How does scratch work?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Scratch is a magical number for the Clarksville center.

I will say this. It is much easier now to run scratch than days of old.


New Member
How does Scratch work? I just take it one day at a time, and the packages all come off one stop at a time. Eventually my package car gets empty, and then I go home.:wink2:

Seriously, all the above posts are true. The elusive "running scratch" is based on miles run, number of deliveries and pickups made, with a few time allowances built in like CODs, O/70s, and a few other thrown in. This mystical math formula used to reach this number seems to change from day to day now, its nothing that I worry about any more. I have days when I clock out after ten hours and am told the next morning that "I did a good job and made scratch". My worn out body tells me something else though. Its their numbers, not mine.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.


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Staff member
@Wally, I haven't shined my shoes in over a year now. I did shine my shoes as usual before my last day of work. Sometimes I now go days without even wearing shoes!