How's the view???........


Retired 23 years

The Mississippi River in front of my house. You have to go a little farther South for it to become The Mighty Mississippi.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not the ice when out Wednesday. We have lived on the river for 14 years now and I have never seen it go out this early.
Global warming? I have a feeling both of us will be dead before "global warming" will have a strong impact on our lives. If it is real and not just another cyclic climate change.


Retired 23 years
Global warming? I have a feeling both of us will be dead before "global warming" will have a strong impact on our lives. If it is real and not just another cyclic climate change.

As far as I'm concerned its just nature at it best/worst. How else can the ice ages be explained?

Carlin said it best



Box Monkey
I am the one who posted that pic on the Facebook UPS Dogs page, as well as the Facebook UPS Teamsters page.

I'm losing my damn mind then. LOL. For some reason I had thought it was two different people. Sometimes I just lose track of real vs. fictional names. I'm getting old.


Retired 23 years

The only true Captain America bike given to Dan Haggerty (Grizzly Adams) by Peter Fonda. National Motorcycle Museum -- Anamosa, Iowa.


Bad Moon Risen'

Showed up for work Monday morning and to my surprise someone had installed a new jump seat in my package car.
Or should I say, dump seat.
Must find a more secure satellite center!