How's the view???........




Box Monkey
I have some somewhat similar pics of the arch that I took a few years ago when I was out in St. Louis racing. If I stumble upon them I'll have to dig them out and post them up.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I had to chain up today, and one of my chains came off and got wrapped up between my duallies.

So I wound up spending about 45 minutes lying on my back underneath the package car in a pile of slush trying to get that damn chain untangled, while melting snow dripped off of the bottom of the truck and down my back. Then I had to put it back on so that I could get out of the driveway I was stuck in. My hands were frozen into claws and every fiber of clothing I had on was soaking wet. There was so much snow on me that the seat absorbed it like a sponge. I wound up stripping down in the back of the car so that I could wring the water out of my uniform. I picked a hell of a day to wear shorts.

I can deal with cold wet hands and feet but when your ass is frozen and soaking wet by 10:00 AM its gonna make for a long day.



I know that there is a psychological effect in play when the moon is near the horizon, and that seems to be discussed in some scientific literature but it seems to me the moon seems larger to us than it actually is no matter where you see it.

Some planetariums bring this fact home when they depict actual size to scale models of the solar system . The moon always seems too small to the observers of these models. It is something that I have researched over the years and I have never really gotten satisfactory answers and those that have researched it more thoroughly and scientifically than I have admit that there are no scientifically proven answers to this as it seems to involve psychology and biology at the very least. Hence a lot of theories.