Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
It looks like Herman stepped on his "snake". Time to take Cain out of the oven, because he is done. Do you want some crow on that pizza?

With a year left before the election he is far from being done. Perry will do something stupid and take the spotlight off of Cain.

Notice you don't hear a peep from or about Romney?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
it does not chamge my vote. I havent seen the dastardly deed explained. Or proven. If she wanted to have her day in court to prove he wronged her, that was 12 yrs ago. She traded money for her soul, if indeed he harrassed her. I do not think she should get a do over, her 15 minutes of fame.

On the other hand I dont want a perv in the white house. We had one of those. Before that when it was all over TV, kids had never heard of oral sex. Thanks Bill. Now its common place.

I agree if he gets through this and I think he will, he will be bullet proof.


Staff member
With a year left before the election he is far from being done. Perry will do something stupid and take the spotlight off of Cain.

Notice you don't hear a peep from or about Romney?
Perry will have to do something pretty stupid to grab the spotlight right now, though I wouldn't put it past him. And Romney is no fool, the best way to handle this circus is to stay away from it.


Nine Lives
On the other hand I dont want a perv in the white house.

Sleezebag - yep
Slimy - yep
Sexually out of control - yep
Pervert - nope

I think back on the years of Clinton's presidency with great memories and wish they were back again.
Nothing but crap with Bush and it got much worse with Obama.


golden ticket member
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 @ 9:23 pm |Report: Rahm Emanuel Involved In Leaking Cain Harassment Claims To Politico…

Wait, Rahm Emanuel?
(Washington Times) — Herman Cain’s campaign is revealing suspicions about who is behind the story regarding the former unidentified employees who accused Mr. Cain of sexual harassment in the late 1990′s.

According to a source who is friends with the Cain campaign, not only is the Rick Perry campaign involved but also the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely involved with the sexual harassment accuser attacks. A friend of the Cain campaign believes a National Restaurant Association (NRA) employee out of the Chicago office leaked the story to the Perry campaign via information and influence from Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s office


Engorged Member
With a year left before the election he is far from being done. Perry will do something stupid and take the spotlight off of Cain.

Notice you don't hear a peep from or about Romney?

He's done because he has little to no organization compared to Perry or Romney, and the disparity grows when you consider funding. His scandal will just speed-up the process of decline.


Strength through joy
To tos, klein & Mr Fedx.
Since your sources are by far superior to any that I can find would you kindly explain what a " Non-disclosure clause " is all about ?


Strength through joy
And just for kicks could you also find out who actually signed these non-disclosure agreements; Was Herman Cain's signature actually on these forms, or was it between the NRA and the lawyers for the women ?
Better yet please tell us all just what kind of legal defense Mr Bennet was prepared to launch, who were going to be his witnesses ? What proof did he really have ?

And why did his client today tell him to shut up ?
You know the client who currently holds a Federal gov't job, which she would have to explain on her job application that she had been involved a legal action.


Engorged Member
To tos, klein & Mr Fedx.
Since your sources are by far superior to any that I can find would you kindly explain what a " Non-disclosure clause " is all about ?

I'm not an attorney, but a non-disclosure clause prohibits both parties from discussing a settlement. Mr. Cain has been flapping his gums, which may negate said clause, thereby possibly freeing the two women who settled to speak about the case if they wish. I would imagine that both have been offered additional money to keep quiet.

Cain is in full damage control mode right now, and it appears to me that he is afflicted with an acute case of WPS (Wandering Penis Syndrome).


Well-Known Member
To tos, klein & Mr Fedx.
Since your sources are by far superior to any that I can find would you kindly explain what a " Non-disclosure clause " is all about ?

I'm not an attorney, but a non-disclosure clause prohibits both parties from discussing a settlement. Mr. Cain has been flapping his gums, which may negate said clause, thereby possibly freeing the two women who settled to speak about the case if they wish. I would imagine that both have been offered additional money to keep quiet.

Cain is in full damage control mode right now, and it appears to me that he is afflicted with an acute case of WPS (Wandering Penis Syndrome).[/QUOTE]

It would not apply to Cain if he never signed the agreement. It was most likely an agreement between the accuser and the NRA. Cain should be free to say whatever he wants to on the matter simply because he isn't bound by the same agreement the accuser is.


bella amicizia
The agreement was signed on Mr. Cain's behalf by his General Council. Mr. Cain didn't agree to keep quiet in exchange for a cart of full of cash. The 'accuser' did. Now, she wants to talk? I hope a check for the amount she was paid has been written.


Strength through joy
I'm not an attorney, but a non-disclosure clause prohibits both parties from discussing a settlement. Mr. Cain has been flapping his gums, which may negate said clause, thereby possibly freeing the two women who settled to speak about the case if they wish. I would imagine that both have been offered additional money to keep quiet.

Cain is in full damage control mode right now, and it appears to me that he is afflicted with an acute case of WPS (Wandering Penis Syndrome).

Do you know for a fact that H.C. actually signed any agreements ?
If he did not then he was free to say anything or nothing at all and still be not liable .
However since the woman's attorney has made the condition of what was in the agreements known, then he has violated the terms of the agreement , thus he better be prepared to re-pay the NRA { should they ask for the return of their monies }.
As for the other women's agreements , they are still valid .
If they wish to void their agreements , then they too could be required to re-pay their settlements.
All your wild talk is just that Mr. I'm not an attorney, next time contact a pre-law student , because this is the most basic stuff that they are taught.


Well-Known Member
Oh dont look now, but a THIRD, yes I said a THIRD woman has come forward with the same type of allegations against MR Wonderful, HERMAN CAIN!

AP Exclusive: Third worker says Cain harassed her - Yahoo! News

Gee, anyone else see a pattern here?

Oh thats right, you all think women are stupid, liars, cheats, golddiggers and take advantage of rich men by using sex... Hey BRETT, I see you would like to take womens rights away from them through the courts and eliminate 100 years of equality. Sure, lets turn back the clock BRETT, lets take a womens right to complain away from her by making it COST TOO MUCH.. There's a real piece of intelligence for all to see.

Clearly, loser pays would have solved this problem.... YEAH RIGHT.... dont make me laugh! (again)


It was Benjamin Harrison who said that its better to let 100 guilty people free than to convict one innocent person of a crime they did not commit. Under our current litigation system people who are not guilty are treated by the public as if they were simply because its cheaper to settle than to fight to bring the truth to light. Here we have a man full of integrity and honor being accused of sexually harrassing women with whom he worked when he has been happily married for over 4 decades. Its sad, but our current system has failed Herman Cain just like it has failed many both before and after him. A loser pays system is the only fix to keep outcomes like these from occurring in the future.


Well-Known Member
It was Benjamin Harrison who said that its better to let 100 guilty people free than to convict one innocent person of a crime they did not commit. Under our current litigation system people who are not guilty are treated by the public as if they were simply because its cheaper to settle than to fight to bring the truth to light. Here we have a man full of integrity and honor being accused of sexually harrassing women with whom he worked when he has been happily married for over 4 decades. Its sad, but our current system has failed Herman Cain just like it has failed many both before and after him. A loser pays system is the only fix to keep outcomes like these from occurring in the future.

Funny when a person is called muslim, this principle doesn't apply and now when it's someone you like, you are now all over it. Your support of the ideals of the previous administration at all costs out of fear of the other side (pun intended) it would appear is now coming back to haunt you. You should have lived that "PRINCIPLE" all along instead of now being seen as purely an opportunist.

As for Cain being a man of honor and integrity,

A veteran Republican pollster who did work for the National Restaurant Association said Wednesday morning that Herman Cain sexually harassed a woman at an Arlington, Va., restaurant in the late 1990s.
Continue Reading
Chris Wilson, now the principal of an Oklahoma-based GOP consulting firm, said in an interview on Oklahoma City's KTOK radio station that the episode took place in the neighborhood where Cain kept an apartment when he headed the restaurant trade group.
"This occurred at a restaurant in Crystal City (Virginia), and everybody was aware of it," Wilson said on the station. "It was only a matter of time because so many people were aware of what took place, so many people were aware of her situation, the fact she left — everybody knew with the campaign that this would eventually come up."
In an interview with POLITICO, Wilson said he was present for the episode and that it took place in the late '90s.
Wilson declined to say specifically what Cain said or did to the woman, but that the CEO's actions made other individuals at the table uneasy.

There could be more witnesses to come forward at some point in the near future which could seriously question your assessment of candidate Cain.

BTW: Harrison's quote was also at one time a generally accepted ideal and it mainly applied when the state wanted to deprive an individual of his life, liberty or property and not the result of private party claims. In Cain's case, it's not the state out to deny him anything and if there's a beauty to this, he's being denied access to control the State. If we can crush them all showing none have honor or integrity, it then becomes obvious our choices are among men and women of the worst sort. We just might then wake up on election day morning with purpose to go do something more worthwhile and productive to genuine free society than stand in line voting for someone who will allow us to pick our neighbor's pocket under the color of law.

One who uses coercion is guilty of deliberate violence. Coercion is inhuman. – Mohandas Gandhi

The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder. – Frédéric Bastiat


Strength through joy
Wilson and his firm are now pollsters for Rick Perry's political action committee and Wilson personally supports Perry.

Wilson said for legal reasons, he can not discuss details of the incident. ( oh, oh ).
The consultant said Cain is digging himself a deeper hole by challenging the woman. He also believes it has put the Restaurant Association in a position where it will have to release the woman from her confidentialilty agreement.

For someone who can't talk about it, this guy surely knows how to dig himself into a very ugly legal mess.
The NRA should demand that they have upheld their side of the agreement and now they have become the damaged party
, thus making anyone who talks about their closed agreement liable for damages.



Well-Known Member
Wilson and his firm are now pollsters for Rick Perry's political action committee and Wilson personally supports Perry.

Wilson said for legal reasons, he can not discuss details of the incident. ( oh, oh ).
The consultant said Cain is digging himself a deeper hole by challenging the woman. He also believes it has put the Restaurant Association in a position where it will have to release the woman from her confidentialilty agreement.

For someone who can't talk about it, this guy surely knows how to dig himself into a very ugly legal mess.
The NRA should demand that they have upheld their side of the agreement and now they have become the damaged party
, thus making anyone who talks about their closed agreement liable for damages.

And therein the beauty of this whole thing. One party in effect caught in a trap and now gnawing off an arm hoping to extract itself from it's own devices. The Trap? Cain's a skirt chaser and Perry's being blamed and Romney's dancing with glee. Obamacare verses Romneycare, an anti-stater's dream election because I get to watch you people close your eyes and vote for the man who gave us Gov't Care in the first place so in effect have railed against Obamacare, you'll be voting for the man to lead your party who ultimately wrote the template for it.

No wonder democrats are so giddy and they should be because either way the bases are covered!


Für Meno :)
I wonder if he got his 9-9-9 from chasing German ladies....
999 (pronounced) means NO, NO, NO in German !

Yeah, I also seen the brainwashing clip that was originally aired on Fox, blaming the dems for the leak, calling it high-tech lynching etc.

Next commercial for Cain, should be for Mc Cain's Pizza Pops ! (filled with bologne) !
