How's the view???........


Bad Moon Risen'
Mother Nature doing her thing!
Amazing pictures up round Mackinac Island!!!

Michigan has had the coldest winter in decades.

Water expands to freeze, and at Mackinaw City the water in Lake Huron
below the surface ice was supercooled. It expanded to breakthrough
the surface ice and froze into this incredible wave.

This wave phenomena occurs in Antarctica, but in Michigan?
Yes, it's been quite a winter!


Staff member
Mother Nature doing her thing!
Amazing pictures up round Mackinac Island!!!

Michigan has had the coldest winter in decades.

Water expands to freeze, and at Mackinaw City the water in Lake Huron
below the surface ice was supercooled. It expanded to breakthrough
the surface ice and froze into this incredible wave.

This wave phenomena occurs in Antarctica, but in Michigan?
Yes, it's been quite a winter!



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Got stuck in the mud when the edge of the driveway gave out. Tried to back up, only made it worse.

Homeowner fired up his tractor snd tried to pull me out but he couldnt get enough traction and I wound up breaking my trusty old tow rope :-(

Center called a wrecker. Problem was I was leaning so bad he couldnt pull me backwards and he couldnt get around me to pull from the front. So he had to run a line thru pulley that was tied to a tree and then anchor off to the tractor in front of me. The homeowner loaded logs onto the forklift on the back and then dug the forks into the dirt in order to turn the tractor into a dead-man anchor. It took 90 minutes and we tore the hell out of tge driveway but I finally got out. I apologized profusely to the homeowner for all the time and trouble I put him thru. His response? He laughed, shook my hand, apologized for the poor condition of his driveway, and said "there wasnt anything good on TV anyway, this was a lot of fun."

Country people rock!


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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Most times the drives that get you are the ones you have been down a million times. Let's just hope you don't get dinged for an avoidable accident.
You hit the nail on the head, I have been down this driveway many times before without a problem. I was just a wee bit further over than I needed to be in order to avoid the tree, and once the edge of the driveway caved in I was done. Under normal conditions it wouldnt have been a problem but heavy spring rains have made my whole area a big swamp. I doubt I will get charged with an accident but if I do I wont lose any sleep over it. I regret the lost time and expense of a wrecker a lot more than I will regret the loss of a year of safe driving.

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