media look bad, not Herman Cain.

BTW: Harrison's quote was also at one time a generally accepted ideal and it mainly applied when the state wanted to deprive an individual of his life, liberty or property and not the result of private party claims. In Cain's case, it's not the state out to deny him anything and if there's a beauty to this, he's being denied access to control the State. If we can crush them all showing none have honor or integrity, it then becomes obvious our choices are among men and women of the worst sort. We just might then wake up on election day morning with purpose to go do something more worthwhile and productive to genuine free society than stand in line voting for someone who will allow us to pick our neighbor's pocket under the color of law.

The state has, in fact, created the atmosphere to which it is indirectly finding people guilty of transgressions that they are not guilty of. Perhaps the person in question isn't going to jail, but their public reputations are put into a position to be smeared simply because its too expensive to litigate in order to expose the truth. If the loser of such a case would have to pay for the legal expenses of both parties such cases could go to court allowing for the air to be cleared of any possible wrong doing.


Well-Known Member
You talk about integrity and character...what a joke.




I happen to agree TOS. Its time you answer these questions or leave these forums IMHO. You have been dodging this issue for too long and its time to answer something honestly for once in your life.


golden ticket member
What probably happened is the 2 or 3 ladies stepped into the doorway to have a cigarette break....Cain walked by and said, "They're smokin'."

And, they all filed sexual hassassment!!


Für Meno :)
What probably happened is the 2 or 3 ladies stepped into the doorway to have a cigarette break....Cain walked by and said, "They're smokin'."

And, they all filed sexual hassassment!!

Yup, that's women for ya - they should all be banned from any work place !


Well-Known Member

Looks like Herman is still on track. He just started this fund today and it has already accumulated $163k and counting. His goal is $999,000 by Nov. 9, but it appears it will be there by the end of the day tomorrow or Saturday!