Herman Cain


golden ticket member
Hey, let them. You can't help them.
They want to give away their hard earned money... why else would they want a National Sales Tax ?
Any more, every post of yours makes no sense. It's like you are speaking a different language.

This is what I read from you...."And you can grind the beans yourself and have great dollars to buy peanut butter for your watch lottery. So that's good for you, you bet, you just wait!"

any more, every post of yours makes no sense. It's like you are speaking a different language.

This is what i read from you...."and you can grind the beans yourself and have great dollars to buy peanut butter for your watch lottery. So that's good for you, you bet, you just wait!"

prefect!!!! LMAO

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I happen to agree TOS. Its time you answer these questions or leave these forums IMHO. You have been dodging this issue for too long and its time to answer something honestly for once in your life.

I dont answer to YOU hacks! You dominate this board with moderators who pull the plug at the dumbest things, and name call and post half truths and mis information daily, yet, when challenged, you all gather around and name call and try to "pick fights".

I used to answer these calls, but not anymore.

You think you have it all figured out, gang up on posters and run them out of town, sorry Bub, aint falling for it.

If you dont like what I post, or believe it to be untrue, POST THE FACTS to support your claims.

If you cant, then leave the subject alone. None of YOU can answer when challenged, you all deflect and try to change the subject with the exception of Island Fox.

So give me a break... youre bullying days are over!


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Hey look...TOS is running and hiding from his LIES again.

YOU acussed me of having another screen name but you cant back that up. Why cant you man up and say what it is...YOU CANT BECAUSE YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!

You claimed Laura Bush Killed someone in a drunk driving accident but you have no proof and like usual you run and hide when asked for proof. You made the claim so its your responsiblity to show the proof.



Well-Known Member
Hey look...TOS is running and hiding from his LIES again.

YOU acussed me of having another screen name but you cant back that up. Why cant you man up and say what it is...YOU CANT BECAUSE YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!

You claimed Laura Bush Killed someone in a drunk driving accident but you have no proof and like usual you run and hide when asked for proof. You made the claim so its your responsiblity to show the proof.

Vince Neil killed someone in a driving accident. Maybe that's what TOS is talking about.


Engorged Member
I dont answer to YOU hacks! You dominate this board with moderators who pull the plug at the dumbest things, and name call and post half truths and mis information daily, yet, when challenged, you all gather around and name call and try to "pick fights".

I used to answer these calls, but not anymore.

You think you have it all figured out, gang up on posters and run them out of town, sorry Bub, aint falling for it.

If you dont like what I post, or believe it to be untrue, POST THE FACTS to support your claims.

If you cant, then leave the subject alone. None of YOU can answer when challenged, you all deflect and try to change the subject with the exception of Island Fox.

So give me a break... youre bullying days are over!


The moderators often allow their own political leanings to influence their judgement. That isn't right. I was suspended once for using a common term for a Tea Partier. I checked, and numerous others used the same term, with no action whatsoever on the part of the Mods. Granted, they can't follow everything at once, but it's pretty obvious that a few of them lean far to the the Right (which is fine). What isn't fine is using the Mod hammer to smash someone they don't agree with. Not good.


Engorged Member
Vince Neil killed someone in a driving accident. Maybe that's what TOS is talking about.

Laura Bush did kill someone in a driving accident, but I don't know if she was drunk. In November, 1963, 17 year old Bush (the driver) and a friend ran a stop sign and killed Mike Douglas, a star athlete and popular student at her school.
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I started this.
Staff member
I dont answer to YOU hacks! You dominate this board with moderators who pull the plug at the dumbest things, and name call and post half truths and mis information daily, yet, when challenged, you all gather around and name call and try to "pick fights".

I used to answer these calls, but not anymore.

You think you have it all figured out, gang up on posters and run them out of town, sorry Bub, aint falling for it.

If you dont like what I post, or believe it to be untrue, POST THE FACTS to support your claims.

If you cant, then leave the subject alone. None of YOU can answer when challenged, you all deflect and try to change the subject with the exception of Island Fox.

So give me a break... youre bullying days are over!


The moderators often allow their own political leanings to influence their judgement. That isn't right. I was suspended once for using a common term for a Tea Partier. I checked, and numerous others used the same term, with no action whatsoever on the part of the Mods. Granted, they can't follow everything at once, but it's pretty obvious that a few of them lean far to the the Right (which is fine). What isn't fine is using the Mod hammer to smash someone they don't agree with. Not good.

Face it guys... you each have to take responsibility for drawing moderator attention with your own snarky behavior. 99% of the people that post on this site have never had a run in with the mods. You are the 1%.

Final warning. Either one of you make one more disrespectful remark about the mods and you will be banned.

Terms of Service said:
Our staff does not review all of the content posted here. We rely on the members to report inappropriate content so that it can be reviewed by the moderators and appropriate action taken when necessary. Content will not be deleted or altered for the purpose of distorting the pattern of opinion in any given discussion. The sole purpose of content editing or deletion is to remove inappropriate content and enforce these Terms of Service and House Rules. Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the public forum. If you have any concerns or questions about a staff decision, please take it up in private with a member of the site administration team.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Just another baseless comment. I lean yes way way to the right. Even further the more I see what happens to the brains of those on the left.
But never, ever has any of your left leaning posts been deleted, unless someone complained. And it was justified to be against TOS. If in fact someone got over something you tried to post, and we missed it, coz no one reported it. So why didnt you? Whine whine whine about how unfairly you are treated here.

Thanks boss for the back up, but you dont take sides, and thats clear. You have went above and beyond being patient with people.
I come here for intelligent postings. I started this thread coz its who I like. I read both sides when it has content. Most of it lately, I also whiz on by.

why dont you all start a thread about the great things Obama has done, all his accomplishments, A social site with his calender, the cost of his parties, his and her travels. How much money he has raised and from whom. Who he hangs out with and their love for America. Why you would like to see him have another four yrs etc. And Ill bet, that none of us righties will come in and trash the place. Because we simply dont care. We have a different vision, but we believe in you being able to have the same vision of your candidate.
If you need some cheese to go with your whine, try the cheese line, popping up everywhere, thanks to your left leaning version and your falling over left guy.


golden ticket member
It's typical left behavior....they have no one, no ideas, no solutions....so they attack, call you stupid or racist or you just don't get it.


golden ticket member
Back to Herman...they had the guy from Politico and were interviewing him......he never could answer a straight question with a straight answer. They asked him, "Did you talk to these ladies?" His answer was something like....we talked with people all over the country blah blah.." He never answered truthfully......"no, we never talked to any of the ladies." It was a joke.

This whole thing made Politico the star for a few days, but their story is all attributed to anonymous sources or something equally as vague. I think the fact that Cain has seen an uptick in contribtions in the past few days is a sign that people think it's B.S.


Strength through joy
Going back to tos' post from earlier today.
Cain had ten days to reply........my question to you is to what ?
He did not sign the agreement, that was between the NRA and the woman's lawyer, he had not access to said agreement, and it had been agreed by both signing parties to have it sealed by the courts.
So what was he supposed to do during those 10 days ?
So far all there have been is accusations with no solid proof, no documents have been released, in fact woman #1 ( because no one has provided any names, yet ) has instructed her lawyer to stop talking about her case .
Woman #2 and woman #3 still have not yet come forth , nor have they released any supporting documents.
So in boils down to nothing but heresay.
Which means there is no story.
But since you appear to love to kick a dead horse, feel free to continue on this useless mission to attack an innocent man.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes I am sure I just dont get it. And they do. That is why I listen to news read papers, listen to talk shows, and actually converse, and mostly change the views of many of my democrat fellow workers. The difference being I respect them, and they respect me. Sometimes we disagree, but we always agree that we both care about our country, our families, and each other. We just have different views. The only time that it can get ugly, is when you lack the respect for each other to disagree. Maybe it is because it is an online thing, and it isnt personal, I usually dont take anything personally. Some people are just angry all the time. Some people just enjoy the conflict. it should not be a conflict. We should be trying to find the best way to move forward. And if it means a change in presidency and policy so be it.
Other than that, only on line have I been told I need to educate myself. Only on line would someone be silly enough to say such a thing. You can hate my candidate all you want but do not insult my integrity.