How's North Carolina TEST STATION doing??


Well-Known Member
My mistake, the freight will be trucked from the origin ramp, not station.

The freight that can make service being trucked from the origin ramp will be trucked to the proper Ground terminal. Express retains the rest. For example, a resi that orginates in LA that is going to NYC.

What about the business deliveries that for whatever reason show as "res" on the Astra label? I guess those would show up in the ground can as well.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
What about the business deliveries that for whatever reason show as "res" on the Astra label? I guess those would show up in the ground can as well.

Theoretically, they might be able to solve the question of whether or not an address is a business or residential by harvesting the data from previous deliveries to that address. We already select the type of address when we make a delivery. It's just a matter of making that information available for future deliveries. I don't know how they would handle deliveries to an address that they don't have have in our system.


Staff member
Article from 2018 a little dated. If amazon so hard why do I see female drivers everywhere??Ground has a SERIOUS competitor in hiring drivers. Good luck finding all people u need for the Millions of packages on the way. No Express driver will ever go to GROUND.
No Express driver will ever go to Ground? Well, I do have two previous drivers who went to Express. Guess who called last week...
We’ll see what happens. But I’m guessing that no matter the cost of moving it through Ground it will still save the company huge money. How many packages are we talking? Eventually a million a day? If they save $10 per package, that’s huge. Even at $1 per package it adds up.
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Well-Known Member
Why on earth would anyone give a ratsass what mode of transportation their package enjoyed as long as it arrives by its commit time?

Like Dano says, the customer is paying for a service. Nowhere (that I’ve ever seen anyway) is it stated that their package is going for an airplane ride. It’s called Priority Overnight, not FedEx Next Day Air.

Express has already been operating this way for decades.

This is like......really kinda dumb.
If you pay for Express service, and FedEx completely turns over the delivery of the pkg to another opco that charges considerably less that's deceptive practices. If however FedEx announces in advance that certain of it's Express pkgs will be delivered in the "last mile" by another opco, which most customers won't even know or care about, that's acceptable. It's all in the fine print. Imagine a shipper who sends out 20 SO letters a week to customers within a 50 mile radius. Then he finds out FedEx was turning over 18 letters to Ground to deliver. And that he could have been using Ground at $5 a letter all along at a huge savings to his company? He'd probably be pretty POed. But if FedEx tells him upfront in a letter, and FedEx in major changes has notified regular customers before, that he'll still get great Express pickup service, and that Ground will handle the actual delivery, everything is above board and honest. He may choose to run the letters down to Ground himself and save a lot more. He may choose to go with UPS. But he's been given a choice, no deceptive practices.


Staff member
If you pay for Express service, and FedEx completely turns over the delivery of the pkg to another opco that charges considerably less that's deceptive practices. If however FedEx announces in advance that certain of it's Express pkgs will be delivered in the "last mile" by another opco, which most customers won't even know or care about, that's acceptable. It's all in the fine print. Imagine a shipper who sends out 20 SO letters a week to customers within a 50 mile radius. Then he finds out FedEx was turning over 18 letters to Ground to deliver. And that he could have been using Ground at $5 a letter all along at a huge savings to his company? He'd probably be pretty POed. But if FedEx tells him upfront in a letter, and FedEx in major changes has notified regular customers before, that he'll still get great Express pickup service, and that Ground will handle the actual delivery, everything is above board and honest. He may choose to run the letters down to Ground himself and save a lot more. He may choose to go with UPS. But he's been given a choice, no deceptive practices.
Well I think y’all need to present the “fine print”. I don’t think it probably says what you think it says.


Well-Known Member
Well I think y’all need to present the “fine print”. I don’t think it probably says what you think it says.
I'm talking specifically about this upcoming switchover. FedEx will make sure it's covered legally before doing so. They won't just start doing this after a press release.


Staff member


Staff member
Great, they've already got the language in place. But I bet they will still send out letters to customers explaining the conditions, and are doing so because lawyers told them they had to to cover themselves.
I doubt it. Those who raise objection to it will simply be directed to the terms of service agreement.


Staff member
I mean, c’mon van! It’s not even in the fine print. It’s literally in the very first line of the terms and conditions.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. Those who raise objection to it will simply be directed to the terms of service agreement.
Except FedEx has sent out letters to Express customers before for major service changes. We delivered them. When we went from a national rate to zones. Price increases. I think they even sent out letters explaining the difference between Express and Ground, seem to recall that.


Well-Known Member
I mean, c’mon van! It’s not even in the fine print. It’s literally in the very first line of the terms and conditions.
Notice also that if it originates outside the U.S. your contract of carriage is with the specific entity that accepted the package from you. If FedEx is handing off International Economy that language will have to be changed.


Staff member
Notice also that if it originates outside the U.S. your contract of carriage is with the specific entity that accepted the package from you. If FedEx is handing off International Economy that language will have to be changed.
Small ball.


Well-Known Member
Express uses contractors to move Express freight all the time many packages never see an airplane and no one cares. It gets there a customer pays the Express price that’s their problem.


Well-Known Member
Express uses contractors to move Express freight all the time many packages never see an airplane and no one cares. It gets there a customer pays the Express price that’s their problem.
Express picks up and transports that freight before handing off to contractors too.