How's the view???........

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I saw your pic and it immediately reminded me of this pic from Bora Bora. Thanks Ovah for bringing back these special memories!



Awesome job STUG. I ran 6 miles yesterday in 54 minutes and was totally spent. I'm 61 and can't imagine running 26 miles.
Though I understand there are people who are running marathons who are in their 80's and 90's. Don't know how they do it.
The same way we do this job, one step (delivery) at a time. Congrats on getting out there, it'll definitely keep you healthy and sane.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 671
This is what my truck looked like when I got back to pavement. At this point it was 12:05, had 21 stops done, and 56 miles. I sorted until 12:35. I ended the day with 104 stops, 153 miles and c/o at 20:24.

You need more work, your dolly still fits in the back. Lol. On my old route I would have to seat belt my dolly in the jump area lol.