How many here are ready to strike UPS? I think if this contract is that bad we should Strike UPS.


The resident gearhead
You deserve more. I get it. I want to get it for you, vote no.
You dont get it. We don't want more. Have you been reading at all?? We don't want things taken away!
40 hour work weeks is the one big thing we don't want taken away.
We don't want 22.4's
We don't want feeder jobs taken away in the form of subcontracting.
We don't want DAT taken away as holiday pay. Without getting at least 2 extra paid days off.

Open your fckn eyes and your brain. You would be hard pressed to find one (full time driver) on here asking for MORE. This contract is opening the flood gates to take away everything that makes being a ups driver a great job.


File! File! File!
You are part of my decision making process as well. You turned me. I want to vote this mother down and see what happens. Lets send them back to the table. Lets send a strong message to tell them we are ready. Lets start telling them what we have in our sock drawers fr this moment. You hate UPS, I hate UPS, lets send a message.
I got 2 months worth of strike fund. Kinda hope we don't strike so i can blow that cash and just get a few simple contract improvements.
9.5 for all
Catch up raises
And better 22.4 language to prevent abuse and manipulation of the language.


Well-Known Member
I've the funds ready to wait a strike out.

-9.5 language that covers all.

-$15/hr part wage with YEARLY INFLATION INCREASES.

-Penalties for management for harassment and contract violations.

-10,000 new full time driver jobs.

-No hybrid drivers

-Max 50 hour works weeks during peak. Double time after 10 hours of work. Triple time during peak season.

-Decrease in progression from 4 years to 3.

-Starting wage for RCPD $20.50, 2nd year- $25.00, 3rd year Top scale.

-CEO compensation capped at 10 times the top scale pay for RCPD.

-50% must be comprised of elected union representatives (Germany requires this of all its corporations and it's the best performing economy in Europe)


Well-Known Member
The triple time during peak is a bit ridiculous rofl. 60 hr weeks during peak aren't bad imho. It's anything past that

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You dont get it. We don't want more. Have you been reading at all?? We don't want things taken away!
40 hour work weeks is the one big thing we don't want taken away.
We don't want 22.4's
We don't want feeder jobs taken away in the form of subcontracting.
We don't want DAT taken away as holiday pay. Without getting at least 2 extra paid days off.

Open your fckn eyes and your brain. You would be hard pressed to find one (full time driver) on here asking for MORE. This contract is opening the flood gates to take away everything that makes being a ups driver a great job.
Vote no and see where this gets you. Maybe it goes back to the table, maybe UPS says this is their last and final offer. Roll the dice. I'm ready to go on strike. I still say if you don't like it vote no.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Tony Q. I did have respect for your opinions, however, instead of starting this thread you should have just walked away....
No, I do not come here for respect nor praise. I wanted to help, but you are all, collectively wanting to vote no. So I am going to support you.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
No I don't. But how members vote is a personal choice. I also caution that those who think a no vote will produce only union gains, especially if it's close, may be disappointed.

With the numerous leaks, I think much of what was in the TA was known in some fashion.

I'm very disturbed by the "creep" of FT pkg work transferred to PT's, 22.3's or air drivers, while panels cave in when these PT's are routinely used and some aren't paid top rate. The panel chairs have bought in to UPS's BS line of no other options while the FT under staffing continues. I had hoped for stronger language in this venue.

I think the 22.4 concept was a pitch that missed the plate.
Looks like thats a no vote to me.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I say vote yes everyone. I want each and every shareholder to get larger and ever growing dividends. if it hurts the worker in the Long run I don't care anymore. I want the cards to fall where they may. if we lose lose good workers to harassment and injury we will just have to find workers somewhere else. if we can add 3,000 sleeper jobs to outside subcontractors , who cares, he'll;
THATS EVEN BETTER ! ( in fact, shhhh, that's our plan )
it's not like hose sleeper jobs would ever be accounted for anyways.
Vote no

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Hitting the Scotch mighty hard tonight, booboo.

That piss and vinegar would've done more good at the table.

How 'indefinite' is the extension?
We took a strike authorization vote. If I was the company I would say take it or leave it. Vote No and we will see where it takes us. I can tell you this. There is not much more money you will get out of this company. If you want to see what happens, just vote no. You aren't going to get what you got in the last contract. The IBT never filed the proper paperwork to strike. This time the ducks are in a row.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Dude calm the ... down if we must strike economics is the last thing we any of us should talk about
Reason 1 Public safety should be first and foremost. There are no studies none that support 70 hrs for package car. Download the material for the DOT i have and read it all. Just to give you a heads up it only addresses what we have as feeder. The rules were not and are not appropriate for our job.
Which means Mr And Ms Pubic UPS doesnt mind putting you or there employees in actual harm as long as they can blame the driver and make another billion. So shut up about the money you only sound arrogant, stupid, and as if reading is way off the chart difficult for you
Vote no, if the new language on the 70 hour work rules aren't good enough for you during peak season. Its that easy.


Well-Known Member
We took a strike authorization vote. If I was the company I would say take it or leave it. Vote No and we will see where it takes us. I can tell you this. There is not much more money you will get out of this company. If you want to see what happens, just vote no. You aren't going to get what you got in the last contract. The IBT never filed the proper paperwork to strike. This time the ducks are in a row.

Company will not force a strike just like the teamsters won't.

You've become a real Debbie downer my friend. I expected better out of you. Didn't think you'd be the fear spreader you've become.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Company will not force a strike just like the teamsters won't.

You've become a real Debbie downer my friend. I expected better out of you. Didn't think you'd be the fear spreader you've become.
I never said we would strike. I just simply said vote no. We have already voted 93% to authorize a strike, so lets roll the dice. If I was the company, I would tell you to go pee off. If you think this contract sucks as bad as you let on then I endorse your no vote. I don't know how much simpler I can make it for you. I hope you get what you are asking for, best of luck.


Well-Known Member
We took a strike authorization vote. If I was the company I would say take it or leave it. Vote No and we will see where it takes us. I can tell you this. There is not much more money you will get out of this company. If you want to see what happens, just vote no. You aren't going to get what you got in the last contract. The IBT never filed the proper paperwork to strike. This time the ducks are in a row.

The only part that I ask for more is with part time catch up raises. Asking for better language around 22.4 drivers is probably my second biggest concern