How much can mgmt change a bid route?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Eeeek, what a pathetic, ugly couple of people. I feel sorry for you, that you have nothing better to do than mock and belittle others.

For those who did advise, thank you. I'll pass on the suggestions I have found here and he'll do what he thinks is best.

I have the time and inclination to cruise this forum. He doesn't have the time so what's wrong with me trying to help? He also has a 'management sympathetic' steward and a lazy Union rep. Where exactly do you suggest he go for informed assistance?
Your husband ever grow a set and file?


I love my job. Don't you?
in my area if you change up like half the territory it has to be re-bid

that said it sounds like he's being harassed, that's not how management should be talking to their drivers

tell him to start filing 9.5 grievances and get on THE LIST
Yes yes yes!!! This guy should be rolling in 9.5 money by now. Get on the list and file. They keep screwing you? Just smile because you're getting free money from them.


I love my job. Don't you?
management has begun its discipline mode , please be on your toes union brothers!
Ohh shoot you ain't lying. Message today if we don't tote every single small then it's a write up. Viagra must not be getting their unit hard anymore so they need to punish us to get that thrill back.


Well-Known Member
Ohh shoot you ain't lying. Message today if we don't tote every single small then it's a write up. Viagra must not be getting their unit hard anymore so they need to punish us to get that thrill back.
Finding totes around here is a adventure. I would love for them to start writing us up for it. Watch me hunt for totes on the clock for 30 min each morning.